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中美贸易战不仅仅只是对中国本土的制造企业造成巨大的成本挑战,同时对在中国 境内生产的外资制造企业造成同样的困扰。FX企业是一家在国内投资的美资制造企业, 其生产的A产品(电子烟)由于贸易战而被大幅增加关税,成本的急剧升高导致其在美 国市场销售的竞争力大幅下降。因此为了重新获得竞争力,需要降低A产品的制造成 本,而精益生产管理是能够帮助A产品降低生产成本的有效企业管理工具。 本文通过定性与定量分析、案例分析、现场观测等一系列研究方法对A产品的制造 流程进行了深入的分析,从而达到A产品的制造成本、产品质量、交货周期的改善。首 先、制造成本中的人力成本过高,在整个生产流程中,手工作业的岗位仍然较多,由于 人员多造成管理困难,经常看到闲置人员在车间随意走动及闲聊;其二、目前制造车间 使用的技术不够先进。公司具有自动化项目开发及实施部门,但仍然有较多的手工作业 工序存在,而这些工序在同行业的标杆企业内,都已经开始导入自动化,以降低人力成 本及保证质量的稳定;其三、产品的稳定性一致性不够高。产品在制造过程中存在的异 常较多,由于此产品的升级速度较快且客户不断对此产品进行工艺改进,所以经常会导 致制造过程中没能及时按照客户的要求升级产品或更改产品的需求,导致产品的一致性 不够好;其四、产品的质量成本较高。A产品的工序较多,在不同的工序不断地产生一些 不良品或报废品,而不良品的返工成本及报废成本就造成了此产品的质量成本高;其 五、客户的交期无法及时满足。由于客户产品升级较快导致工程变更请求较为频繁,下 游供应商无法及时响应客户的频繁工程变更要求,导致工程变更后新要求的原材料不能 及时供应,故合格产品无法及时制造出来并出货给客户,招致客户的不满意。 针对当前A产品在当前制造过程中存在的各种问题,公司领导层希望能够在公司内 部推行精益生产项目来驱动A产品整体成本的降低。针对人员安排不合理导致的生产力 低下,使用生产线平衡和工位设计的精益工具来进行改善;对制造工艺陈旧,将按照精 益生产理念来导入小型自动化来克服;产品稳定性一致性不高,将通过价值流图来分析 潜在原因并缩短各个环节的周期,从而确保客户的工程变更能够被及时有效地执行;不 良品较多,将采用全面质量管理的工具来全面改善产品质量状况;客户交期的满足,可 以在各个车间重新布局、采用拉动式生产方式、降低在制品等方法来缩短交货周期。当 所有问题都得到有效改善的情况下,A产品的成本将必然下降,从而使得其重新获得在美 国市场的竞争力。 关键词:精益生产;价值流;全面质量管理;拉动式生产 II Abstract The trade war between China and the United States poses a huge cost challenge not only for Chinese manufacturers, but also for foreign manufacturers that produce in China. FX enterprise is A us-funded manufacturing enterprise that invests in China. Its product A (electronic cigarette) has been sharply increased in tariffs due to the trade war, and its sales competitiveness in the us market has been greatly reduced due to the sharp rise in cost. Therefore, in order to regain competitiveness, the manufacturing cost of product A needs to be reduced, and lean production management is an effective enterprise management tool that can help product A reduce production cost. In this paper, A series of research methods such as qualitative and quantitative analysis, case analysis and field observation are used to conduct in-depth analysis on the manufacturing process of product A, so as to improve the manufacturing cost, product quality and delivery period of product A. First of all, the labor cost in the manufacturing cost is too high. In the whole production process, there are still many manual jobs. Due to the large number of personnel, it is difficult to manage. Second, the current technology used in the manufacturing workshop is not advanced enough. The company has an automation project development and implementation department, but there are still many manual processes, and these processes in the industry benchmark enterprises, have begun to introduce automation, in order to reduce labor costs and ensure the stability of quality; Third, the stability of the product consistency is not high enough. There are many anomalies in the manufacturing process of products. Due to the fast upgrading speed of this product and the continuous process improvement of this product by the customer, it often leads to the failure to timely upgrade the product or change the product requirements in accordance with the customer's requirements in the manufacturing process, resulting in the product consistency is not good enough. Fourth, the product quality cost is higher. Product A has many processes, and some defective products or wastes are constantly produced in different processes. The rework cost and scrap cost of defective products cause the high quality cost of the product. Fifth, the customer's delivery date cannot be met in time. Due to the rapid product upgrade of the customer, the engineering change requests are frequent, and the downstream suppliers cannot timely respond to the frequent engineering change requirements of the customer. As a result, the new raw materials required by the engineering change cannot be supplied in time, so the qualified products cannot be manufactured and shipped to the customer in time, which leads to the dissatisfaction of the customer. In view of various problems existing in the current manufacturing process of product A, the company leadership hopes to implement lean production projects within the company to drive the III overall cost reduction of product A. Aiming at the low productivity caused by unreasonable personnel arrangement, use lean tools of production line balance and station design to improve; For obsolete manufacturing process, small automation will be introduced according to the lean production concept to overcome; Product stability and consistency is not high, the value stream map will be used to analyze potential causes and shorten the cycle of each link, so as to ensure that customer's engineering changes can be timely and effectively implemented; With many defective products, TQMtools will be used to improve the overall quality of products. To meet the customer's delivery time, we can shorten the delivery period by rearranging each workshop, adopting pull production mode, reducing WIP, etc. When all the problems are effectively improved, the cost of product A will inevitably drop, so that it can regain its competitiveness in the American market. Key Words: Lean Production, Value Stream Mapping, Total Quality Management, Pull system IV 目 录 摘要 ............................................................... I Abstract .......................................................... II 一.绪论 ........................................................... 1 (一)研究背景和意义 ........................................... 1 1. 研究背景 ................................................ 1 2. 研究意义 ................................................. 2 (二)国内外研究现状 ........................................... 2 1. 精益生产国外研究现状 ..................................... 2 2. 精益生产国内研究现状 ..................................... 4 3. 文献述评 ................................................. 6 (三)研究内容及方法 ........................................... 7 1. 研究内容 ................................................. 7 2.研究方法 .................................................. 7 (四)可能的创新点 ............................................. 8 1. 研究对象的创新点 ......................................... 8 2. 研究内容的创新点 ......................................... 8 二、精益生产的理论概述 ............................................. 9 (一)精益生产的起源 ............................................. 9 (二)精益生产特点 ............................................. 9 1. 团队合作法(Team Work) ................................... 9 2. 并行工程(Concurrent Engineering) ...................... 9 3. 全面质量管理(Total Quality Management) .................. 9 4. 准时制生产(Just In Time) ............................. 10 (三)精益生产的实施工具 ...................................... 10 1. 目视控制(Visual Management) .......................... 10 2. 拉动式生产(Pull System) .............................. 10 3. 看板管理(Kanban) ..................................... 10 4. 库存管理(Inventory Management) ......