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随着移动通信基础设施的换代更新,中国的移动互联网行业蓬勃发展。与此同时, 芯片、通讯终端的技术快速发展,激发了移动互联网应用爆发,移动浏览器等应用服务 模式和商业模式大规模创新。AL公司U浏览器业务市场竞争正面临国内主流浏览器挑 战,其国内品牌市场份额第一地位受到严重威胁,而替代品新闻资讯聚合平台和移动搜 索引擎、垂直移动应用APP等正在分流用户,导致AL公司U浏览器市场份额愈加减 少,用户月活跃量下降等问题,AL公司U浏览器应如何在5G时代继续占据领先优势? 本文主要研究AL公司U浏览器业务竞争发展现状,运用竞争管理理论研究AL公司U 浏览器业务的竞争战略。 本文旨在研究制定AL公司U浏览器业务新的市场定位和竞争战略等,为AL公司 U浏览器业务下一步发展提供参考。首先全面介绍中国手机浏览器市场概况,在分析 AL公司U浏览器业务近几年发展情况和商业模式的基础上,通过对比目前中国移动互 联网上主流手机浏览器有关的信息及数据,使用PEST模型、波特五力模型对AL公司 U浏览器业务面临的外部环境进行分析,找出其市场竞争面临的机会与威胁。然后再对 企业内部环境使用SWOT分析方法和价值链分析法,找出AL公司U浏览器业务的竞 争优势、劣势,核心竞争力。最后再重新定位市场,提出新的战略选择,即AL公司U 浏览器业务的差异化战略,进行差异化设计,以此提升AL公司U浏览器的市场竞争力, 保持其市场竞争优势地位。 最后,本文从组织资源、企业文化、整合创新等方面考虑,提出了战略实施保障措 施:优化人力资源管理、激活技术研发团队持久创新力、融合发展阿里文化赋予AL公 司价值观,以保证文中提出的AL公司U浏览器差异化竞争战略的顺利实施。 在实践层面,本文希望该研究也能够对其他浏览器业务以及工具类互联网产品APP 的转型和品牌竞争,具有一定的参考价值。 关键词:移动互联网;竞争战略;移动浏览器;大数据;创新 II ABSTRACT China's mobile Internet has developed rapidly with the upgrading of mobile network communication infrastructure. Meanwhile, the rapid technological development of chips and communication terminals has stimulated the explosion of mobile Internet applications, and the large-scale innovation in mobile browsers and other application service model and business model. As AL Company’s U Browser business market competition is facing challenges from domestic mainstream browser, its championship in domestic brand market share is seriously threatened, while alternative news and information aggregation platform, mobile search engine, vertical mobile application APP, etc. are diverting users, resulting in shrinkage in browser market share and decreased monthly user activity. How can AL Company’s U Browser continue to take the lead in the 5G era? This paper constitute an attempt to study the current competitive development of AL Company’s U browser business and apply competition management theory to map out the competitive strategy of browser business. This paper aims to study and develop a new market positioning and competitive strategy for the AL Company’s U browser business, and to provide reference for the next development of the AL Company’s U browser business. First of all, with a comprehensive introduction of the Chinese mobile browser market overview based on the analysis of the development of the AL Company’s U browser business in recent years and business model and by comparing the current information and data related to the mainstream mobile browsers on the Chinese mobile Internet, the PEST model and the Porter Five Forces model are employed to analyze the external environment facing the AL Company’s U browser business, in order to find out the opportunities and threats to its market competition. Then SWOT analysis and value chain analysis is used to find out the competitive advantages, disadvantages and core competitiveness of Browser business. Finally, the market will be repositioned and new strategic options are proposed, i.e. a differentiation strategy for the browser business and differentiated design, in order to improve the market competitiveness of browser and maintain its competitive advantage in the market. Finally, the paper proposes strategic implementation safeguards in terms of organizational resources, corporate culture, integration and innovation: optimizing human resource management, activating the technology research and development team's persistent innovation, integrating the development of AL Company’s culture to give browser values to ensure the smooth implementation of the AL Company’s U browser differentiated competitive strategy proposed in the article. III At the practical level, this paper hopes that the study will also be of some reference value to other browser businesses as well as the transformation and brand competition of tool-based Internet product APPs. Keyword:Mobile Internet; Competition Strategy; Mobile Browser; Big Data; Innovation IV 目录 摘要 ............. I ABSTRACT .. II 图表清单 ..... VII 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景和研究意义 ........ 1 1.1.1 研究的背景 ................. 1 1.1.2 研究的意义 ................. 1 1.2 研究对象 ............................ 3 1.2.1 AL公司U浏览器 ....... 3 1.2.2 手机浏览器业务的商业模式 .................... 4 1.3 文献综述及理论基础 ........ 6 1.3.1 关于浏览器的研究综述 ............................ 6 1.3.2 企业战略管理相关理论 ............................ 7 1.4 研究内容和方法 .............. 10 1.4.1 研究内容 ................... 10 1.4.2 研究方法 ................... 10 1.5 本论文主要框架与结构 .. 11 第二章 AL公司U浏览器业务的外部环境分析 ... 13 2.1 中国手机浏览器行业基本情况 ..................... 13 2.1.1 手机浏览器用户规模情况 ...................... 13 2.1.2 国内外手机浏览器市场结构分析 .......... 14 2.1.3 国内主流手机浏览器发展概况 .............. 15 2.2 AL公司U浏览器业务的宏观环境分析 ....... 16 2.2.1 政治环境 ................... 16 2.2.2 经济环境 ................... 17 2.2.3 社会环境 ................... 20 2.2.4 技术环境 ................... 21 2.3 手机浏览器行业的竞争环境分析 ................. 23 V 2.3.1 潜在进入者的威胁 ... 23 2.3.2 替代产品的威胁 ....... 23 2.3.3 顾客的议价能力 ....... 24 2.3.4 供应商的讨价还价能力 .......................... 24 2.3.5 行业内部的竞争 ....... 25 2.4 手机浏览器行业企业关键成功因素分析 . 28 2.5AL公司U浏览器市场竞争的机会与威胁分析 ........................... 28 2.6 本章小结 .......................... 29 第三章 AL公司U浏览器业务的内部环境分析 ... 30 3.1 AL公司U浏览器简况 .... 30 3.2 企业资源分析 .................. 31 3.2.1 人力资源分析 ........... 31 3.2.2 财务资源分析 ........... 34 3.2.3 组织资源分析 ........... 34 3.3 企业能力分析 .................. 36 3.3.1 研发能力分析 ........... 36 3.3.2 产品创新能力分析 ... 37 3.3.3 资源整合能力分析 ... 38 3.3.4 运营能力分析 ........... 39 3.4 AL公司U浏览器业务的核心竞争力分析 ... 41 3.5 AL公司U浏览器业务的优劣势分析 ........... 42 3.5.1 优势 ........................... 42 3.5.2 劣势 ........................... 43 3.6 本章小结 .......................... 43 第四章 AL公司U浏览器业务竞争战略选择 ....... 44 4.1 SWOT分析 ....................... 44 4.2 集团战略及AL公司U浏览器业务战略愿景与目标 ................ 45 4.3 AL公司U浏览器业务的竞争战略选择 ....... 46 4.3.1 目标市场选择与需求分析 ...................... 46 4.3.2 差异化战略选择 ....... 48 VI 4.4 差异化价值链活动设计 .. 49 4.4.1 价值链前端:创新浏览器用户获取方式 ............................. 50 4.4.2 价值链中端:浏览器产品生态内容优化 ............................. 51 4.4.3 价值链末端:面向广告商的商业营销差异化 ..................... 53 4.5 本章小结 .......................... 54 第五章 AL公司U浏览器竞争战略实施保障措施 .............................. 56 5.1人力资源管理保障措施 ... 56 5.2 团队创新机制保障措施 .. 57 5.3企业文化建设保障措施 ... 58 5.4 本章小结 .......................... 59 结 论 ............ 60