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海王灯具公司生产计划模式改进方案研究 针对近来汽车行业的发展趋势,汽车主机厂和备件售后市场的需求呈现出 波动幅度扩大,需求的不确定性有不断加剧的趋势,而为了应对临时多变的需求, 海王灯具的响应时间无法提高,进而造成一部分产品库存积压,另一部分供货紧 张甚至出现紧急空运的紧急供货方式。与此同时,客户的供货满意度和客户评价 受到影响。 在这样的背景下,当务之急是为海王灯具公司制定出一套符合实际生产经 营情况的生产计划模式以改善对客户需求的响应速度,减少企业内部生产成本 消耗。本文阐述了海王灯具公司遇到的实际问题,如人员能力,设备产能,存储 空间,供应商物料供应能力,SAP 系统配置等诸多方面的困难,借助生产运营的 管理理论和分析工具对需求计划数据进行评估,以评估结果为基础探寻海王灯 具生产计划模式变革的方向,通过生产计划模式的改进推动公司生产运营能力 的提升。 通过分析和论证,得出混合式生产计划模式是适合目前海王灯具客户多元 化需求的生产计划模式。生产计划模式的改进从直接使用客户的需求进行排产 实施拉动式生产的模式改为在进行排产之前先对客户需求进行分类,按照客户 需求的量比和波动率确定其需求类型,再按照客户的需求类型分配不同的生产 计划模式。通过这样的生产计划模式优化,解决了直接使用客户需求而被动承受 需求的临时增量和减量带来的影响,同时在生产计划过程中也可以利用改善后 的生产计划模式主动的规划内部产能和需求的关系,减少产能浪费。 生产计划模式的改进实施需要实施保障的支撑。生产计划模式的改进需要 管理层的支持,需要企业建立起全员参与变革的企业文化,需要为改善设置投入 预算在财务预留足够的经费,需要系统集成的支持,为生产计划模块在 SAP 中 实施做准备。IV 本研究期望以海王灯具的实际案例说明合理的生产计划模式对企业生产运 营的意义,特别指出在不断变化的市场环境中需要实时调整更符合客户需求的 生产计划模式,使内部生产运营管理更加高效。希望本研究对有类似需求的企业 能提供参考价值。 关键词: 生产计划,供应链,推动式生产计划,拉动式生产计划,物料需求计划。I Abstract Study on Production Planning Mode Improvement Plan in Haiwang Lighting Company According recent automotive industry development trend, the demand from both automotive OEMs and aftermarket are reflecting with even bigger fluctuations, the uncertainty of demand is continuously enlarged. Haiwang Lighting met difficulty to speed up response towards these fast changing and uncertain demands, on one side some products’stock piled up and on the other side some products are delivered by air to secure critical shortages. In the meantime, customer delivery satisfaction and evaluation are negative. Under such kind of background, it is necessary to set up a reasonable production planning mode which fulfill realistic production operation requirement to improve response speedof customerdemand,reduce internal production cost consumption.This paper illustrates the actual problems Haiwang Lighting met, such like human resources capability, machine capacity, storage capability, material supply capability from supplier, SAP system setting and so on, by using operation management theory and analysis tool toevaluate demandplanningdata,and basedonevaluation result to search production planning mode innovation direction for Haiwang Lighting, contribute company production operation level through production planning mode innovation. By series of analysis and argumentation, composite production planning mode is suitable for diversified customer demand of Haiwang Lighting. Production planning mode improvement starts from customer demand classification, change the production planning with direct order intake to customer demand analysis. Allocate production planning mode to the defined demand mode with certain volume ratio and fluctuation rate. By this optimization we can avoid harmful impact from volume increase and decrease from customer in short notice and balance the relation between internal capacity and demand proactively with less capacity loss. Production planning mode improvement implementation needs the support fromII implementation guarantee plan. The production planning mode improvement needs support from management level, needs the entrepreneur culture of all employee involved innovation, needs financial support of planned project budget, needs support for system integration of production planning module into SAP. This study expects to illustrate the significance of optimizedproduction planning mode to enterprise production operation by using actual case from Haiwang Lighting, particularly indicate the necessity of in time adjustment customer demand-oriented production planning mode in this continuously fast changing market environment, so as to increase efficiency of internal production operation management. Hope this study could be reference to those enterprises with similar needs.