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随着中国移动互联网人口红利渐失,时长红利式微,存量市场成为移动互联 网发展的新常态。Z公司在新闻资讯分发和短视频两大支柱业务上的用户增长逐 渐放缓。同时,Z公司在内容生产方面一直依靠大额补贴来聚集内容,缺少孵化 和培育内容的平台,使其原创优质内容严重不足,存在版权纠纷和监管缺失的隐 患,而Z公司技术创新和人才储备尚未形成壁垒优势。这些隐患或将阻碍公司 的持续发展,因此本文在分析Z公司现行竞争战略的基础上,针对其问题与隐 患探索适合公司未来发展的竞争战略。 本文基于战略管理理论,将互联网企业在市场竞争趋势和Z公司特点结合, 利用PEST模型和波特五力模型对Z公司的外部环境进行剖析,总结Z公司外 部环境存在的机遇与威胁,并构建外部因素评价矩阵,得出企业面临的机遇超过 威胁的结论。通过对Z公司自身情况分析,总结企业优势和劣势,构建内部因素 评价矩阵,得出企业的内部环境具备高于行业平均水平的竞争优势,自身优势大 于劣势,能较好地利用自身优势抵消部分劣势的不利影响。运用SWOT分析厘 清Z公司的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,进行组合分析,得出Z公司应充分发挥 自身优势抓住行业机遇,实施扩张型战略,开拓市场。通过差异化战略分析和产 品多元化分析,分别从产品布局、商业运营、技术创新三个方面,制定适合Z公 司发展的竞争战略措施。主要包括:布局多入口流量产品,瞄准小程序平台和多 领域产品布局发力,强化自身产品的民生属性;运营模式转型发展,打造多元化 变现方式,加强同各类企业合作,打入B端市场,拓展海外和下沉运营市场;加 强技术创新,夯实算法技术基础,创新人性化智能技术。并分别从业务、技术、 版权、渠道、机制等五个方面制定战略实施计划,完善人力、技术、营销、财务、 文化等五个方面的保障措施。 本文对Z公司竞争战略的研究,将有助于其在新一轮海内外移动互联网红 利到来之际抓住机遇,提高市场竞争力并获得快速发展,探索出以Z公司为代 表的新兴互联网企业的发展战略之路,提供一个切实可行的借鉴方案。 关键词:Z公司;差异化战略;产品多元化;扩张型战略;竞争战略。 II Abstract As the demographic dividend and the duration dividend of China mobile Internet gradually loses, the stock market has become the new normal for the development of mobile Internet. The company Z's user growth in the two pillar businesses of news distribution and short video gradually slowed down. At the same time, company Z has always relied on large amounts of subsidies to gather content in content production. The lack of a platform for incubating and nurturing content makes its original high- quality content seriously inadequate, and there are hidden dangers of copyright disputes and lack of supervision. Company Z's technological innovation and talent reserve barrier advantage has not yet been formed. These hidden dangers may hinder the company's sustainable development. Therefore, based on the analysis of Z's current competitive strategy, this article explores a competitive strategy suitable for the company's future development according to its problems and hidden dangers. Based on the strategic management theory, this article combines the development trend of Internet companies under market competition with Z's own characteristics, uses the PEST model and Porter's five-forces model to analyze and summarize the external environment of Z company in detail. Existing opportunities and threats, and construct an external factor evaluation matrix to draw the conclusion that the opportunities faced by enterprises exceed the threats. By analyzing the current status of Z's own development, summing up the advantages and disadvantages of the company's internal resources, constructing an internal factor evaluation matrix, it is concluded that the company's internal environment has a competitive advantage above the industry average, and its own advantages are greater than its disadvantages and can be better utilized its own advantages offset the adverse effects of some disadvantages. Using SWOT analysis to clarify Z's advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats, and carry out a combined analysis, it is concluded that Z should give full play to its own advantages to seize industry opportunities, implement expansion strategy, and expand the market. Through differentiated strategy analysis and product diversification analysis, we formulated the competitive strategic measures suitable for the development of Z company from three aspects of product layout, business operation III and technological innovation. Mainly includes: layout of multi-entry flow products, aiming at the layout of small program platforms and multi-field products, strengthening the livelihood attributes of their products; transformation and development of operation models, creating diversified monetization methods, strengthening cooperation with various enterprises, and entering the B-end Market, expanding overseas and sinking markets; strengthen technological innovation, consolidate the foundation of algorithm technology, and innovate humanized intelligent technology. And formulating strategic implementation plans from five aspects of business, technology, copyright, channel, mechanism, and improvging the safeguard measures in five aspects of manpower, technology, marketing, finance, and culture. This article's research on Z's competitive strategy will help it seize the opportunity when a new round of mobile Internet dividends arrives at home and abroad, improve market competitiveness and achieve rapid development, and explore emerging Internet companies represented by Z Road of development strategy to provide a practical and feasible reference plan. Keywords: company Z; differentiated strategy; product diversification; expansion strategy; competition strategy. IV 目录 摘要 .................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................... II 目录................................................................................................... IV 第一章 引言 ...................................................................................... 1 第一节 研究背景与意义 ............................................................................. 1 一 研究背景 ........................................................................................................ 1 二 研究意义 ........................................................................................................ 2 第二节 研究内容与方法 ............................................................................. 2 一 研究内容 ........................................................................................................ 2 二 研究方法 ........................................................................................................ 3 第三节 论文的结构与贡献 ......................................................................... 5 一 论文的结构 .................................................................................................... 5 二 论文的贡献 .................................................................................................... 5 第二章 Z公司的外部环境分析 ....................................................... 8 第一节 宏观环境的PEST模型分析 .......................................................... 8 一 政治环境分析 ................................................................................................ 8 二 经济环境分析 .............................................................................................. 10 三 社会文化环境分析 ....................................................................................... 11 四 技术环境分析 ............................................................................................... 11 第二节 产业环境的五力模型分析 ........................................................... 13 一 进入者威胁 .................................................................................................. 13 二 替代品威胁 .................................................................................................. 14 三 购买者议价的能力 ...................................................................................... 14 四 供应商议价的能力 ..