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房地产市场的快速发展离不开房地产销售人员的销售业务能力,特别是在房 地产市场开发中越来越多的项目在开发方面差异化越来越小。在此背景下,房地 产企业的销售人员成为市场竞争中提升地产项目销售量的关键,销售人员通过把 握客户的需求、了解客户的情况向客户准确地推荐产品,从而达到交易。影响房 地产销售人员业务能力差异的关键因素是房地产企业对于销售人员建立的培训 管理,在此培训管理下形成销售人员的业务技能提升,并体现在销售业绩上。在 实践中,很多房地产企业出现对于销售人员不同的培训模式,造成销售人员业务 能力也不同,最终体现在交易量上,影响企业的发展。 本文以南昌新力地产公司作为研究的案例,运用了文献研究法、案例分析法 与问卷调查法进行深入研究销售人员培训管理问题。在研究中,首先,阐述了房 地产销售培训的研究背景与意义;其次,对销售人员培训研究文献进行综述,并 阐述了培训转化理论、柯氏评估模型理论与成人学习理论作为研究的理论基础; 而后,针对南昌新力地产公司在销售人员培训中的现状进行概括,分别从培训的 内容、培训的形式及培训的考核角度判断企业在销售人员培训中的现状;最后, 基于柯氏评估模型理论对南昌新力地产公司销售人员进行问卷调查,并分析其销 售人员培训管理中存在的问题,包括培训体系一成不变、培训的内容与需求不契 合、培训的方法相对传统与不重视培训的效果评估。并基于南昌新力地产公司所 处的行业特点及销售人员培训的理论基础下,提出南昌新力地产公司在销售人员 培训管理完善中应该重视培训时间安排、丰富培训内容、调查培训需求及重视培 训考核的对策。 通过对南昌新力地产公司销售人员的培训研究,从促进企业业绩及培训管理 角度提出完善措施,对于提升南昌新力地产公司销售人员的业务能力提供一定的 借鉴与启示。 关键字:房地产销售;培训管理;绩效考核 II Abstract The rapid development of the real estate market is inseparable from the sales business ability of real estate sales staff, especially in the development of the real estate market, more and more projects have less and less differentiation in development. In this context, the sales staff of real estate companies have become the key to increase the sales volume of real estate projects in the market competition. Sales staff can accurately recommend products to customers by grasping their needs and understanding their needs, so as to achieve transactions. The key factor that affects the difference in business capabilities of real estate sales staff is the training management established by real estate companies for sales staff. Under this system, the sales staff's business skills are improved and reflected in sales performance. In practice, many real estate companies have different training models for sales staff, resulting in different sales staff's business capabilities, which are ultimately reflected in the transaction volume and affect the development of the enterprise. This article takes Nanchang Xinli Real Estate Company as a case study, and uses the literature research method, case analysis method and questionnaire survey method to conduct in-depth research on salesman training management issues. In the research, firstly, the research background and significance of real estate sales training are elaborated; secondly, the literature on salesman training research is summarized, and the training transformation theory, Coriolis evaluation model theory, and competency theory are used as the theoretical basis for the study; Then, summarize the current situation of Nanchang Xinli Real Estate Company in sales staff training, and judge the current situation of sales staff training from the perspective of training content, training form and training assessment. Finally, based on the theory of Koch's evaluation model, The sales staff of Nanchang Xinli Real Estate Co., Ltd. conducted a questionnaire survey and analyzed the existing problems in the management of sales staff training, including the immutability of the training system, the inconsistency of training content and needs, the relatively traditional training methods and the evaluation of the effects of training. Based on the industry characteristics of Nanchang Xinli Real Estate Co., Ltd. and the theory of sales staff training, it is proposed that Nanchang Xinli Real Estate Co., Ltd. should pay attention to training schedules, enrich training content, investigate training needs, and attach importance to training III assessment in the improvement of sales staff training management. Countermeasures. Based on the training research on sales personnel of Nanchang Xinli Real Estate Company, it puts forward perfect measures from the perspective of promoting corporate performance and training management, which can provide some reference and inspiration for improving the sales ability of Nanchang Xinli Real Estate Company's sales personnel. Keywords: Real estate sales; training management; performance evaluation IV 目 录 摘要 .......................................................... I Abstract .......................................................... II 1 绪论 ........................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景及意义 ............................................... 1 1.1.1研究背景 ................................................... 1 1.1.2研究意义 ................................................... 2 1.2 研究内容与研究方法 ........................................... 2 1.2.1研究内容 ................................................... 2 1.2.2研究方法 ................................................... 3 1.3 研究创新 ...................................................... 4 2 文献综述及理论基础 ............................................. 5 2.1 房地产销售人员培训的相关概念界定 ........................... 5 2.2 理论基础 ................................................... 5 2.2.1培训转化理论 ............................................... 5 2.2.2柯氏评估模型理论 ........................................... 6 2.2.3成人学习理论 ............................................... 6 2.2.4理论比较与应用 ............................................. 7 2.3 国内外研究综述 ............................................... 7 2.3.1国外研究综述 ............................................... 7 2.3.2国内研究综述 ............................................... 8 3 南昌新力地产公司销售人员培训管理的现状调查分析 ................. 10 3.1 南昌新力地产公司概况 ........................................ 10 3.1.1公司简介 .................................................. 10 3.1.2组织结构 .................................................. 10 3.1.3销售人员基本概况 .......................................... 12 3.2 南昌新力地产公司销售人员培训现状 ............................ 12 3.2.1对销售人员培训前的准备 .................................... 12 3.2.2销售人员培训时间及培训师资的安排现状 ...................... 13 3.2.3销售人员培训的课程内容现状 ................................ 14 3.2.4销售人员培训形式现状 ...................................... 14 3.2.5销售人员培训考核现状 ...................................... 15 3.3 销售人员培训效果调查分析 .................................... 16 V 3.3.1 问卷调查目的 ............................................. 16 3.3.2问卷调查设计 .............................................. 16 3.3.3销售人员培训效果的结果分析 ................................ 17反应层:销售人员对培训的总体反应与感知 .............. 17学习层:销售人员通过培训对知识的理解和掌握 .......... 18行为层:销售人员是否将培训知识用于销售实践 .......... 19 结果层:培训是否对组织和个人具有贡献 ............... 20 4 南昌新力地产公司销售人员培训管理中存在的问题及成因分析 ......... 21 4.1 南昌新力地产公司销售人员培训存在的问题 ...................... 21 4.1.1反应层:培训目标预设难以达成 .............................. 21 4.1.2学习层:缺乏对销售人员提供专业知识的有效培训内容 .......... 21 4.1.3行为层:销售人员认为培训知识的运用程度不高 ................ 22 4.1.4结果层:培训对销售团队业绩提高有限 ........................ 23 4.2 南昌新力地产公司销售人员培训管理问题存在的成因分析 .......... 23 4.2.1公司对销售培训不够重视 .................................... 23 4.2.2公司对销售培训资源支持力度不够 .......................... 24 4.3.3公司的销售培训理念落后 .............................. 24 4.4.