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越来越多的年轻人离开了胡同中的老宅,选择在高楼林立的城市新区中生活。老城区变得越来越像是老 年人 的城市。如何让年轻人重新回到老城中生活,是城市更新的一项重要内容。因此,我们希望在这个 改造项目 中,一方面尊重院落的原始空间格局,保留以前的空间特质。另一方面,将其改造成为适合现 代年轻人生活 方式的居住空间。这是街区更新及此类建筑改造项目应循的方向。 Nowadays, an increasing amount of young people choose to leave their old houses in Hutong and settle in the new areas of the city surrounded by concrete jungles. The old city has become a rundown area full of seniors. An essential objective of this urban renewal is to bring the young generation back to live in the old city. Therefore, we expect that in this renovation project, on one hand, respect the existing spatial organization of the courtyard in order to preserve its original spatial quality. On another hand, transform it into a living space that is more suitable for the contemporary lifestyle of the young generation. These are the directions that block renewal and building renovation projects aim to follow. ▼鸟瞰庭院,aerial view of the courtyard 北京白塔寺胡同大杂院改造 建筑事务所 / B.L.U.E. 城市更新的全新思考与探索 概况 General Information 项目位于33片历史文化街区中的阜成门内历史文化街区,区域占地约37公顷,总建筑面积约 24.2万平方米, 区域内约5600户,户籍人口约1.6万人,常住人口约1.3万人。在这个区域老龄 人口占19%,外来流动人口近 50%。将近807个院落,现存4000余幢建筑,房屋质量70%较 差,是一片居住环境有待提升、建筑质量有待 改善、文化功能有待梳理的历史街区。因此, 在当前北京推动老城整体保护与复兴的背景之下,众多建筑师 用单体院落或单体建筑改造的 项目作为触媒,紧密结合当地居民的具体需求,进行城市更新的思考与探索, 从而进一步提 升当地居民的生活品质,延续城市历史文化脉络。 The site of this project is located in a historical and cultural district in Fucheng Men in which the area contains 33 traditional blocks. The project area covers approximately 37 hectares, with a gross floor area of 242,000 and about 5600 households, including 16,000 registered citizens and 13,000 inhabitants. In this area elderlies make up 19% of the residents and immigrants make up almost 50% of the population in the region respectively. The area contains 807 courtyards, remaining over 4000 houses while 70% of them are in poor conditions. Thus in this historical block, both the living quality and building quality need urgent improvements and its cultural values will therefore be reevaluated and upgraded. Therefore, under the current context of Beijing’s promotion of the overall protection and revitalisation of the old city, many architects are involved in renovation projects of single courtyard or buildings linking the real needs of the city’s citizens with new forms of media in order to promote new ways of thinking and exploring the city. In this way, the living qualities of the citizens are improved while preserving and continuing the historical chain of the city’s culture. ▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view 。。。以下略