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万豪国际酒店集团食品质量与安全标准30条例 Food Quality & Safety Standards 30 Essentials 1、在烹制及存放易变质食物时填写食品温度 表(A-1),并留有过去三个月内的相关记录。 1.Potentially Hazardous Food Temperature Logs(Form A-1) for cooking ang holding food itema are completed and on file for the psat 3 Month. 2、正确填写冷却食品温度表(A-2),并留有 过去三个月内的相关记录。 2.Cooling of Food Temperature Logs(Form A-2) are completed and on file for 3 Month. 3、所有正确使用中的冷藏或冷冻用冰箱及冰 库均应存有已正确填写完成的过去三个月内 的温度记录表(A-3)。 3.Refrigerator/Chiller and Freezer Temperature Logs(Form A-3) fo every unit are completed and on file for 3 Month. 4、存有当年的“食物中毒事件处理程序”, 可供随时使用。 4.Current year Food-borne Illness Notification Procedures are on file and accessible. 5、为现有时薪雇员提供食品安全培训,并留 有相关资料以供检查。 5.Proof of food safety certification for all F&B hourly associates is current and available for review. 6、所有部门的正式员工均参加过相关培训并 获得证书。 6.Required staff are certified through an approved certification training program. 7、后台区域(收货区及垃圾存放区)及通道 口有防虫设施。 7.Back dock and entryway are insect and rodent-proof. 8、存有近期的当地卫生局检查记录供参考, 并且在记录中所提到的不足之处已得到改 进。 8.Most recent health department audit is on file and available for review and all noted deficiencies have been corrected. 9、定期进行杀虫并记录,记录中相关部足之 处得到改进。 9.Pest elimination log is current,on file,and available for review and noted deficiencities have been corrected. 10、每月均进行食品安全的自我检查并将材 料存档。 10.A self-inspection program related to food safety is completed monthly. 11、在食品制作及储存区域内的所有食品及 酒水均贴有收获日期的标签,以确保先进先 出原则的实施。 11.Food and beverages are dated with date received to insure the proper implementation of the FIFO principler in food production and storage areas. 12、所有冷藏及冷冻设备均按标准保持其所 需温度并配有准确的内置温度计。 12.Refrigerated and frozen food storage equipment maintain the required temperatures and have accurate internal internal thermomerters present. 13、食品按标准进行储存。 13.Food items stored correctly according to standards. 14、所有加工好的成品或半成品食品均封好 并标有日期及内容。 14.Food items produced on the property or in production are covered,labeled and dated. 15、重点事项:本酒店只使用通过万豪卫生 安全检测的牛肉碎。*如当地市场无法提供, 则应使用经当局批准的或经过正确碎肉程序 的制品。 15.CRITICAL ITEM:Property is sing only Marriott Food Safety Tested (M.F.S.T) Raw Ground Beef Products*If available in market,if not ,regionally approved products or grinding procedures should be in use. 16、设施、设备及工作区域均清洁。 16.Facilities,Equipment and work surfaces are clean. 17、餐饮部运作区域内均有《MSDS安全数据 资料册》,以供所有员工参考关于有害化学药 品的相关资料。 17.MSDSsheets are available to all associates for reference on all hazardous chemicals ueed within all Food and Beverage Areas. 18、未发现任何苍蝇、鸟类、蟑螂、老鼠或 其它昆虫或害虫。 18.There is no evidence of presence of flies ,birds,cockroaches,other insects,mice,rats or other pests. 19、洗碗机设备正确运作。 19.Dish machines are oprating correctly. 20、每一个厨房员工均配有准确的金属食品 温度计,并作为其制服的一部分随身携带。 20.Each culinary associate must have their own accurate,bi-metallic food thermometer as part of their uniform. 21、所以食品均需烹饪达到所需内部安全温 度,所有厨房员工都清楚每样食品的内部安 全温度。 21.All food items are cooked to the required internal temperatures,and culinary associates know and understand the temperature for each specific food item. 22、重点事项:只使用经高温杀菌的液体鸡 蛋;带壳鸡蛋仅限于供应单份的鸡蛋食品时 使用,并且烹饪时其内部温度要达到145°F (63℃)。*如当地没有经高温杀菌的液体鸡 蛋,则应使用当局批准并有正确使用程序的 鸡蛋。 22.CRITICAL ITEM:ONLY pasteurized liquid eggs are being used;except shell eggs for single service applications,and in food items cooked above 145°F(63℃)*If available in market,if not ,regionally approved products and procedures should be in use. 23、所有食品生产区域均配有正确浓度的含23.An iodine or quaternary amminia碘消毒液或含氨消毒液并配有明显标识。 sanitizer solution at the correct concentration is clearly labeled ang available at all food production workstations. 24、按标准使用被认可的厨房抹布。 24.Approved wiping cloths are in use and meet standards. 25、使用不同颜色的砧板对生(白色砧板)、 熟(红色砧板)食品进行切配。 25.Two color cutting board policy is in place. 26、禁止手部在不佩戴厨房专用手套的情况 下与即将入口的食品有任何接触。 26.No bare-hand ontact with ready-toeat foods is allowed. 27、员工的食品制作及储藏区域不得饮食、 吸烟或咀嚼口香糖。 27. No evidence is found of an associate eating,drinking ,chewing or smoking in food preparation or storage areas. 28、员工经常洗手并使用符合标准的洗手设 备。 28.Associates wash their hands regularly at hand washing sinks that meet standards. 29、所有易变质的热食品都必须保持温度在 140°F(60℃)或以上。 29.Hot potentially hazaidous food items are maintained at or above 140°F(60℃). 30、所有易变质的冷食品都必须保持温度在 41°F(5℃)或以下。 30.Cold potenitially hazardous food items are maintained at or below 41°F 。。。