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解决中小微企业融资困难是国内外金融业务一个恒久的研究课题,为解决该 问题,我国在借鉴发达国家经验基础上,不断实践。为降低融资成本,提升企业 资本流通率,供应链金融最开始在银行金融机构开展,目前已经逐渐被其他供应 链平台机构广泛采用。本文研究对象为广发银行供应链金融风险评估及防范,选 择此课题的原因是广发银行于2010年就开展了供应链金融业务。2013年至2015 年在汽车供应链金融方面业务量增速较快,2018年发展在线供应链金融业务。 银行金融业务虽然平稳发展,但在风险评估和管理方面还较为薄弱,有一定风险, 为探究其风险因素和风险状况,此次开展了对广发银行供应链金融风险评估及风 险防范的研究。 本文梳理了供应链金融及风险管控相关文献,通过实地走访、风险案例剖析 法、问卷调查法和层次分析法对供应链金融风险问题进行研究和分析。本文体系 上采用一般风险研究的方法,即综合分析风险识别、风险评估和风险管控。通过 对广发银行供应链应收账款融资、预付款融资和动产融资的剖析,分析已发生的 风险案例,总结整理,识别风险一级指标,具体包括市场、宏观调控、法律、信 用、操作、第三方和贸易链供应链等金融风险,再由以上一级指标细分出17项 二级指标。本文用问卷统计和层次分析法对风险进行评估,首先向广发银行供应 链业务人员发放120份问卷调查,统计出员工对于风险情况的评估,得出风险指 标的数据作为参考。再采用层次分析法对广发银行进行供应链金融进行评估,评 估过程中请到7位其他金融机构的供应链金融专家进行打分,得出一级指标的风 险权重。为探究二级指标的风险权重,采用加权平均法进行统计。按照一般、重 要、危险的不同等级进行风险等级判断。从结果来看,一般级风险包括利率风险、 汇率风险、物价风险、不可抗风险、技术风险、资质风险、协调风险、整体风险。 重要级风险包括产业风险、法律不完善风险、产品风险、违约风险和道德风险。 危险级风险包括违规风险、经营风险、合规风险、监管风险。 根据厘定的风险等级,对风险因素提出具有针对性的防范措施,同时引入大 数据思维帮助提高风险防范能力。本文对广发银行供应链金融有针对性的研究, 对广发银行规避和防范金融风险,提升竞争能力有着实际意义。 关键词:供应链金融,风险评估,风险防范 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 III ABSTRACT To solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises is a permanent research topic of domestic and foreign financial business, in order to solve this problem, China has been practicing on the basis of drawing lessons from the economic exploration of developed countries. In order to reduce the financing cost and improve the capital flow rate of enterprises, supply chain finance began to develop in banking and financial institutions, and has been gradually widely adopted by other financial institutions. The research object of this paper is the risk assessment and prevention of supply chain finance of Guangfa Bank, and the reason for choosing this topic is that Guangfa Bank has carried out supply chain finance business in 2010. Business growth in automotive supply chain finance grew rapidly in 2013-2015, and the online supply chain finance business was developed in 2018. Although the banking financial business developed smoothly, but in the risk assessment and management is still relatively weak, there are certain risks, so the supply chain financial risk assessment and risk prevention of Guangfa Bank carried out a study. This paper combs through the relevant literatures of supply chain finance and risk control, and studies and analyzes the supply chain financial risk through field visits, case analysis, questionnaire survey and data model. This paper adopts the general risk research method, that is, comprehensive analysis of risk identification, risk assessment and risk control. Through the analysis of the financing of accounts receivable, advance financing and movable property financing in guangfa bank supply chain, the case is analyzed, the case is summarized and the risk level indicators are identified, including the financial risks of market, macro-control, law, credit, operation, third party and trade chain supply chain, and then 17 secondary indicators are subdivided by the above-level indicators. In reading this paper, the risk is assessed by means of questionnaire statistics and hierarchical analysis, first of all, 120 questionnaires are distributed to the supply chain business personnel of Guangfa Bank, and the staff's assessment of the risk situation is calculated, and the data of the risk index is obtained as a reference. In this paper, in the supply chain financial assessment of Guangfa Bank, the use of hierarchical analysis, please go to 7 other financial institutions of supply chain finance experts to score, to obtain the risk weight of the first-level indicators. In order to explore the risk weight of the secondary index, 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 IV the weighted average method is used for statistics. Risk level judgments are made according to the different levels of general, important, and dangerous. From the results, general level risk includes interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, price risk, non-resisting risk, technical risk, qualification risk, coordination risk, overall risk. Important level risks include industrial risk, imperfect legal risk, product risk, default risk and moral hazard. Risk-level risks include non-compliance risk, operational risk, compliance risk, and regulatory risk. According to the established risk level, the risk factors are targeted and targeted, and the introduction of big data thinking helps improve risk prevention. This paper has practical significance for the targeted research on supply chain finance of Guangfa Bank to avoid and financial risks and enhance competitiveness. Keywords: Supply chain finance,risk assessment, risk prevention 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 V 目 录 1 绪论 ................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义..................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...................................................................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究综述 ..................................................................................... 3 1.2.1 供应链金融概念与模式 .............................................................. 3 1.2.2 供应链金融风险管控 .................................................................. 4 1.2.3 供应链金融风险评估方法 .......................................................... 4 1.2.4 文献述评 ...................................................................................... 5 1.3 研究内容及方法 ..................................................................................... 5 1.3.1 研究内容 ...................................................................................... 5 1.3.2 研究思路 ...................................................................................... 6 1.3.3 研究思路和方法 .......................................................................... 6 2 供应链金融相关理论基础................................................................................ 8 2.1 相关概念界定 ......................................................................................... 8 2.1.1 供应链金融参与者 ...................................................................... 8 2.1.2 供应链金融特点 .......................................................................... 9 2.1.3 银行供应链金融的风险特点 ...................................................... 9 2.2 交易成本理论 ....................................................................................... 10 2.3 金融排斥理论 ....................................................................................... 11 2.4 供应链金融风险的类别与流程 ........................................................... 11 2.3.1 风险识别.................................................................................... 11 2.3.2 风险评估.................................................................................... 12 2.3.3 风险控制.................................................................................... 12 3 广发银