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随着我国市场经济的进步和发展,企业人力资源管理理论的不断丰富,薪 酬体系的建设成为了企业进行人力资源管理的重要环节,越来越多薪酬管理理 论得出员工在企业发展中,其地位的重要性超越了技术、设备、创新等因素成 为企业重要的资源,因此建立一套科学、激励、公平的薪酬体系,将直接影响 员工的工作积极性,是企业提高员工和企业核心竞争力的必要条件。越来越多 的企业薪酬管理案例得出,只要企业把企业管理理论与企业运营深入结合,再 加上正确的企业战略目标、人力资源体系及薪酬体系,就能达到企业的发展要 求并有效激活员工工作效率。 XH公司主营业务为砂石骨料的生产与销售。经过多年的发展,XH公司进 入快速发展通道,在当地本行业内具有一定的影响力与竞争力。但是,XH公司 从成立到现在采用的薪酬体系制度较为落后,薪酬体系结构单一且绩效考核缺 乏激励性,这样的薪酬体系制度造成了员工价值与公司收益不对等的情况。特 别是生产车间操作类员工薪酬问题较多,薪酬体系制度失衡较为明显,种种迹 象表明现行的薪酬体系制度已经无法满足公司发展需求。首先,研究依托公司 薪资与体系优化理论,结合公司人力资源管理实际情况,分析XH公司薪酬体系 现状,通过对员工进行满意度调查与访谈,发现原有薪酬体系问题并分析其原 因,为薪酬体系优化工作做准备;其次,将薪酬体系的优化理论与公司实际情 况有机结合起来,对公司的薪酬与体系结构进行分析与优化;再次,从公司薪 酬体系的内容上,进行岗位的分析、绩效考核优化、岗位价值测评、岗位等级 划分,结合相关理论对岗位薪资进行指导建议,确定公司岗位薪资。在进行岗 位分析时,将公司岗位分为管理岗位、一般员工岗位、生产岗位三个类别,分 别从三个类别展开研究,提出适合各岗位的薪酬体系制度。在薪酬构成中,根 据公司的薪酬战略与外部市场环境,优化公司的岗位薪资与绩效薪资、津贴及 福利,总结出适合公司的薪酬管理体系;最后,提出保障薪酬的措施,以确保 公司薪酬体系的顺利有效实施。 通过对XH公司薪酬问题的优化研究,有助于为公司优化出并建立一套科学、 可行、适宜公司战略发展需要的高效薪酬体系,为公司的人力资源薪酬管理建 II 设做支撑,同时也希望可被同行业其他企业在优化薪酬体系时所吸纳借鉴。 关键词:薪酬管理;薪酬体系;优化研究;砂石骨料 III Abstract With the progress and development of China's market economy and the continuous enrichment of enterprise human resource management theories, the construction of salary system has become an important part of the enterprise’s human resource management. More and more salary management theories show that the employees become an important resource in the development of enterprises. Their status goes beyond technology, equipment innovation and other factors. Therefore, establishing a scientific, incentive and fair salary system will directly affect work enthusiasm of employees and is a necessary condition to improve the core competitiveness of employees and enterprises. More and more enterprise salary management have drawn that as long as the enterprise deeply integrates enterprise management theory with enterprise operation, coupled with the correct enterprise strategic objectives, human resources system and salary system, it can meet the development requirements and effectively activate staff productivity. XH’s main business is production and sale of sand and gravel aggregate. After years of development, it has entered a rapid development channel and has certain influence and competitiveness in the local industry. However, the salary system adapted by XH from its establishment to the present is relatively backward with a single salary system structure and a lack of incentive in performance appraisal, which leads to the imbalance between the value of employees and the company's income. In particular, there are many salary problems for employees in the production workshop operations, and the imbalance of salary system is obvious. Various signs indicate that the current salary system has been unable to meet the development needs. Firstly, this study analyzes the current status of XH’s salary system by relying company’s remuneration and system optimization theory and combining with the reality of human resource management of the company. It conducted employee satisfaction surveys and interviews to find the original salary system problems and analyze the reasons for the preparation of system optimization. IV Secondly, the optimization theory of the salary system is organically combined with the actual situation of the company to analyze and optimize the remuneration and system structure of the company. Thirdly, on the content of the company's salary system, this paper analyzes the position, optimizes the performance appraisal, evaluates the value of the position, and classifies the position. It combined with relevant theories, to guide and recommend post salary and determine the final post salary of the company. In the job analysis, the company's positions are divided into three categories: management positions, general employee positions and production positions. Research conducted from the three categories, and an optimized salary system is proposed for each position. In the composition of remuneration, according to the company's remuneration strategy and external market environment, the company's post salary and performance salary, allowances and benefits are optimized, and the compensation management system suitable for the company is summarized. Finally, the measures of compensation protection are put forward to ensure the smooth and effective implementation of the company's compensation system. Through the optimization research on current salary of XH, it helps to optimize and establish a scientific, feasible and efficient salary system, which is suitable for the company’s strategic development needs, and supports the company’s salary management of human resource. Hope to be absorbed by other companies in the same industry when optimizing the salary system. Key words: Compensation management; Compensation system; Optimization research; Sand aggregate V 目 录 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景与意义 ........................................... 1 一 研究背景 ......................................................... 1 二 研究意义 ......................................................... 2 第二节 研究思路与框架 ........................................... 3 一 研究思路 ......................................................... 3 二 研究框架 ......................................................... 4 第三节 研究理论 ................................................. 4 一 薪酬概念 ......................................................... 4 二 薪酬理论 ......................................................... 5 第四节 研究方法与特色 ........................................... 6 一 研究方法 ......................................................... 6 二 研究特色 ......................................................... 7 第二章 XH公司薪酬体系现状分析 ............................ 8 第一节 XH公司简介 .............................................. 8 一 XH公司介绍 ....................................................... 8 二 XH公司构架 ....................................................... 9 三 XH公司薪酬体系现状 .............................................. 12 第二节 XH公司员工薪酬体系满意度调查 ........................... 15 一 满意度调查目的 .................................................. 15 二 满意度调查设计 .................................................. 15 三 满意度调查分析 .................................................. 15 四 岗位交叉分析 .................................................... 20 第三节 XH公司薪酬体系访谈 ..................................... 22 VI 一 满意度访谈统计 .................................................. 22 二 满意度访谈结果 .................................................. 23 第四节 XH公司薪酬体系中存在的问题 ............................. 27 一 薪酬体系与公司战略不匹配 ......................................... 27 二 薪酬体系结构不合理 .............................................. 27 三 薪酬体系缺乏激励性 .............................................. 28 四 薪酬体系缺乏岗位价值测评 ......................................... 28 五 薪酬体系缺乏动态调整机制 ...............................