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长春第九街区真人密室逃脱营销策略研究 真人密室逃脱,作为娱乐文化产业的后起之秀,2008 年 10 月正式落地哈尔 滨,开启了国内真人密室逃脱的征程,然而此时,密室并没有在国内一炮而红。 随着大众对密室逃脱的要求越来越多,设计者逐步增加声光电和各种机械类道 具机关,除了使密室布景更加逼真生动,还添加了科技元素,几乎可以还原设 计原著的真实环境,让玩家身临其境,角色代入感极强,现在已经发展成为添 加真人互动环节的密室,目前,还有一些剧本演绎类的密室,花样百出,让密 室逃脱的游戏环节更具吸引力,玩家一边思索着需要破解的机关,一边又小心 翼翼“提防”真人的出现,剧本演绎类的密室让玩家扮演心之神往的角色,“小 心翼翼”与“相互猜疑”贯穿整个游戏始终。 长春第九街区真人密室逃脱步入市场适逢其时,针对不同年龄段客群先后 研发数个主题,但随着密室井喷式扩张与发展, 真人密室逃脱科技元素增多, 各式新奇营销手段频频产生,市场竞争压力随之增大,密室具有不可重复消费 性,玩家体验一个主题之后失去新鲜感不会再次消费同一主题,密室更新主题 费用较高,每次更新相当于重新装修,所有道具设施都需要根据主题内容更换, 更新周期相对较长,面对如此困境,如何采用因地制宜的营销方式引流提高业 绩成了当务之急。 本文以营销理论为基础,结合长春第九街区真人密室逃脱实际运营的经验, 首先介绍真人密室逃脱发展背景,阐述长春第九街区真人密室逃脱目前所处环 境,深入挖掘长春第九街区真人密室逃脱目前所面临问题的根源,力求找到解 决方案,提出合理的营销策略组合并采取恰当的保障措施,使长春第九街区真 人密室逃脱走的更远。文章先是分析密室逃脱所处宏观环境和内外部环境,再 继续根据实际经营情况分析长春第九街区发展过程中的优劣势,以及面临的主II 要机遇和威胁,进而形成长春第九街区真人密室逃脱的营销策略组合。主要归 纳如下:(1)掌握新技术,提高产品设计水平,做到密室主题产品差异化;(2) 多元定价迎合消费者;(3)加宣传力度,结合 O2O 有针对性营销;(4)加强服 务,建立用户沟通反馈系统。 关键词: 真人密室逃脱 体验式游戏 营销策略III ABSTRACT Research on Marketing Strategy of Real Room Escape in Changchun 9th Block The real-life room escape game, as a rising star in the entertainment and cultural industry, officially landed in Harbin in October 2008, and began the journey of domestic live room escape. However, at this time, the game was not a hit in China. With the increasing demands of the public for escape room, the designers gradually increased the acoustic and optical and various mechanical props. In addition to making the back room scenes more realistic, it also adds technology elements. It can almost restore the real environment of the original design, allowing players to be immersed in the scene, and the character substitution feeling is very strong. Now it has developed into a closet with live interaction. At present, there are still some secret rooms in the play deduction category. While thinking about the mechanism that needs to be cracked, the player carefully "watch out" for the presence of real people. The secret room of the script deduction class allows players to play the role of fascination, "careful" and "mutual suspicion" throughout the game. The Ninth Street room escape, entered the market at the right time, and developed several themes for different age groups. However, with the expansion and development of close-room blowouts, the technology of real-life close-room escapes has increased, all kinds of novel marketing methods have been frequently produced, and market competition pressure has increased. The secret room has non-repeatable consumption. Players who lose a sense of freshness after experiencing a theme will not consume the same theme again. Updating the theme of a secret room is expensive. Each update is equivalent to refurbishment. All props and facilities need to be replaced according to the theme content. For a long time, in the face of such a dilemma, how to use localized marketing methods to divert and improve performance has become a top priority.IV This article is based on marketing theory and combined with the actual operation experience of the Ninth Street room escape. Firstly, it introduces the background of the development of live room escape based on the actual situation and data. The Ninth Street room escape the root cause of the problems currently faced, and strives to find a solution, propose a reasonable combination of marketing strategies and take appropriate safeguards, so that the Ninth Street room escape of Changchun can escape further. The article first analyzes the macro environment and internal and external environment in which the room escaped, and then continues to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the development process of the Ninth Street room escape in Changchun according to the actual business situation, as well as the main opportunities and threats, and then form the real room escape in the Ninth Street room escape of Changchun. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Master new technology, improve product design level, and achieve differentiated themed products in closed rooms. (2) Diversified pricing to cater to consumers.(3) Increase publicity and target marketing with O2O.(4) Strengthen services and establish user communication feedback system.