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据相关数据统计,全球航空业2018年旅客运输量达到新的历史高度。随着 我国民航市场的不断改革,市场规模快速增长,中国民航成为全球第二大民航 市场,国内航空公司迎来广阔的市场机遇,然而,油价的回升、高铁的冲击、 国外航空公司的进入等诸多因素,使得国内民航市场竞争日益激烈,因此,如 何在竞争激烈的市场环境中获得相应的市场地位,是当前民航企业都面临的一 大课题。近年来,在航空公司营销中服务营销发挥的作用逐渐增加,由于我国 服务营销发展较晚,相比国外,我国航空业无论从经营管理还是服务水平均存 在较大差距。客运服务作为航空服务的重要组成部分,面临着客户忠诚度低, 满意度低的局面,因此,提高服务营销水平,打造企业核心竞争力,成为航空 公司创造顾客、留住顾客、建立品牌的法宝。 本文以DF航空客运服务营销为对象,运用营销的相关理论进行分析。通过 收集DF航空相关资料,查阅相关文献、与同行业数据进行对比分析等方法进行 研究。本论文共六章,第一章对研究背景以及研究意义进行阐述,明确所研究 的对象和方法,对研究的内容及总体的研究框架进行介绍;第二章为相关理论 及文献综述。这部分以前人的理论文献为基础,梳理已有的研究结论,介绍国 内外关于航空公司客运服务营销的研究进展;第三章分析DF航空客运服务营销 环境,结合SWOT分析,对DF 航空的内部、外部环境进行分析;第四章阐述 DF航空客运服务营销所处的现状,并分析DF航空现阶段客运方面存在的问题; 第五章根据DF航空公司客运方面服务营销的问题,制订相对应的改进方案。第 六章为本论文的结论部分。 本文通过对DF航空客运服务营销中存在的诸多问题进行分析,以服务营销 的相关理论为理论指导,结合具体同行业先进实践经验,制定适合DF航空的服 务营销策略,以此提高DF航空服务营销水平,打造企业的核心竞争力,为企业 创造客户、留住客户、建立品牌打下坚实基础。 关键词:航空公司,客运服务营销,7P理论,策略改进 II Abstract According to relative statistics, the air passenger traffic of the whole global in 2018 reached a new height. With the ever deepening reform in Chinese civil aviation market and the rapid increasing of its market size, China has become the second largest civil aviation market in the world, broadening vast market opportunities for domestic airlines. However, facing to a great number of problems, such as the impacts from oil price rise, the development of high-speed rail, and the entry of foreign airlines, the competition in domestic civil aviation market is getting intensified day by day. Therefore, how to stand out from the fierce competition and grasp adequate market share has becomes a major issue for civil aviation enterprises to tackle. During recent years, the service marketing has been playing an increasingly important role in airline marketing. But in China, the development of service marketing was started late, so that the Chinese airlines still seem lagged behind no matter in operation management aspect or service level compared to foreign airline. As an important composing part of aviation services, the passenger service is facing a situation of low customer loyalty and low satisfaction. Therefore, the methods of improving service marketing and building the core competitiveness of enterprises have become the magic weapon for airlines to develop customers, attract customers, and build up their brands. DF Airlines passenger service marketing was taken as the research object in this study to analyze by relative marketing theories. The research was conducted by means of collecting related data of DF Airlines, consulting relevant literature, and comparing and analyzing with data of the same industry. This paper consists of six parts. Part-1 describes the significance and background of the research, clarifies the research objects and methods, introduces the research contents and the overall research framework; Part- 2 is the review on relevant theories and literature review, which takes previous theoretical literature as the basis to sort out existing research findings, and introduce the research progresses of both home and abroad on passenger service marketing of airlines; Part-3 analyzes the DF Airlines passenger service marketing environment, conducts internal and external environments analysis for DF Airlines, and makes clear about the advantages and disadvantages, and the opportunities and threats of the company by SWOT analysis method. Part-4 describes the current status and problems of DF Airlines passenger service marketing, which mainly concerns the analysis on the status and problems of DF Airlines passenger service marketing; Part-5 proposes the III strategic improvement solution for the marketing of DF Airlines. And Part-6 shows the conclusions of this study. In this paper, under the guidance of relative service marketing theories and combining with advanced practice experience of the same industry, the service marketing strategy appropriate to DF Airlines was formulated by analyzing the abundant of problems existing in the DF Airlines passenger service marketing, to improve the service marketing level of DF Airlines, create the core competitiveness of the enterprises, and consolidate the foundation for enterprises to develop customers, attract customers, and build up their own brands. Keywords: Airlines, Passenger Service Marketing, 7P Theory, Strategic Improvement 目 录 摘要 . I Abstract ........................... II 第1章 绪论 ..................... 1 1.1研究背景及研究意义 ........................ 1 1.1.1研究背景 .. 1 1.1.2研究意义 .. 1 1.2文献综述 ............. 2 1.2.1国外相关研究综述 ................. 2 2.3.2国内相关研究综述 ................. 3 1.3研究对象及内容 . 5 1.3.1研究对象 .. 5 1.3.2研究内容 .. 5 1.4研究方法和思路 . 5 1.4.1研究方法 .. 5 1.4.2研究思路 .. 6 第2章 相关理论概述 ..... 7 2.1相关理论 ............. 7 2.1.1服务的定义及特征 ................. 7 2.1.2服务营销的发展及特征 ......... 9 2.1.3服务营销三角形 ................... 10 2.1.4服务营销组合策略 ............... 10 2.2民航客运服务营销的相关概念 ...... 11 2.2.1航空客运服务 ....................... 11 2.2.2常旅客计划 ........................... 12 第3章 DF航空客运服务营销环境分析 ... 13 3.1外部环境现状分析 .......................... 13 3.1.1政治环境现状分析 ............... 13 3.1.2经济环境现状分析 ............... 13 3.1.3社会文化环境现状分析 ....... 14 3.1.4技术现状分析 ....................... 14 3.1.5行业竞争环境现状分析 ....... 15 3.2内部环境现状分析 .......................... 15 3.2.1公司现状 15 3.2.2组织结构与人力资源现状 ... 16 3.2.3财务现状 18 3.2.4营销能力现状 ....................... 19 3.3 SWOT分析 ...... 20 3.3.1优势分析 20 3.3.2劣势分析 22 3.3.3机遇分析 24 3.3.4威胁分析 24 3.3.5 SWOT分析矩阵 .................. 26 第4章 DF航空客运服务营销现状分析及存在的问题 .......... 27 4.1 航空客运旅客投诉情况现状分析.. 27 4.1.1境内航空投诉类型及比例分析 .......................... 27 4.1.2同行业投诉情况现状对比分析 .......................... 31 4.1.3投诉数据分析 ....................... 32 4.2DF航空客运旅客满意度情况分析 . 35 4.2.1CAPSE概述 .......................... 35 4.2.2 CAPSE问卷调查项目设计及评分细则 ............ 35 4.2.3 2018年国内全服务航空公司的综合得分 ......... 37 4.2.4购票服务满意度得分 ........... 37 4.2.5机上服务满意度得分 ........... 38 4.2.6地面服务满意度综合得分 ... 41 4.2.7航班不正常保障满意度得分 .............................. 43 4.2.8满意度数据分析 ................... 43 4.3 DF航空公司客运服务营销存在的问题 ....................... 44 4.3.1延误航班的补救和安抚服务 .............................. 44 4.3.2全流程服务中细节意识有待进一步提高 .......... 45 4.3.3服务人员的专业服务能力有待进一步加强 ...... 46 4.3.4不同目标市场的需求有待进一步优化 .............. 46 第5章 DF航空客运服务营销策略改进 ... 48 5.1产品策略改进 ... 48 5.1.1DF航空市场现状分析 .......... 48 5.1.2以目标市场为导向优化产品服务 ...................... 51 5.2价格策略改进 ... 52 5.3渠道策略改进 ... 52 5.4促销策略改进 ... 53 5.4.1加强促销手段的多样化 ....... 53 5.4.2加强常旅客的数据库管理 ... 53 5.5客户过程体验策略改进 .................. 53 5.5.1航班延误服务措施及服务资源平台的优化 ...... 53 5.5.2加强多样化与个性化延伸服务 .......................... 54 5.5.3加强技术创新与优化全流程自助服务 .............. 55 5.5.4精益行李服务 ....................... 55 5.5.5健全旅客投诉反馈机制 ....... 55 5.6企业有形展示策略改进 ....