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在当前全球经济发展语境下,信息服务行业既面临着行业内其它企业在同质业务 方面的激烈竞争,与此同时,互联网信息服务的出现及快速发展,也给传统信息服务 行业的客户开发和市场渠道拓展带来了前所未有的压力,再加上当前信息技术的日新 月异,网络信息服务也必须跟上时代步伐,才能在信息时代寻求可持续的发展。在网 络信息服务企业运行过程中,在持续提供良好的创新产品的同时,集团客户服务就显 得更为重要。以贵阳广电网络股份公司为例,广电网络公司简单来说是专门传输有线 电视的国有企业,过去主要的盈利模式是向有线电视用户收取电视服务费。2012年 三网融合大力推进,互联网快速发展,互联网电视业务雨后春笋般崛起,电信、联通、 移动各大运营商纷纷快速发展电视网络电视业务,这样的市场环境无疑给广电网络公 司带来前所未有的压力。个人用户带来的利润已经远远不能支撑企业运营的需求,传 统业务也不能应对当前的市场竞争,因此在当前网络信息服务差异性不大的前提下, 进行有效的集团客户新业务市场开发迫在眉睫。但是广电公司资产重组、网络整合以 来,目前没有完全建立起科学、规范的现代企业制度,再加上长期垄断企业作风,以 企业为中心的管理模式为主,还没有真正树立起以客户为中心的营销理念,这样在开 拓集团客户新业务市场时,不可避免地会与市场脱轨,不能真正满足客户的需求,进 而影响到营销业绩。基于此,本文以贵阳广电网络股份公司为案例,对贵阳广电网络 公司集团客户新业务市场开发问题进行研究,其中着重坚持问题导向,提出因应对策。 本文借助案例分析、文献分析的方法,在分析贵阳广电网络股份公司集团市场开 发问题时,借助实际情况,通过实践中的集团客户新业务市场开发发现,主要体现在 贵阳广电网络股份公司集团客户服务理念有所不足、没有起立起科学的服务管理流程 制度、新业务模式下集团客户开发管理不力等问题,提出了贵阳广电网络股份公司的 市场定位,即紧紧围绕基本收视业务、增值收视业务、数据业务、节目传输业,努力 打造成为社会、企业及人民的“网络信息专家”。 根据当前国内外企业集团客户新业务市场开发相关理论,结合贵阳广电公司集团 客户新业务市场开发的问题导向,当前需要从双向互动用户体验方面、构建集团用户 信息数据平台等方面的开发策略推进新业务,从营销战略层面、体验店等方面,推进 线上线下发展策略;从完善集团客户服务管理制度、引入并推进CRM客户关系管理 系统、关注客户的差异性诉求和市场价值开发等方面,加强集团客户服务管理策略, 以此全力提升集团客户满意度,推进贵阳广电网络公司在当前市场环境下奋力前行, 实现良好的可持续发展效能。 关键词:广电网络企业;集团客户;新业务;市场开发 II ABSTRACT In the current global economic development context, the network information service industry is facing the fierce competition of other enterprises in the industry in homogenous business. At the same time, the emergence and rapid development of Internet online information services also gives the traditional information service industry Group customer development and market channel expansion have brought unprecedented pressure. Coupled with the rapid development of information technology, the network information service industry must also keep up with the times to seek sustainable development in the information age. In the process of running network information service enterprises, while providing good and innovative products, the Group's customer service is even more important. Especially under the premise that the current network information service products are not very different, the effective development of the group customer market is the core proposition of the current network information service enterprises to enhance their core competitiveness. Taking Guiyang Broadcasting and Television Network Co., Ltd. as an example, it is a state-owned joint-stock cultural enterprise that integrates the province's broadcasting and television network and implements asset restructuring. At present, due to the lack of a scientific and standardized modern enterprise system, coupled with the long-term monopoly of corporate style, the management model of the center is the main one. It has not really established a customer-centered marketing concept. When opening up a new business market for group customers, it will inevitably derail the market and not really meet the needs of customers, which will affect marketing performance. . Based on this, this paper takes Guiyang Broadcasting and Television Network Co., Ltd. as an example to study the development of new business market of Guiyang Broadcasting and Television Network Co., Ltd. Group customers, focusing on problem-oriented and suggesting countermeasures. Based on the methods of social investigation, case analysis and literature analysis, this paper analyzes the market development of Guiyang Radio and TV Network Co., Ltd. with the help of macro and micro environmental analysis, and through the practice of group customer new business market development survey, it is mainly reflected in Guiyang Radio and TV Network Co., Ltd. has insufficient customer service concept, has not established a scientific service management process system, has weak development and management of group customers under the new business model, and needs to improve its customer service capabilities. Market positioning, which is closely related to basic viewing III services, value-added viewing services, data services, and program transmission industries, strives to become a "network information expert" for society, enterprises and people. According to the current theory of new business market development of domestic and foreign enterprise group customers, combined with the problem of the development of new business market of Guiyang Broadcasting and Television Network Co., Ltd., it is necessary to develop high-definition interactive user experience, build smart home ecosystem and build a large health service platform. In terms of other aspects, we will promote new product and new business development strategies; promote online and offline development strategies from the aspects of marketing strategy and experience stores; improve the Group's customer service management system, introduce and promote CRM customer relationship management system, and pay attention to customer differences. In terms of appeals and market value development, the Group's customer service management strategy was strengthened to enhance the Group's customer satisfaction. On this basis, Guiyang Broadcasting and Television Network Co., Ltd. will start from improving the marketing organization, improving the quality of the group's customer service personnel, strengthening the construction of modern radio and television network corporate culture, and promoting the current economic and social development environment of Guiyang Broadcasting and Television Network Co., Ltd. We will work hard to achieve good sustainable development efficiency, and draw lessons from and enlighten us on the development of new business market in other communication industry group customers in China. Keywords: Radio and Television Network Enterprises; Group Customers; New Business; Market Development IV 目 录 摘要 ........................................................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... II 1 绪论 ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景及意义...................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 选题背景 ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..................................................................................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状...................................................................................................... 2 1.3 研究的主要内容...................................................................................................... 4 1.4 研究方法和技术路线.............................................................................................. 4 2 相关理论 ......................................