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随着电子商务在世界范围的迅猛发展,国内部分电商平台不断扩大业务规模并拓展 业务范围,因此获得了海量的客户交易数据,蕴藏在支付和金融服务当中的巨大商机日 益凸显,众多传统电商企业进入互联网金融领域。商业银行与传统电商平台从亲密合作 变成了相互竞争。在以往的电子商务活动中,传统商业银行只参与到了电商产业链的末 端的支付业务,随着近年来商业银行对电商行业前景的认识的深入,加之电商巨头的逼 迫、主业利润缩减以及客户需求等因素的影响,商业银行不得不通过转型创新寻找出路, 自建电商平台便是此背景之下主流商业银行的积极探索举措。建设银行开发的电商平台 “善融商务”是国内商业银行首批尝试自建电商平台的代表。“善融商务”自 2012 年 发展至今,已发展为企业和个人两大商城,业务涵盖常规商品交易、全面的金融服务、 跨境电商、房屋租赁以及扶贫等方面,成为了真正的综合型电商平台。随着电商行业规 模的大发展,行业经营模式也在不断由粗放转为精细,行业的细分化程度也日益提高。 各家电商品牌都在自己擅长的细分领域努力耕耘,且营销策略丰富,业绩成效显著。在 此巨大的压力之下,“善融商务”平台不应只关注平台的基础运营维护,而应该重视营 销策略,提升营销水平。 本文主要采用文献研究法、比较分析法等研究方法,对建设银行“善融商务”平台 业务的营销策略的问题进行研究分析。文章首先回顾了国内外关于营销策略、金融创新 以及银行自建电商平台的一些相关理论。在此基础上,文章梳理了“善融商务”平台目 前的业务营销现状,进而结合态势分析法和 4P 营销策略理论对平台内外部营销环境以 及现行营销策略进行分析,发现目前平台存在产品竞争力弱、价格设置虚高、渠道缺乏 生态、促销手段陈旧的问题。针对“善融商务”平台上述营销策略问题,笔者结合在建 设银行一线多年的工作经验,提出了增强产品实力、优化定价策略、构建渠道生态和更 新促销手段四个较为可行的对策建议并附加了几项保障措施。希望本文的研究可以为建 设银行“善融商务”平台的营销策略问题提供一些实质的建议,帮助平台发挥优势,避 开短板,提升平台竞争力,同时为其他商业银行跨界发展电商提供参考。II 关键词:电子商务,商业银行,SWOT 分析,营销策略III ABSTRACT With the rapid development of e-commerce in the world, some domestic e-commerce platforms continue to expand the scale of business and expand the scope of business, so these e-commerce platforms have access to a large amount of customer transaction data, hidden in the payment and financial services in the huge business opportunities are increasingly prominent, many traditional e-commerce enterprises have entered the field of Internet finance. For a time, the relationship between commercial banks and traditional e-commerce platform changes from close cooperation to competition. In the past e-commerce activities, traditional commercial banks only exist in the payment business in the terminal of the e-commerce industry chain. With the deepening of commercial banks' understanding of the future of the e-commerce industry in recent years, and the influence of e-commerce giant, the main profit reduction and customer demand, commercial banks have to find a way out through transformation and innovation. Self-built e-commerce platform is the active exploration measures of mainstream commercial banks under this background. China Construction Bank developed the e-commerce platform—"Shanrong Commerce", which is the first batch representatives of domestic commercial banks to try to build their own e-commerce platform. Since its development in 2012, "Shanrong Commerce" has developed into two major malls for enterprises and individuals, covering conventional commodity trading, comprehensive financial services, cross-border e-commerce, housing leasing and poverty alleviation, and has become a truly integrated e-commerce platform. With the large-scale development of e-commerce industry, the business model is changing from extensive to fine, and the degree of fine differentiation of the industry is increasing day by day. E-commerce brands are good at their own subdivision efforts, and they own rich marketing strategies, remarkable results. Under this great pressure, the platform should not only focus on the basic operation and maintenance, it should pay attention to marketing strategy and improve the marketing level. This paper mainly uses literature research method and comparative analysis method to study and analyze the marketing strategy of the "Shanrong Commerce" platform of the China Construction Bank. Firstly, the paper reviews some related theories about marketing strategy, financial innovation and banks' self-built e-commerce platform at home and abroad. Based on this, the article combs the current businessIV marketing situation of the "Shanrong Commerce" platform. Combined with the situation analysis method and 4P marketing strategy theory, it analyzes the internal and external marketing environment and the current marketing strategy of the platform. It finds that there are some marketing strategy problems in the business platform, such as the weak comprehensive competitiveness of products, the virtual high price, the lack of ecology and the outdated promotion methods. In view of the above-mentioned marketing strategy problem of the "Shanrong Commerce" platform, The author puts forward four feasible countermeasures to strengthen product strength, optimize pricing strategy, build channel ecology and update promotion means, and attach several safeguard measures, which combines with many years of work experience in the first line of the China Construction Bank. It is suggested that this research can provide practical proposals for the marketing strategy of "Shanrong Commerce" in China Construction Bank. It will use the advantages, avoid the short board, enhance the competitiveness, and provide methods for other commercial banks,which can develop e-commerce across the border. KEY WORDS: E-commerce, Commercial bank, SWOT analysis, Marketing strategyV 目 录 摘要...............I ABSTRACT . III 1 绪 论.......... 1 1.1 选题意义......................... 1 1.2 文献综述......................... 1 1.2.1 国外相关文献综述.............................. 2 1.2.2 国内相关文献综述.............................. 3 1.2.3 文献评述............... 4 1.3 研究框架和方法............. 4 1.3.1 研究框架............... 4 1.3.2 研究方法............... 5 1.4 论文创新之处................. 6 2 相关理论与行业背景概述....... 7 2.1 相关理论概述................. 7 2.1.1 SWOT 分析............ 7 2.1.2 4P 营销策略理论... 7 2.1.3 “第二发展曲线”理论...................... 7 2.1.4 平台生态圈理论... 8 2.2 行业背景概述................. 8 2.2.1 常规电商平台模式.............................. 8 2.2.2 商业银行电商业务现状...................... 9 2.2.3 商业银行电商发展思路.................... 10 3 “善融商务”平台营销环境分析........................ 11 3.1 建设银行发展概况........ 11 3.1.1 建设银行简介..... 11 3.1.2 建设银行创新发展理论.................... 11VI 3.1.3 建设银行电商支持服务简介............ 12 3.2 “善融商务”平台详述.............................. 13 3.2.1 “善融商务”平台发展简介............ 13 3.2.2 “善融商务”平台体系架构............ 14 3.3 “善融商务”平台 SWOT 分析................. 16 3.3.1 优势(Strengths)............................. 16 3.3.2 劣势(Weaknesses)......................... 18 3.3.3 机会(Opportunities)...................... 19 3.3.4 威胁(Threats). 22 4“善融商务”平台营销策略分析.......................... 25 4.1 “善融商务”4P 营销策略分析................. 25 4.1.1 产品策略(Product) ....................... 25 4.1.2 价格策略(Price)............................ 25 4.1.3 渠道策略(Place) ........................... 26 4.1.4 促销策略(Promotion) ................... 27 4.2 “善融商务”平台营销成果...................... 27 4.2.1 企业商城业务..... 27 4.2.2 个人商城业务..... 29 4.2.3 电商扶贫业务..... 30 4.3 “善融商务”平台现行营销策略问题...... 31 4.3.1 产品竞争力弱..... 31 4.3.2 价格设置虚高..... 32 4.3.3 渠道缺乏生态..... 33 4.3.4 促销手段陈旧..... 33 5 “善融商务”平台营销策略对策建议................ 35 5.1 成熟商业银行电商平台营销策略经验借鉴............................. 35 5.1.1 工商银行“融 e 购”平台营销策略 35 5.1.2 招商银行“掌上生活”APP 营销策略........................... 36 5.2 “善融商务”平台营销策略对策建议...... 36VII 5.2.1 增强产品实力..... 37 5.2.2 优化定价策略..... 38 5.2.3 构建渠道生态..... 39 5.2.4 更新促销手段..... 42 6 “善融商务”平台营销策略实施的保障措施.... 47 6.1 加强管理机制................ 47 6.2 优化平台体验................ 47 6.3 培养电商人才................ 48 7 结论与展望............................. 51 7.1 论文研究总结................ 51 7.2 不足与展望.................... 51