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汇编出版。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。 研究生签名: 时间: 年 月 日 导师签名: 时间: 年 月 日 I 摘要 自上世纪九十年代后期我国房地产市场实施改革,房地产行业的发展步入了快车道,逐 渐成为我国的国民经济支柱型产业。随着房地产市场需求的不断变化,加之国家宏观调控政 策因素,2012年开始中国房地产市场的增速逐渐放缓,购房需求不断减少,导致全行业出 现了房产积压的问题。这一背景之下,如何提升房地产公司的营销能力成了关键问题,而精 准营销是提升房地产营销发展的重要举措之一。基于企业自身发展的实际情况,苏州伟业房 地产企业发展的当前目标当是提高营销效率,减少成本消耗,创新营销策略,以适应不断变 化的市场环境。 本文针对房地产公司的营销现状和精准营销设计展开研究,运用文献综述法、问卷调查 法以及访谈法等,在梳理相关理论的基础上,以苏州伟业房地产公司为研究对象,针对苏州 伟业房地产的营销策略展开详细的调查分析。论文首先介绍了苏州伟业房产公司及其营销概 况,结合国内当前房地产企业的营销现状,分析了苏州伟业房地产公司在营销过程中存在的 主要问题,主要体现在营销产品和服务组合创新不足、营销推广策略过于保守、订单转化率 偏低等三个方面。针对上述问题,结合苏州伟业房产公司现有的资源优势以及未来的长期战 略规划,对苏州伟业房地产公司进行了精准营销策略设计,包括实施客户购房需求分析、精 准定位策略、精准产品策略、开展服务流程再造、开展精准营销推广等策略。与此同时,本 文还从组织保障、管理保障、流程保障和制度保障四个方面提出了保障建议。 本论文旨在提出一种寓营销理论于地产商业实践的新思路,本文所做的研究主要依据于 苏州伟业房地产公司的相关基础数据,更新房地产营销理念,优化房地产营销策略,所提出 的精准营销策略和相关结论也依该公司具体销售状况而分析得出,对该公司起着诊断性营销 改进策略的意义,进而实现公司的商业效益最大化并得以步入良性发展路径。也期待着当前 地产行业普遍性困境下,能为其他相关地产公司营销战略尤其是精准营销策略提供一些实践 的参考和借鉴作用。 关键字:房地产公司;精准营销;整合营销;服务营销组合 II Abstract Since the reform and opening-up policy of the property market was implemented in China in the late 1990s, the property market has developed with fast pace and gradually become the pillar industry of China's economy. With the continuous changes of demand in the real estate market and national macro-control policies, the growing rate of China's real estate market has been slowing down since 2012, and the demand for house purchase is decreasing, which leads to the problem of housing backlog. Based on this background, increasing the marketing consumption of property market is the key issue and precise marketing is one of the most important actions to improve the development of real estate market. For this situation Suzhou WeiYe real estate enterprise is aiming to increase the marketing efficiency, reduce the cost, innovate the marketing strategy, in order to adapt to the market environment. This thesis researched the marketing status and precise marketing designs for real estate companies using.methods of literature review, questionnaire survey and interviews which takes Suzhou WeiYe as objective applied with the some basic theory, conduct analysis for property in Suzhou. This thesis introduced the current situation recording to the sales work of Suzhou WeiYe. Combined with the current sales status for domestic property companies, we analysis the major problems during sales procedures. The results are concluded as following 4 points: Sale model can not meet the customer demand and customer’s perception; The lacking of marketing innovation and services; Conservative marketing strategy and Low business order conversion rate. For these problems, we conducted the precision marketing design including analysis of Customer demand, Precise position-strategy, Precise product strategy, Service procedures rebuilt and Sale promotion. Meanwhile, we proposed some guarantee proposals specifically, with the following 4 points: Organization guarantee, the Management guarantee, the Process guarantee and the System guarantee . This thesis proposed new thoughts regarding the practice of commercial property based on the data from Suzhou WeiYe, it updates the thoughts for marketing sales and optimizes sale strategy. accurate marketing strategy. Relevant conclusions are also proposed according to the specific sales situation and analysis, which are significant for sales improvement strategy. The thesis can maximize the commercial profit and come into the benign development track. It is also expected to provide some practical references for other real estate companies' marketing strategies, especially the precision marketing strategies based the current dire situation of the real estate industry. Keywords:Real estate companies,Precision marketing, Integrated marketing,Service marketing mix III 目 录 摘要 .................. I Abstract ................ II 第一章 绪 论 ..... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义.................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................. 3 1.2 国内外研究现状.................. 4 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ......... 4 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ......... 5 1.2.3 研究述评 ................. 7 1.3 研究内容与框架.................. 8 1.3.1 研究内容 ................. 8 1.3.2 研究框架 ................. 9 1.4 研究思路与方法.................. 9 1.4.1 研究思路 ................. 9 1.4.2 研究方法 ............... 10 1.5 创新之处 ........................... 10 第二章 相关概念及理论基础 .......... 11 2.1 相关概念界定.................... 11 2.1.1 房地产营销 ........... 11 2.1.2 精准营销 ............... 11 2.2 理论基础 ........................... 12 2.2.1目标市场营销战略 12 2.2.2 4Cs营销组合策略 . 13 2.2.3服务营销组合策略 14 2.2.4整合营销传播策略 15 2.3 互联网背景下的房地产精准营销 ................... 15 2.3.1 互联网房地产中介对房地产营销的影响 .......................... 15 2.3.2 基于互联网的传统房地产精准营销 ... 16 第三章 苏州伟业房地产营销现状 .. 17 3.1 苏州伟业公司简介 ............ 17 3.1.1 公司概况 ............... 17 3.1.2 公司的发展理念 ... 17 3.1.3 公司的组织构架 ... 17 3.2 苏州伟业房地产公司营销概况 ....................... 18 3.2.1公司营销概况 ........ 18 3.2.2 销售组织结构 ....... 19 3.2.3销售业绩变动 ........ 20 3.2.4公司销售部开展的策略及组织 ............ 20 3.2.5销售的激励制度 .... 21 IV 3.3苏州伟业房地产营销存在的主要问题 ............ 22 3.3.1 营销产品和服务组合创新不足 ........... 22 3.3.2 营销推广策略过于保守....................... 22 3.3.3 订单转化率偏低 ... 23 第四章 苏州伟业房地产精准营销策略设计 ................. 26 4.1客户购房需求分析 ............. 26 4.1.1购房者的类型 ........ 26 4.1.2购房者需求特征 .... 26 4.1.3产品线及功能建议 27 4.2 精准定位策略.................... 28 4.2.1 市场细分 ............... 28 4.2.2 目标市场的选择 ... 29 4.2.3 市场定位 ............... 29 4.3 精准产品策略.................... 30 4.3.1 项目开发策略 ....... 30 4.3.2 项目服务策略 ....... 33 4.4 营销服务流程.................... 33 4.4.1 建立完善的CRM系统 ........................ 33 4.4.2 注重一对一的沟通方式....................... 34 4.5 营销推广策略.................... 34 4.5.1 互联网营销 ........... 34 4.5.2 现场活动营销 ....... 35 4.5.3 广告推送营销 ....... 36 4.5.4 体验式营销 ........... 37 第五章 苏州伟业房地产精准营销策略保障措施 ......... 39 5.1 组织保障 ........................... 39 5.1.1 成立专门的营运中心........................... 39 5.1.2 规划关键权限 ....... 39 5.1.3 以职业经理人为管理核心 ................... 39 5.2 管理保障 ........................... 40 5.2.1 树立品牌意识 ....... 40 5.2.2 培养管理后备人才 .............................. 40 5.3 流程保障 ........................... 41 5.3.1 完善传统营销执行流程....................... 41 5.3.2 建立健全岗位责任制度....................... 41 5.4 制度保障 ........................... 42 5.4.1 完善制度体系 ....... 42 5.4.2 全方位调查分析市场........................... 42 第六章 结论与展望 .......................... 43 6.1主要结论 ............................ 43 6.2政策建议 ............................ 43 6.3 不足与展望 ....................... 44 V