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随着电子制造业日趋成熟,ODM企业开始面临者双重挑战,内部人工工薪 资连年上涨,外部原材料价格也不断攀升,而自动化专案导入也逐渐遭遇瓶颈, W集团Q分公司专注笔记本电脑主板生产品质改善,一方面可以满足客户对产 品品质提出的更高要求,另一方面还可以实现MOH降低。Q公司作为具有较大 生产规模的笔记本电脑ODM企业,生产工艺达到业界先进水平,其主板产品质 改善具有广泛的代表性,研究W集团Q分公司的笔记本电脑主板生产品质改善 策略,可作为同类型企业实施改善的借鉴。 对于笔记本电脑主板生产,目前没有文献针对笔记本电脑主板生产品质改善 策略进行研究,本文基于Q分公司2018年度笔记本电脑主板生产数据,结合生 产流程梳理,运用麦肯锡根本问题解决六步法,从SMT(Surface Mount Technology 表面贴装技术)生产设备运行状态,电子元器件原材料品质,生产人员作业品质, 以及制程工艺等等主要影响方面,结构化的分析品质不良原因,并提出改善建议, 结合研究所提出建议,共拟定16条tips 共计49项改善举措。 Q分公司积极实施并固化改善成果,笔记本电脑主板生产良率由2018年度 基线 97.84%提升到2019年度平均98.5%的水平,提升幅度0.66%,各项改善成 果已经转化成内部作业指导书和SMT设备维修手册等标准化文件,确保了改善 效益的持续产生。 关键词:主板 六步法 品质 昆明理工大学专业硕士学位论文 W集团Q分公司笔记本电脑主板生产品质改善策略研究 VI Abstract With the constantly rising of labor payment and purchasing price of electrical material, ODM enterprises face the double challenges. Automation project also grad- ually present the bottleneck phenomenon. Q company of W group, focus on the qual- ity improvement of laptop computer main board production. Not only meet the higher quality requirement of product of customer, but also realize the reduction of MOH. Q company, an exemplary one of this industry, have the leading production pro- cess, the quality improvement strategy study of Q company is the important reference for the same type companies. There are no articles focus on the quality improvement of laptop computer main board production. This study base on the production data of year 2018, specific the production procedure and use the six steps method of problem solving of McKinsey on the quality improvement of laptop computer main board production. Which in- cluded the equipment status of Surface Mount Technology process,the operational quality of operator, the quality of material, and the process capacity, to find out the improvement opportunity , provide the advice, according to the advice in this study, contrive tips 16 items and total action 49 items. Q company has taken actions and sustained the achievement. The yield rate rose from 97.84% in the year of 2018 to 98.5% in 2019. The improvement amplification is 0.66%. Each effective actions have already become internal normalized SOP and SMT equipment maintenance handbook, to ensure the long term returns of improve- ment actions.