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近几年来轨道交通的建设与日俱增,深圳地铁也迎来了轨道交通四期线网的建设。 面临着建设的压力以及后期运营的巨大成本,深圳地铁从土地资源开发逐渐的转向地下 商业空间的开发,连城新天地地下商业街的成功运营为地下商业的开发运营提供了典 范,但是同时也出现了车公庙地下商业街运营状况不佳的情况。商业的运营状况与地下 商业空间的布局息息相关,本文从地下商业布局的角度入手,选取了四处比较有代表性 的地下商业街进行调研分析,最终确定以最常规的线性空间布局为主要的研究对象,以 车公庙地下商业街的空间布局为案例,对商业空间展开研究,分析商业布局的影响因素, 从而提出相应的布局优化策略,从定性和定量两大方向,提供支持的依据,从而为后续 地下商业布局提供参考方案。 本文主要介绍地下商业相关的背景,概念,阐述SWOT模型以及空间句法理论应 用到本文的理论依据和应用的可行性。首先,针对深圳站点地下商业进行实地调研,呈 现当下地铁商业的布局现状,分析目前存在的问题,通过国内外地铁商业的实践,提出 借鉴的方向。其次,结合车公庙地下商业街的案例,对商业空间布局的影响因素进行逐 一分析,从商业规模、商业定位、业态布局和功能配置、经营模式几方面,提出地铁商 业布局的实施方向和初步进行空间布局的方案。其中,应用SWOT模型分析地下商业 的发展方向和业态定位;应用空间句法理论通过数据计算模拟的方式进一步验证空间方 案的可实施性,并提出优化的方向。在空间句分析方法中,应用空间句的线段分析、视 域分析和Agent模拟等方法从不同的维度建立空间与人的认知关系,以及人流对空间的 感知程度,从而有效验证空间组织布局的合理性。根据量化结果,进一步调整空间元素 的面积大小和业态布置,从而达到空间优化的目的,同时用空间句法对优化后的方案进 行验证,以期得到更好的结果。最后,将经营模式和招商方式纳入到空间布局的后期影 响因素中,合理选用适合当下发展的地铁商业管理方式来进行管理,通过未来收益的计 算,得出最终优化方案的实施经济效益。 关键词:地铁;商业;布局优化 II Abstract In recent years, the construction of rail transit has increased day by day, and the Shenzhen Metro has also ushered in the construction of the fourth phase of the rail transit network. Faced with the pressure of construction and the huge cost of later operations, Shenzhen Metro has gradually shifted from the development of land resources to the development of underground commercial spaces. The successful operation of Liancheng Xintiandi Underground Commercial Street provides a model for the development and operation of underground businesses, but it has also emerged the poor operation of CheGongmiao Underground Commercial Street. The business operation status is closely related to the layout of the underground commercial space. From the perspective of the underground commercial layout, this article selects four representative underground commercial streets for investigation and analysis, and finally determines the most conventional linear space layout as the main research object , Taking the spatial layout of CheGongmiao underground commercial street as an example, the commercial space is studied, the influencing factors of the commercial layout are analyzed, and the corresponding layout optimization strategy is proposed, which provides the basis for support from qualitative and quantitative directions. Follow-up underground commercial layout provides a reference plan. This article mainly introduces the background and concepts related to underground business, and explains the theoretical basis and feasibility of applying the SWOT model and spatial syntax theory to this article. The second chapter conducts field research of the underground commerce of Shenzhen Metro stations, presents the current layout of the subway business area, analyzes the current problems the subway business faces, and proposes a template that others may reference when engaging in subway commerce at home and abroad. The third chapter examines the case of Chegongmiao Underground Commercial Street, analyzes the influencing factors of the commercial space layout one by one, and proposes the direction the subway commercial layout should take via the SWOT model. These factors are commercial scale, commercial positioning, spatial organization, format layout, and business model. The spatial sentence theory is used to further verify and support the SWOT model by examining the feasibility of the spatial plan through data calculation and simulation, to propose an optimization direction. To do this, methods such as line segment analysis, visual field analysis, and agent simulation – applied to spatial sentences – to establish the relationship between space and people; specifically how behavior changes depending on the space. People’s familiarity and perception, and how it effects the flow of people, are also III analyzed – all to verify the effectiveness of the spatial organizational layout. According to the quantitative results, Chapter 4 further adjusts the size and layout of spatial elements to achieve space optimization. At the same time, the quantitative data is used to verify the improved business model. Additionally, the new business model and investment promotion method, based on market demand, are incorporated as influencing factors on spatial layout and effects the selection of subway commercial management methods to promote future growth and development. Through the calculation of future revenue, the economic benefits of the final optimization plan are obtained. Key words: Subway ,commercial ,layout optimization IV 目 录 摘要 ............. I Abstract ......... II 图目录 ......... VII 表目录 ....... VIII 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景 ............................ 1 1.1.1 行业背景 ..................... 1 1.1.2 政策背景 ..................... 3 1.1.3 企业背景 ..................... 3 1.2 研究目的与意义 ................ 4 1.2.1 研究目的 ..................... 4 1.2.2 研究意义 ..................... 4 1.3 国内外文献综述 ................ 4 1.3.1 地铁商业布局影响因素文献研究 ............ 5 1.4 概念界定与研究范围 ........ 7 1.4.1 地铁商业相关综述 ..... 7 1.4.2 地铁地下商业分类 ..... 7 1.4.3 地铁地下商业布局 ..... 8 1.4.4 研究范围 ..................... 8 1.5 本文研究方法 .................... 8 1.5.1 案例学习+实地调研法 .............................. 8 1.5.2 SWOT模型分析与空间句法的应用......... 9 1.5.3 实证研究 ................... 11 1.6 相关理论 .......................... 11 1.6.1 空间句法理论的阐述 .............................. 11 1.6.2 空间句法在地铁站地下商业空间的应用 ............................. 11 1.7 技术路线 .......................... 12 第二章 深圳地铁车公庙站地下商业布局现状 ...... 14 V 2.1 深圳地铁规模总体概况 .. 14 2.2 深圳地铁地下商业开发现状 ......................... 14 2.3 深圳地铁站地下商业布局现状 ..................... 16 2.4 深圳地铁车公庙站地下商业街丰盛町商业现状分析 ................ 21 2.4.1 站点区位概况 ........... 21 2.4.2 商业空间布局 ........... 22 2.4.3 经营情况 ................... 24 2.4.4 现状总结 ................... 26 2.5 车公庙站地下商业布局现状原因分析 ......... 26 2.6 国外成熟案例借鉴 .......... 27 2.6.1 日本东京地铁 ........... 27 2.6.2 新加坡地铁 ............... 31 2.7 本章小节 .......................... 33 第三章 车公庙站地下商业布局的优化策略 .......... 34 3.1 影响因素 .......................... 34 3.1.1 商业规模 ................... 35 3.1.2 商业定位 ................... 41 3.1.3 功能布局和业态配置 .............................. 45 3.1.4 人流动线分析 ........... 47 3.1.5 商铺面积布置 ........... 48 3.2 基于空间句法的地下商业空间优化分析 ..... 48 3.2.1 空间认知的建构 ....... 49 3.2.2 空间句法认知参数的确定 ...................... 49 3.2.3 Agent模拟 ................. 55 3.2.4 意向元素的解读 ....... 56 3.3经营模式 ........................... 56 3.3.1 租赁与招商方式 ....... 56 3.3.2 租金价格 ................... 58 3.3.3 招商策略 ................... 58 3.3.4 丰盛町商业经营模式和本项目借鉴 ...... 59 VI 3.4 方案优化原则以及实施步骤 ......................... 59 3.4.1方案优化的原则 ........ 59 3.4.2方案优化的实施步骤 60 3.5 本章小结 .......................... 61 第四章 方案优化结果和经济效益估算 .................. 63 4.1 商业街的布局优化 .......... 63 4.1.1 空间布局进一步方案优化建议 .............. 67 4.2 经营管理优化建议 .......... 67 4.3 经济效益预算 .................. 70 4.3.1