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I 摘要 随着国家对通用航空产业发展的重视,越来越多的地方政府和企业为发展通用航 空产业相继模仿通航大会的组织形式在当地举办航展。航展的大量举办虽然可向大众 普及通航文化,培育通航消费市场是促进产业发展的重要手段之一。但大部分航展还 处在初期摸索阶段,综合服务保障能力较低,经验不足,推广力度不够,而相继模仿, 大量的雷同逐渐降低了参展商对航展的感知度,维护和提高客户的满意度和忠诚度将 成为展航的新关注点。 本文从客户满意度测评的角度出发,以会展经济理论为指导,结合已有成果,运用 SPSS统计软件中的相关分析、比较分析、聚类分析等方法,对通航大会(以下简称“通 航大会”)的参展商满意度进行了较为系统的研究。首先,本文对会展、参展商及客户 满意度理论研究方向进行了梳理。其次,通过对Kano模型、四分图模型和美国满意度 指数测评模型进行分析比较,结合Kano模型和四分图模型的优点,提出了通航大会客 户满意度指数模型以及相应的测评指标体系。再次,在对参展商进行实地问卷调查、 分析的基础上,对通航大会的参展商的参展目的及目的达成情况,以及二者与重复参展 的关系进行了深入分析。通过分析发现,有54.84%的参展商通过主办方邀请才了解 及参与到此次展会,参展商对展会规模、整体质量、飞行表演这三项评价最好,比较 满意,而对来展交通、馆内布局、区位条件三项不太满意。在参展商重复参展方面, 有 82.26%的参展商愿意参加下一届展会,有76.61%的参展商愿意推荐别人参加。客户 满意度通过客户忠诚影响着参展行为,是否满意影响着他们下一次的参展行为,从而影 响着参展效果。在对目的达成情况的满意度各项指标中, 参展商对建立联系、寻求合 作、宣传程度是主要因素。最后,提出提高航展满意度的建议。 关键词:通航航展,参展商,满意度 ABSTRACT III ABSTRACT With the country's emphasis on the development of the general aviation industry, more and more local governments and enterprises have organized airshows for the development of the general aviation industry to imitate the organization of the navigation conference. Although the mass exhibition of airshows can popularize the navigation culture to the public, cultivating the navigation consumer market is one of the important means to promote industrial development. However, most of the airshows are still in the initial stage of exploration, the comprehensive service support capability is low, the experience is insufficient, and the promotion is not enough. However, a large number of similarities have gradually reduced the exhibitors' perception of the air show. Maintaining and improving customer satisfaction and loyalty will be a new focus for navigation. From the perspective of customer satisfaction evaluation, this paper takes the exhibition economy theory as the guidance, combines the existing achievements, and uses the relevant analysis, comparative analysis, cluster analysis and other methods in SPSS statistical software to compare the exhibitor satisfaction of the navigation conference. First of all, this paper sorts out the research direction of exhibition, exhibitor and customer satisfaction theory. Secondly, by comparing and comparing the Kano model, the quadrant model and the American satisfaction index evaluation model, combined with the advantages of the Kano model and the quadrant model, the customer satisfaction index model of the navigation conference and the corresponding evaluation index system are proposed. Thirdly, on the basis of on-the-spot questionnaire survey and analysis of exhibitors, the exhibitors' purpose and purpose of the navigation conference were discussed, and the relationship between the two and the repeated exhibitors was analyzed in depth. Through the analysis, 54.84% of the exhibitors understood and participated in the exhibition through the invitation of the organizers. The exhibitors were most satisfied with the scale, overall quality and flight performance of the exhibition, but not satisfied with the traffic, layout and location conditions of the exhibition. In the repeated exhibitors' exhibits, 82.26% of the exhibitors are willing to participate in the next exhibition, and 76.61% of the exhibitors are willing to recommend others to participate. Customer satisfaction affects the participation behavior through customer loyalty, and 西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文 IV whether the satisfaction affects their next exhibiting behavior, thus affecting the participation effect. Among the indicators of satisfaction with the achievement of the purpose, exhibitors are the main factor in establishing contact, seeking cooperation and publicity. Keywords:Air show, exhibitor, satisfaction 插图索引 V 插图索引 图1. 1 论文基本框架 ........... 10 图2. 1 会展业关联产业图 ... 13 图2. 2 Kano模型 .................. 18 图2. 3 四分图模型矩阵 ....... 19 图2. 4 美国ASCI模型 ........ 20 图2. 5 清华大学的SCI模型 .............................. 21 图2. 6 Nicosia(尼科西亚)模型 ............................ 24 图2. 7 SOR模型图 ............... 25 图2. 8 Kotler(科特勒)模式 ... 25 图2. 9 EBK(恩格尔一布莱克威尔一科拉特)模型............................ 26 图2. 10 Howard&Sheth(霍华德一谢思)模型 ..... 27 图2. 11 品牌营销通用理论模型 ........................ 29 图3. 1 通航大会满意度评价不同的参展商参加意愿比较 ............. 42 图4. 1 参展商感知质量影响因素四分图分析 .. 45 表格索引 VII 表格索引 表2. 1 潜在变量与观测变量表 ........................... 20 表3. 1 参展商满意度测评指标体系 ................... 35 表3. 2 参展商企业类型情况 37 表3. 3 参展商的参展需求情况 ........................... 38 表3. 4 参展商对通航大会的满意度评价 ........... 39 表3. 5 参展商目的达成情况满意度评价 ........... 39 表3. 6 参展商预期分布 ........ 40 表3. 7 参展商参加下届展会意愿 ....................... 40 表3. 8 参展商推荐其他企业参加展会意愿 ....... 40 表3. 9 参展商目的达成情况及展会评价均值与参加下届展会意愿相关分析 ............. 40 表3. 10 参展商目的达成情况及展会评价均值与推荐展会意愿相关分析 ................... 41 表3. 11 参加及推荐下届展会意愿不同的参展商满意度评价独立样本T检验 .......... 41 表3. 12 参展商展会评价的聚类分析结果 ......... 42 缩略语对照 XI 缩略语对照 缩略语 英文全称 中文对照 通航大会 Chinese International General Aviation Conference 中国国际通用航空大会 目录 XIII 目录 摘要 ..... I ABSTRACT .............................. III 插图索引 . V 表格索引 .............................. VII 符号对照表 ............................. IX 缩略语对照 ............................. XI 目录 .. XIII 第一章 绪论 ............................. 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ..................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ....................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ....................... 1 1.2国内外研究综述 ..................... 2 1.2.1关于会展的研究 ................. 2 1.2.2关于参展商的研究 ............... 4 1.2.3关于会展满意度、参展商满意度评价研究 .......................... 7 1.3研究内容和研究方法 ................. 8 1.3.1研究内容 ....................... 8 1.3.2研究方法 ....................... 8 1.4研究思路和研究框架 ................. 9 1.4.1 研究思路 ....................... 9 1.4.2研究框架 ....................... 9 第二章 相关理论与方法基础 .............. 11 2.1会展经济理论 ...................... 11 2.1.1 会展经济的概念 ................ 11 2.1.2 会展经济的特点 ................ 12 2.1.3 会展经济促进城市经济发展 ...... 14 2.2 客户满意度及其理论模型 ............ 16 2.2.1 客户满意度概念 ................ 16 2.2.2 客户满意度理论模型 ............ 17 2.2.3 客户满意度评价指标体系 ........ 22 2.3 消费者行为学 ...................... 23 西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文 XIV 2.3.1 消费者行为学概念 ............. 23 2.3.2 消费者行为模型 ............... 24 2.4 品牌营销理论 ..................... 28 2.4.1 品牌营销概念 ................. 28 2.4.2 品牌营销通用理论模型 ......... 28 2.4.3 品牌营销的内容 ............... 29 第三章 中国国际通用航空大会(西安)参展商满意度评价 ................... 31 3.1 中国国际通用航空大会简介 ......... 31 3.1.1 中国国际通用航空大会概况 ..... 31 3.1.2 中国国际通用航空大会发展历程 . 31 3.1.3 中国国际通用航空大会的特点 ... 32 3.2 中国国际通用航空大会参展商满意度评价指标体系的构建 .............. 33 3.2.1 设立满意度评价指标体系的原则 . 33 3.2.2 建立满意度评价指标体系的思路 . 34 3.2.3 满意度评价指标体系的构成及含义 .............................. 35 3.3 参展商满意度的问卷调查 ........... 36 3.3.1 问卷的内容设计 ............... 36 3.3.2