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I 摘要 绩效管理是出于达成企业的某个一致目的,凭借不断地信息交互,使得集体 以及个人展开的活动对达成这个目的具有促进作用,且达到集体的预期目标、预 计效益以及产出回报。销售人员是企业非常重要的资源。作为企业中的核心盈利 组织,销售人员的销售能力左右着企业的壮大与发展。如何对销售人员进行合理 的绩效管理,这是企业一直以来面临的重要问题。尤其是由于中国老龄化进程的 不断发展,国内相关领域的企业也渐渐步入关键的转型以及升级的步骤。医药领 域的有关需要也正在渐渐提升。企业要想达成平稳且持久的发展,除了应该按照 政府的政策引导办事,还应该提升自身的绩效管理水平。 本篇论文通过研究M医药企业对销售人员展开的绩效管理的实际情况作为 切入点,着重探讨了该企业对相关问题的处理措施、有待改进之处,且剖析了原 因。以此为前提,本文运用文献研究法、案例分析法和问卷调查法的分析策略, 综合国际上对这一课题提出的解决策略,给出了该企业对销售人员的绩效管理的 改进方案和合理可行的方法。 经讨论发现,M医药企业销售人员绩效管理存在着员工参与绩效管理方案制 定不够、绩效评价指标单一、缺乏客观评价、绩效管理反馈机制随机性强、绩效 管理不到位、绩效管理结果运用不全面等问题,针对上述问题,在遵循全员性、 效益性、有效沟通与反馈、明确性原则的基础上,制定M医药企业销售人员绩效 管理的优化对策:(1)充分协商,共同制定绩效管理计划;(2)制定科学的绩 效考核指标;(3)加强绩效反馈机制建设,注重公平公正公开;(4)强化绩效 结果的应用,激发员工积极性。为了保障M医药企业销售人员绩效管理的优化对 策能够顺利实施,本文还从争取内部高层领导支持、加强企业绩效管理培训、完 善绩效管理激励机制、建立完善绩效信息系统、优化绩效管理相关制度几个方面 提出了保障措施,希望本文的研究能为M医药企业销售人员的绩效管理提供一定 的依据和参考。 关键词:绩效管理;医药企业;销售人员 英文摘要 II M pharmaceutical enterprise sales staff performance management research [ying yang] [MBA] Directed by [ Jianghong Gu ] Abstract Performance management is to achieve the unified goal of the company, and through continuous communication, promoting the behavior of the team and the individual is beneficial to achieve the unified goal, and to form the expected benefits and outputs of the organization.Salespeople are a very important resource for businesses.As the core profit organization in a firm, the selling ability of salespeople is around the strength and development of the firm.How to perform reasonable management for salespeople is an important issue that firms have always faced.Especially with the acceleration of aging process in our country, our pharmaceutical enterprise also begins to enter the stage of focused transformation and upgrade.The demand of the pharmaceutical industry is also gradually increasing, and there is increasing competition in industry.For a firm to achieve a stable and long-term development, it is not only necessary to follow the policy direction of the state, but also to improve its own performance management ability. In this paper, starting from the analysis of the current situation of sales staff performance management in M pharmaceutical enterprise, we focus on the current situation, the problems, and the causes of sales staff performance management in M pharmaceutical enterprise.Based on this, this paper uses the research methods of literature research method, case analysis method and questionnaire survey method, in combination with the performance management schemes at home and abroad, to propose an optimization scheme and a reasonable and feasible method for the performance management of salespeople in M pharmaceutical enterprise. After discussion, it is found that sales staff performance management in m-pharmaceutical enterprise has problems such as insufficient employee involvement 英文摘要 III in the development of performance management schemes, single indicator of performance evaluation, lack of objective evaluation, strong randomness of feedback mechanism of performance management, not in place of performance management, and incomplete application of performance management results, in view of the above problems, such as following the issues of universality, effectiveness, effective communication and feedbackOn the basis of the principle of clarity, to develop optimal countermeasures for the performance management of salespeople in M pharmaceutical enterprises: (1) fully negotiate and jointly develop a performance management plan(2) Development of performance evaluation indicators for science (3) Strengthening the construction of performance feedback mechanisms and focusing on fairness and justice and disclosure(4) Reinforce the application of performance outcomes and motivate employee motivation.In order to ensure that the Optimized Countermeasures for the performance management of sales staff in m-pharmaceutical enterprises can be successfully implemented, this paper also puts forward safeguards from striving for the support of internal top leadership, strengthening the training of corporate performance management, improving the incentives of performance management, establishing a perfect performance information system, and optimizing the systems related to performance management,It is hoped that the research in this paper will provide a certain basis and reference for the performance management of salespeople in M pharmaceutical enterprise. Key words: performance management system; pharmaceutical enterprises; sales personnel 目录 IV 目 录 摘要 ...............I Directed by [ Jianghong Gu ] ......II Abstract .......II 第一章 绪论 .1 第一节 研究背景及意义 .........................1 一、研究背景 .............................1 二、研究意义 .............................2 第二节 绩效管理国内外研究现状 .........2 一、国外研究现状 .....................2 二、国内研究现状 .....................4 三、国内外研究现状评述 .........5 第三节 研究思路及方法 .........................6 一、 研究思路 ...........................6 二、研究方法 .............................7 第二章 相关概念和理论基础 ....9 第一节 相关概念 ......9 一、绩效管理相关概念 .............9 二、绩效管理的方法和工具 ...12 三、销售人员及其绩效管理特点 ..........................17 第二节 理论基础 ....19 一、系统管理理论 ...................19 二、目标管理理论 ...................20 三、员工激励理论 ...................20 第三章 M医药企业销售人员绩效管理现状 ........23 目录 V 第一节 M医药企业情况概述 ...............23 一、M医药企业简介 ..............23 二、M医药企业销售部门结构 .............................23 三、M医药企业的战略目标 ..25 第二节 M医药企业销售人员绩效计划现状 ......................26 第三节 M医药企业销售人员绩效考核现状 ......................27 一、M医药企业绩效考核总则 .............................27 二、M医药企业绩效考核方法及数据来源 .........28 三、M医药企业当前销售人员绩效考核体系 .....28 四、 M医药企业销售人员绩效考核流程 ...........30 第四节 M医药企业销售人员绩效监控现状 ......................31 第五节 M医药企业销售人员绩效反馈现状 ......................32 第六节 M医药企业销售人员绩效结果应用现状 ..............33 第七节 问卷调查及结果分析 ...............33 一、问卷设计 ...........................33 二、问卷发放及回收情况 .......33 三、问卷信效度分析 ...............34 四、问卷统计结果分析 ...........35 第四章 M医药企业销售人员绩效管理存在问题及原因 ...................46 第一节 绩效管理存在的问题 .................46 一、绩效管理计划制定缺乏员工参与 ..................46 二、绩效考核指标单一,缺乏客观评价 ..............47 三、绩效管理反馈机制随意性强 ..........................48 四、绩效管理结果运用不全面 ..............................49 第二节 绩效管理存在问题的原因 .........50 一、管理者缺乏绩效管理意识 ..............................50 二、缺少以人为本的企业文化 ..............................51 三、没有设立专门的绩效管理部门 ......................51 第五章 M医药企业销售人员绩效管理优化的思路与对策 ...............52 第一节 M医药企业销售人员绩效管理优化思路 ................52 一、优化原则 ...........................52 目录 VI 二、优化目标 ...........................53 三、优化步骤 ...........................53 第二节 M医药企业销售人员绩效管理优化对策 ..............55 一、充分协商,共同制定绩效管理计划 ..............55 二、制定科学的绩效考核指标 .......