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改革开放40年来,中国经济和社会发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,创造了“中国奇迹”, 其重要原因之一就是享受了人口红利带来的优势。但随着全球经济下行压力逐步增大, 我国经济的增长速度正在逐渐变慢,人口老龄化现象日益突出,我国的人口红利时代或 将结束。很多企业都存在招工难、用工难的现象,而中小企业的员工流失问题更加严重。 同时由于互联网经济的飞速发展,以劳动密集型、制造业加工业为主的传统产业受到了 很大冲击。如何降低员工的高流失率,将员工留在企业已经成为传统产业中许多中小企 业亟待解决的问题。中小型白酒企业J公司(以下简称J公司)是一家由家族控股的中 小型白酒企业,企业的主要领导岗位由家族成员出任。近年来公司的生产经营规模不断 扩大,员工人数也不断增加,但公司的管理方面水平并没有随之提高,尤其是在人力资 源方面,没有形成规范化、制度化的人力资源管理制度,员工流失现象非常严重,直接 影响到公司的健康发展。如何解决员工高流失率的问题已成为影响J公司健康发展的头 等大事。 本文首先简要描述了J公司的概况、特点和人力资源情况,根据从公司人力资源部 门获得的2016年-2018年员工离职信息,从年龄、性别、岗位和在职时间四个维度分析 了J公司流失人员的现状,归纳了J公司员工流失的特点,并总结了员工流失对J公司 造成的影响:增加公司经营成本、挫伤公司凝聚力、降低工作效率和削弱核心竞争力。 然后采用访谈法对企业负责人、人力资源部门负责人和员工代表进行了访谈,采用问卷 调查法对离职员工进行了调查,分析了J公司员工流失率保持高位的原因。通过研究得 出如下结论:影响企业员工流失的影响因素主要有三个:企业外部因素、企业内部因素 和员工个人因素。其中企业外部因素主要是新兴产业兴起和人才市场的完善;内部因素 主要是绩效评估流于形式、薪酬制度不合理、企业文化建设和领导关怀不够、员工职业 生涯规划和培训体系不够完善、工作环境较差;员工个人因素主要是年龄和性格因素、 家庭因素、其他因素。针对以上原因,结合J公司实际,本文提出了降低员工流失率的 具体对策:健全人力资源管理体系,包括推行科学全面的招聘途径和实行轮岗制;建立 合理的绩效考核和薪酬体系;注重员工职业发展,包括构建层次化的员工培训体系、拓 宽员工晋升渠道、建设合理的职业生涯规划;加强公司文化建设,包括完善企业文化体 II 系、加强领导关怀、改善工作环境;建立核心员工流失管理体系,包括构建核心人才流 失预警机制和建立核心员工流失后续管理体系。 本文针对J公司员工流失率高的问题,利用J公司近三年人力资部门掌握的离职员 工数据,分析了J公司员工流失的现状、结构与特征,探究影响J公司员工流失的原因, 针对这些问题提出相对应的对策。本文利用前人学者较少使用的访谈法和问卷调查法对 企业的员工流失问题进行调查研究,取得了一定成果。希望通过本文的探索,不仅能够 对中小型白酒制造企业的典型代表J公司减轻员工流失的压力,还能够其他白酒行业的 企业甚至其他行业的企业的员工流失问题治理提供思路和借鉴价值。 关键词:员工流失,中小型白酒制造企业,企业文化 III ABSTRACT Over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, China has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development and created the "Chinese miracle". One of the important reasons is that China enjoys the advantages brought by the demographic dividend. However, with the increasing downward pressure on the global economy, China's economic growth rate is gradually slowing down, the aging of the population is increasingly prominent, China's demographic dividend era may be coming to an end. Many enterprises find it difficult to hire workers, and the problem of employee turnover in small and medium-sized enterprises is even more serious.At the same time, due to the rapid development of the Internet economy, the labor-intensive, manufacturing processing industry has been a major impact on the traditional industries. How to reduce the high turnover rate of employees and keep employees in enterprises has become an urgent problem for many small and medium-sized enterprises in traditional industries. Small and medium-sized liquor enterprise J company (hereinafter referred to as J company) is a small and medium-sized liquor enterprise controlled by the family. The main leading positions of the enterprise are assumed by family members. In recent years, the company's production and operation scale constantly expanding, the number of employees is also increasing, but did not increase the company's management level, especially in the area of human resources, not form the standardization and institutionalization of human resource management system, employee turnover phenomenon is very serious, directly affect the healthy development of the company. How to solve the problem of high staff turnover rate has become the top priority that affects the healthy development of J company. This paper briefly describes the situation, characteristics, and human resources situation of J company, according to the human resources department received from the company information, employee turnover in 2016-2018 from age, gender, position and working time four dimensions analysis the present situation of J company loss of personnel, summarizes the characteristics of J company staff turnover, and sums up the impact of staff turnover to J company: increase the cost of company's business, their company cohesion, reduce work efficiency, and weaken the core competitiveness. Then, the interview method was used to interview the person in charge of the enterprise, the person in charge of the human resources department IV and the employee representatives. The questionnaire method was used to survey the departing employees, and the reason why the turnover rate of J company remained high was analyzed. Through the study, the following conclusions are drawn: there are three main influencing factors for employee turnover: external factors, internal factors and individual factors. Among them, the external factors are the rise of emerging industries and the perfection of the talent market. The internal factors are mainly formalistic performance evaluation, unreasonable salary system, insufficient corporate culture construction and leadership care, imperfect career planning and training system of employees, and poor working environment. Employees' personal factors are mainly age and personality factors, family factors and other factors. In view of the above reasons, combined with the actual situation of J company, this paper puts forward specific countermeasures to reduce staff turnover: improve the human resource management system, including the implementation of scientific and comprehensive recruitment channels and the implementation of rotation system; Establish a reasonable performance appraisal and salary system; Pay attention to employee career development, including the construction of a hierarchical employee training system, broaden employee promotion channels, the construction of a reasonable career planning; Strengthen the construction of corporate culture, including the improvement of corporate culture system, strengthen leadership care, improve the working environment; The establishment of core staff turnover management system, including the construction of core brain drain warning mechanism and the establishment of core staff turnover follow-up management system. It is hoped that the implementation of these measures can solve the problem of high staff turnover rate of J company and ensure the healthy development of the enterprise. Aiming at the problem of high staff turnover rate in J company, this paper analyzes the current situation, structure and characteristics of staff turnover in J company by using the data of staff turnover mastered by the human resources department of J company in recent three years, explores the reasons affecting the staff turnover in J company, and proposes corresponding countermeasures for these problems. This paper USES the interview method and questionnaire method seldom used by previous scholars to investigate and study the problem of employee turnover in enterprises, and some results have been achieved. It is hoped that the exploration in this paper can not only reduce the pressure of staff turnover of J company, a typical representative of small and medium-sized liquor manufacturing enterprises, but also provide ideas and reference value for other liquor industry enterprises and even other industries to solve the V p