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公安机关作为国家的行政机关、司法机关,是人民政府的重要组成部分,承担着维 护国家长治久安、保障人民安居乐业的重大政治和社会责任。刑事技术是公安刑侦科技 力量的重要组成部份,作为刑事侦查工作的“科学利剑与证据后盾” ,刑事技术时刻 秉持其 “第一破案力”的先锋作用。随着刑事科学技术水平的飞速发展,应用证据、 善用证据、重用证据已成为诉讼的必然需求。在这种大背景下,公安刑事技术部门面临 许多新情况新问题,对公安刑事技术警务效能提出更高的要求。但由于没有建立起适合 公安刑事技术部门的绩效管理制度,在管理过程中资源配置存在着诸多不合理之处,造 成管理内部出现问题,从而影响刑事技术民警的工作积极性,也影响着公安队伍建设。 D市公安局刑事技术支队承担着D市各类案(事)件现场勘查、检验鉴定及D市公安 机关刑事技术科研创新的重要职能,然而该支队原有的绩效管理模式已无法适应当前的 形势,改善该支队的绩效管理工作迫在眉睫。 本文以D市公安局刑事技术支队绩效管理为研究对象,通过查阅、分析、整理大量 文献、书籍资料,在深入学习绩效管理理论的基础上,通过实地考察,获得D市公安局 刑事技术支队组织结构、人员结构情况,以及该支队现行绩效管理方案,结合问卷调查、 访谈等方式获悉该支队现行绩效管理工作运行情况,通过分析总结,得出D市公安局刑 事技术支队现行绩效管理存在绩效指标体系构建缺乏科学性、缺乏绩效管理过程控制、 绩效考核方法运用不合理、缺乏绩效结果反馈与申诉过程、绩效考核结果应用效率低等 问题。针对上述问题分析其形成原因,借鉴国内外研究经验及绩效管理理论,提出完善 对策。通过完善绩效计划与指标体系、开展绩效管理过程控制、选择科学的绩效考核方 法、建立结果反馈与申诉机制以及改进绩效结果应用机制的方式对D市公安局刑事技术 支队绩效管理进行完善,旨在提升D市公安局刑事技术支队警务工作效能,加快D市 公安局刑事技术部门的队伍建设步伐,提升刑事技术部门的队伍管理水平,同时希望为 其他地市公安刑事技术部门在实施绩效管理方面提供参考。 关键词:公安刑事技术;绩效管理;绩效考核;沟通反馈 东北石油大学MBA学位论文 III Research on the performance management of criminal technical detachment of D City Public Security Bureau ABSTRACT As the administrative and judicial organs of the state, the public security organs are an important part of the people's government and shoulder the major political and social responsibilities of safeguarding the country's long-term peace and stability and ensuring the people's well-being. Criminal technology is an important component of the scientific and technological force of public security criminal investigation. As the "scientific sword and evidence backing" of criminal investigation, criminal technology always adheres to its pioneer role of "the first case solving power" and plays an incomparable role in the investigation, litigation and trial of criminal cases. The criminal technology detachment of D city public security bureau undertakes the important functions of on-site investigation, inspection and verification of all kinds of cases (incidents) in D city and criminal technology research and innovation of D city public security organs. With the gradual establishment of China's socialist market economy system, China's legal system has been constantly improved and the concept of legal modernization has been gradually popularized. At the same time, with the rapid development of the level of criminal science and technology, it has become an inevitable demand to speak evidence, to use evidence, to weigh evidence. Science and technology and intelligence become the development trend of criminal activities, which requires the continuous improvement of the quality of litigation evidence. In this context, the criminal technology detachment of D city public security bureau is faced with many new situations and problems, which puts forward higher requirements on the police efficiency of the criminal technology detachment of D city public security bureau. However, the original performance management mode of the detachment can not adapt to the current situation, so it is urgent to improve the performance management of the detachment. Based on the research background of the criminal technology branch of the Public Security Bureau of D City, through consulting, analyzing and sorting out a large number of documents and books, on the basis of in-depth study of performance management theory, this paper obtains the organizational structure and personnel structure of the criminal technology branch of the Public Security Bureau of D City, as well as the current performance management plan of the branch through on-the-spot investigation, interviews and other ways to learn about the branch Based on the analysis and summary of the current performance 东北石油大学MBA学位论文 IV management operation of the team, it is concluded that there are some problems in the current performance management of the criminal technology branch of D City Public Security Bureau, such as the lack of scientific construction of performance index system, the lack of process control of performance management, the unreasonable use of performance evaluation methods, the lack of feedback and appeal process of performance results, and the low efficiency of application of performance evaluation results. In view of the above problems, this paper analyzes the causes, draws on the domestic and foreign research experience and performance management theory, and puts forward the improvement countermeasures. By improving the performance plan and index system, developing performance management process control, selecting scientific performance evaluation methods, establishing the result feedback and appeal mechanism, and improving the application mechanism of performance results, the performance management of the criminal technology branch of the Public Security Bureau of D city is improved, aiming to improve the efficiency of the police work of the criminal technology branch of the Public Security Bureau of D city and accelerate the Criminal Technology Department of the Public Security Bureau of D city At the same time, it hopes to provide reference for other municipal public security criminal technology departments in the implementation of performance management. Key words: public security criminal technology; performance management; performance appraisal; communication and feedback 东北石油大学MBA学位论文 V 目 录 学位论文独创性声明 ................ I 学位论文使用授权声明 ............ I 摘要 ....... II ABSTRACT .............................III 第1章 绪 论 ......................... 1 1.1选题背景 ..................... 1 1.2研究目的及意义 ......... 2 1.2.1研究目的 .......... 2 1.2.2研究意义 .......... 2 1.3国内外研究现状 ......... 3 1.3.1国外研究现状 ... 3 1.3.2国内研究现状 ... 4 1.3.3国内外研究现状评价 ...................... 5 1.4研究思路与内容 ......... 5 1.5研究方法 ..................... 6 第2章 理论概述 ..................... 7 2.1绩效管理 ..................... 7 2.1.1绩效管理的概念 .............................. 7 2.1.2绩效管理的基本流程 ...................... 7 2.1.3影响绩效管理的因素 ...................... 9 2.2绩效考核 ....................10 2.2.1绩效考核的概念 .............................10 2.2.2绩效管理与绩效考核的区别 ..........10 2.2.3绩效考核的方法 .............................10 2.3 公安部门绩效管理 ....12 2.3.1公安绩效 .........12 2.3.2公安绩效管理的目标 .....................12 2.4本章小结 ....................13 第3章 D市公安局刑事技术支队概况及绩效管理现状 .....................14 3.1D市公安局刑事技术支队概况 .................14 3.1.1D市公安局刑事技术支队简介 .......14 3.1.2机构设置 .........15 目 录 VI 3.1.3人员情况 .........17 3.2 D市公安局刑事技术支队绩效管理现状 .19 3.2.1绩效指标体系制定 .........................19 3.2.2绩效管理过程控制 .........................24 3.2.3绩效考核实施 ..25 3.2.4绩效结果反馈与沟通 .....................26 3.2.5绩效考核结果的应用 .....................26 3.3本章小结 ....................26 第4章 D市公安局刑事技术支队绩效管理存在问题及原因 .............27 4.1 调查问卷设计发放及结果分析 ...............27 4.1.1调查问卷的设计与发放 .................27 4.1.2调查问卷结果分析 .........................28 4.2 D市公安局刑事技术支队现行绩效管理中存在的问题 .........32 4.2.1指标体