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在全球经济形势的影响之下,2018年汽车行业突遭寒冬,车市出现多年未 遇的负增长,随着国内汽车产销规模已达到较高基数,未来几年内行业低增速将 呈常态化。同时,汽车企业一般都会要求他们的下级供应商年度降低成本,导致 下游供应商的利润降低;另一方面,由于新能源汽车和共享汽车的兴起,市场竞 争也将愈发激烈,燃油车的发展受到了打击。在日益下降的利润和销售额面前, 汽车零部件企业承受着巨大的压力,面对如此严峻的形势,K公司不得不通过调 节自身库存的方式来获得更多的流动资金用于周转以提高公司利润。 本文首先围绕着库存、库存管理等相关理论作为铺垫,对于库存管理和库存 控制涉及的相关方法进行整理和详尽的介绍。以K公司入手为研究对象,提出 其在库存管理控制方面存在的问题,结合前人学者们对库存管理研究的相关理论 成果,针对本企业在高库存成本下的日常运营进行应用型改善研究。 首先,文章为K公司的库存管理设定了目标,接着介绍了K公司的主要问 题表现在企业对于SAP系统的了解不够全面,导致许多有利于提高工作效率的 功能开发和应用的不充分;其次,安全库存设定方法过于粗犷,并且各部门对于 安全库存的定义存在出入,公司没有一个统一的安全库存设定和管理办法,也不 利于降低库存水平;第三,就是对于客户需求预测是全盘接受,然后直接安排工 厂内的生产计划和订货计划,这样,对于客户订单突减的变化是无法进行控制的, 会直接造成订单和生产数量过多而导致库存的失控;第四,关于企业的订单制定 策略,作者对于订单管理中对库存影响最大的下单周期、最小订货量和采购提前 期等问题提出了探讨;第五,就是库房的管理问题,库房是库存的开始,因此库 房实行的严格的操作流程是有利于公司对库存更精确的掌控的。 由以上几点问题,作者结合过去的行业经验和目前各公司先进的库存管理方 法,深入研究并提出了适合本企业的几点优化意见。通过充分运用SAP系统可 以改进目前公司使用的一些原始计算和管理方法,提高工作效率。同时优化公司 内部的库存管理模式和管理方法。例如,优化公司内部安全库存天数的设定办法, 优化对客户预测转化为厂内生产的具体实施方法,优化订单释放规则和仓库管理 流程,为企业后续的库存成本改善提供可操作的方案。 II 最后,总结并提出了通过流程、信息沟通、人员队伍的建设和培训,以及制 度、技术和资金上的一些保障措施,使优化可以展现出更好的效果,并总结和分 析了本文的研究成果,指出研究成果的不足之处和局限性。 本篇文章希望通过K公司的库存管理案例,为其他在库存管理过程中出现 相同问题的企业进行查缺补漏,希望能为更多公司在未来库存管理过程中的优化 提供一些支持和借鉴作用。 关键词:K公司;库存管理;优化研究 III Research on Inventory Optimization Management of K Auto Parts Enterprises Xu Han (MBA) Directed by Professor Baoshan Ge Abstract: Under the influence of the global economic situation, the automobile industry suffered a severe winter in 2018, and the automobile market experienced negative growth that had not been encountered for many years. As the domestic automobile production and sales scale has reached a high base, the low growth rate of the industry will be normal in the next few years. At the same time, auto companies generally require their sub-suppliers to reduce their annual costs, leading to lower profits for downstream suppliers. On the other hand, due to the rise of new energy vehicles and shared cars, market competition will become more intense and the development of fuel vehicles Was hit. In the face of declining profits and sales, auto parts companies are under tremendous pressure. In the face of such a grim situation, Company K had to adjust its own inventory to obtain more liquid funds for turnover to improve the company. profit. This article first focuses on the related theories of inventory and inventory management as a foundation, and organizes and introduces the related methods of inventory management and inventory control. Taking K Company as the research object, it puts forward its problems in inventory management and control, and combines the theoretical results of previous scholars' research on inventory management to carry out application-oriented improvement research on the daily operations of this enterprise under high inventory costs. First, the article sets goals for K's inventory management, and then introduces the main problems of K's company, which is that the company's understanding of the SAP system is not comprehensive enough, which leads to insufficient development and application of many functions that are conducive to improving work efficiency. The method of setting safety stock is too rough, and the definitions of safety stock in IV different departments are different. The company does not have a unified method of setting and managing safety stock, which is not conducive to reducing the inventory level. Third, it is comprehensive for customer demand forecasting. Accept and then arrange the production plan and order plan in the factory directly. In this way, it is impossible to control the sudden changes in customer orders, which will directly lead to excessive orders and production quantities and lead to uncontrolled inventory. Fourth, regarding the enterprise's Order formulation strategy. The author puts forward issues such as the order cycle, minimum order quantity, and procurement lead time that have the greatest impact on inventory in order management. Fifth, it is the management of the warehouse. The warehouse is the beginning of inventory. Strict operating procedures are conducive to the company's more accurate inventory Control of. From the above points, the author combined the past industry experience and the current advanced inventory management methods of various companies to conduct in-depth research and put forward several optimization suggestions suitable for the company. By making full use of the SAP system, some original calculation and management methods used by the company can be improved and work efficiency can be improved. At the same time, optimize the company's internal inventory management model and management methods. For example, optimize the method of setting the company's internal safety stock days, optimize the specific implementation method of converting customer forecasts into in-plant production, optimize order release rules and warehouse management processes, and provide an operational solution for the company's subsequent inventory cost improvement. Finally, it summarizes and puts forward some optimization measures through processes, information communication, construction and training of personnel, and system, technology, and funding, so that the optimization can show better results, and summarizes and analyzes the research results of this article, Points out the deficiencies and limitations of the research results. This article hopes to use K's inventory management case to investigate and fill in gaps for other companies that have the same problems in the inventory management V process, and hope to provide some companies with some support and reference for the optimization of future inventory management processes. Keywords: K Auto Parts Enterprises; Inventory Management; Optimization Management VI 目录 第1章 绪论 .............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 .................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..................................................... 2 1.2 研究内容 .......................................................... 3 1.3 研究方法 .......................................................... 3 1.4 技术路线图 ........................................................ 4 第2章 相关理论综述 ...................................................... 6 2.1库存优化相关理论基础 ............................................... 6 2.2 库存管理的研究现状 ................................................ 7 2.2.1 国内研究现状 ................................................. 7 2.2.2 国外研究现状 ................................................. 9 第3章 K公司库存管理的现状及问题分析 .................................... 10 3.1 K公司概况 ........................................................ 10 3.1.1 公司简介 .................................................... 10 3.1.2 公司部分组织架构图 .......................................... 11 3