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I 摘要 改革开放40年来,我国经济发展迅速。为满足人民生产和生活的需要,基础 建设规模逐年增大,项目管理也开始变得更加复杂和严格。项目招投标管理不但 是工程实施过程中的重要环节,也是我国工程建设管理体制改革内容之一,更是 发达国家普遍采用的一种竞争性工程的发包方式。它是市场经济的必然产物,也 是同国际接轨的有效途径。通过招投标竞争的方式,既可以防止市场上的垄断行 为,也促进了市场的良好发展。我国工程项目招投标制度自20世纪80年代末起 在全国范围内施行,并逐渐推广。经过几十年的发展,其体系已较为成熟,工程 招投标制度在《中华人民共和国招标投标法》颁布实施后正式拥有了合法地位。 尽管招投标制度在我国经过了几十年的发展,但在招投标实施过程中还是存 在很多问题。本文首先对建设项目相关的招标研究进行收集和咨询,重点阅读与 公路项目招投标有关的研究,总结了国内外已有的研究成果。并以ZX公司作为研 究对象,通过分析其招投标管理现状以及近年的真实招投标案例,发现招投标实 施过程中存在着招投标程序不规范、监管责任划分不明确、各地区标准不统一、 人为因素影响较多、操作程序不规范、围标串标、过度招标、投标成本大、评标 不公正等问题。这些都是公路项目招投标管理中不可忽视的重要影响因素。 随后,笔者通过德尔菲法向业内专家发放调查问卷并回收分析,旨在从众多 招投标问题中找出影响招投标有效实施的瓶颈问题进行重点研究。并结合S220线 公路改建项目招投标实例,从招标准备阶段、招投标实施阶段、评标定标阶段对 招投标程序进行梳理。通过分析公路项目的招标风险、投标策略、开标、评标程 序等问题,就公路项目招投标管理的问题提出了:公路项目招投标电子化管理对 策、公路项目招标风险的防范对策、公路项目评标程序的改进措施、招投标法律 制度的改进建议等,以达到促进公路项目招投标的健康、可持续发展的目的。 关键词:公路项目,招投标,程序管理,德尔菲法,电子化,对策建议 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT In the past 40 years of reform and opening up,China's economy has been developing continuously. In order to meet the needs of people's production and life, the scale of infrastructure construction has become larger and larger, and project management has begun to become more complex and strict. As an important part of Engineering projects, project tendering and bidding is also one of the contents of the reform of construction management system in China, and it is a competitive project contracting mode widely adopted by developed countries. It is the inevitable product of market economy and the way to be in line with international standards. Through bidding competition, we can prevent monopoly and promote the good development of the market. Since the implementation of the pilot project tendering and bidding in 1980, along with the growing and maturing of the highway construction market, the management of highway project tendering and bidding has been increasingly optimized. After decades of development, the system has been relatively mature, especially the promulgation and implementation of "tendering and Bidding Law", formally determining the legal status of the project tendering and bidding system. Although the system of bidding and tendering has been developed for decades in Our country, there are still many problems in the actual tendering and bidding process of highway engineering projects. Firstly, this paper collects and consults the bidding researches related to construction projects, emphatically reads the researches related to highway project bidding, and summarizes the existing research results at home and abroad. With ZX company as the research object, through the analysis of the bidding management present situation and real bidding cases in recent years, found that there exist in the bidding process bidding procedure is not standard, regulatory responsibility divided not clear, various areas do not have a unified standard, human factors, abnormal operating procedures and more standard series standard, excessive cost of bidding, bidding, bid evaluation problems such as unfair. These are the important factors that can not be ignored in the highway project bidding management. Subsequently, the author, through Delphi method, issued questionnaires to industry experts and collected analysis, in order to find out the bottleneck problems affecting the effective implementation of bidding and conduct a key study. Combined with the ABSTRACT III bidding example of S220 line highway reconstruction project, the bidding process is sorted out from the stage of bidding preparation, bidding implementation and bid evaluation and selection. Through the analysis of the bidding risk of highway project, bidding, bid opening, bid assessment program, then suggest some highway project bidding management: highway project bidding electronic highway project bidding risk management measures, prevention countermeasures, improvement measures in the procedure of highway project bid evaluation, bidding Suggestions for improvement of the legal system, promote the health of the highway project bidding, in order to achieve the purpose of sustainable development. Keywords: Highway project,Bidding,Program management,Delphi method, Electronization,Countermeasures and Suggestions 目录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1 研究的背景和意义 .............................. 1 1.1.1研究的背景 1 1.1.2 研究的目的 .............................. 2 1.1.3 研究的意义 .............................. 2 1.2 研究内容与研究方法 .......................... 3 1.2.1 研究内容与框架 ...................... 3 1.2.2 研究方法 ... 4 1.3 本文的创新点 ....... 5 第二章 文献综述及理论基础 .......................... 6 2.1 公路项目招投标相关概念 .................. 6 2.2 国内外招投标研究历史及现状 .......... 6 2.2.1国外招投标研究历史及现状 ... 6 2.2.2 国内招投标发展及研究现状 .. 8 2.3 招投标的特征及主要类型 .................. 8 2.3.1 招投标的特征及基本原则 ...... 8 2.3.2 招投标的主要类型 .................. 9 2.4招投标的评标方法 ............................ 10 2.4.1性价比评标方法 ..................... 10 2.4.2评审后的最低投标价评标方法 ............................. 11 2.4.3 最低评标价法 ......................... 11 2.4.4二次平均评标方法 .................. 11 2.4.5综合评分法 ............................. 12 2.5 招投标工作的管理手段 .................... 12 2.5.1公路项目招投标相关法规 ..... 12 2.5.2 招投标项目的监督备案管理 13 2.5.3 电子招投标方式的推行 ........ 13 2.5.4建立信用评价体系 ................. 13 2.5.5招投标程序改进和创新 ......... 14 2.6 本章小结 ............. 15 目 录 V 第三章 ZX公司公路工程招投标管理现状分析 ......................... 16 3.1 ZX公司介绍及组织结构 .................. 16 3.1.1 ZX公司介绍 ........................... 16 3.1.2 ZX公司组织结构 ................... 16 3.2 ZX公司公路工程招投标管理过程中遇到的问题 ......... 17 3.2.1 围标、串标的问题严重 ........ 18 3.2.2 招标人以权谋私 .................... 19 3.2.3 投标人为追求利益的违法行为 ........................... 19 3.2.4 招标代理行为不规范 ............ 20 3.2.5 评标专家水平良莠不齐 ........ 20 3.2.6行政监督部门责任划分不清导致监督失效 ........ 21 3.2.7招标文件、工程量清单编制不准确 .................... 22 3.2.8 招投标流程对投标人产生限制 ........................... 22 3.2.9电子招投标实施过程中存在的问题 .................... 23 3.3 运用德尔菲法筛选出影响招投标有效实施的瓶颈问题 .............................. 24 3.3.2数据分析 .. 25 3.3.3专家积极系数 ......................... 27 3.3.4研究结论 .. 27 3.4 本章小结 ............. 27 第四章 以S220线公路改建项目为例分析招投标管理程序 ..... 28 4.1 S220线公路改建项目工程概况 ....... 28 4.2招标流程及招标风险分析 ................ 29 4.2.1 S220线公路改建项目招标程序 ........................... 29 4.2.2 公路项目招标风险分析 ........ 31 4.3投标流程及投标策略分析 ................ 33 4.3.1 S220线公路改建项目投标流程 ........................... 33 4.3.2公路项目投标策略运用分析 . 36 4.4 开标流程及程序问题分析 ................ 39 4.4.1 S220线公路改建项目开标流程 ........................... 39 4.4.2 开标程序问题分析 ................ 40 4.5 评标定标流程及程序问题分析 ........ 40 4.5.1 S220线公路改建项目评标定标流程 ................... 40 4.5.2 公路项目评标过程的问题分析 ........................... 45 目录 VI 4.6本章小结 ............. 46 第五章 公路项目招投标程序管理对策建议