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I 摘要 新材料产业作为现代经济的支柱,产业发展势不可挡,国家相继颁布了《“十 二五”国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》、《中国制造2025》、《“十三五”国家战略性 新兴产业发展规划》、《新材料产业发展指南》等文件支持新材料产业发展。化工新 材料作为新材料产业的重要组成部分,近年随着“十二五”、“十三五”政策支持发 展迅速,但由于化工新材料产业技术门槛较高,目前为止大量“卡脖子”产品仍然 依靠进口,市场有大量新产品开发需求,国内市场前景广阔。CG企业是中国化工 集团旗下企业,主要业务涉及高分子材料产品。由于CG企业资源有限,过多产品 开发项目同时运行导致争抢资源现象严重,项目进度得不到保障,项目成功率不高, 企业现今项目管理模式已经不能满足企业发展要求。因此,对于CG企业而言,急 需寻找方法提高自身新产品开发项目管理水平,改变企业单一项目管理模式,建立 项目组合管理架构,解决多个项目运行条件下资源冲突问题,提高项目成功率以实 现企业发展战略。 本文以CG企业作为研究对象,运用项目管理相关知识体系,分析了CG企业 组织结构特征和化工新材料产品项目特点,结合CG企业项目管理实际情况,找出 了企业存在的项目管理问题。运用项目管理办公室和项目优先级评价相关知识,通 过项目组合管理改进,提出通过建立两级项目管理办公室,在项目团队实现强矩阵 组织结构,改进项目流程,建立项目优先级评价模型等项目组合管理优化方法。本 文采取建立的以PMO为基础,改进企业组织架构,明确PMO岗位设置与职责, 优化项目各阶段流程,在项目团队采取强矩阵模式,强化项目负责人权利,建立项 目优先级评价模型等方法为CG企业建立了项目组合管理框架,为企业培养了多 项目管理人才,为企业积累了项目组合管理经验,提高了企业的项目管理水平,并 通过实例研究验证了这套方法的可行性和实际运用价值。 本文研究的主要对象CG企业既具有国内大部分研究院所改制企业的典型特 征,还兼具国内大部分化工新材料企业所面临的运营现状。在国内市场巨大,国家 政策大力支持发展新材料的大背景下,大部分化工新材料产品开发企业都面临着 由于多项目运行而导致的各式各样的项目管理问题,对于同类型公司而言,CG企 业项目管理问题的解决方案可以为其提供参考。 关键词:项目管理,项目管理办公室,化工新材料,项目优先级评价,项目流程改 进 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT The new material industry is a pillar industry of the modern economy which has been developed rapidly. The Chinese government has successively promulgated the National Strategic Emerging Industry Development Plan during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, Made in China 2025, and the National Strategic Emerging Industry Development Plan during the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the "New Materials Industry Development Guide" and other documents support the development of new materials industries. The new chemical materials provide the domestic chemical new materials companies a huge market for the new chemical materials have played an important part of the new materials and have developed rapidly in recent years with the support of the "Twelfth Five-Year" and "Thirteenth Five-Year" policies, the new chemical materials have high technical barriers and a large number of key products need to be imported as well.CG enterprises is a subsidiary of China National Chemical Corporation and its main business involves polymer materials. However, due to the limited resources of CG enterprises, the current project management model can no longer meet the requirements of enterprise development. Because too many product development projects are running at the same time, the competition for resources is serious, the project progress is not guaranteed, and the project success rate is not high. Therefore, in order to achieve corporate development strategy, it’s urgent to find ways to solve the problems of the improvement of their own new product development project management level, the change of the company's single project management model, the establishment of a project portfolio management structure, the solution of resource conflicts under the conditions of multiple project operations, and the improvement of the project success rate for CG enterprises now. Combining with the actual situation of CG enterprises project management, this paper takes CG enterprises as the research object and tries to find out the project management problems in CG enterprises. By using the project management related knowledge system to analyze the characteristics of the CG enterprises' organizational structure and new chemical product project. By using the related knowledge of the project management office and the project priority evaluation, it is proposed to establish a two- level project management office to achieve a strong matrix organizational structure in the project team through project portfolio management improvement, improve project ABSTRACT III processes, and establish a project portfolio priority evaluation model. This paper adopts the established method based on PMO, improves the organizational structure of the enterprise, clarifies the PMO post settings and responsibilities, optimizes the process of each stage of the project, adopts a strong matrix model in the project team, strengthens the rights of project leaders, and establishes a project portfolio priority evaluation model established a project portfolio management framework for CG enterprises, improved the level of enterprise project portfolio management, and accumulated project portfolio management experience for enterprises. The feasibility and practical application value of this method were verified through case studies. The main object of this study is CG enterprises, which not only have the typical characteristics of most domestic research institutes and restructuring enterprises, but also have the operation status faced by most domestic chemical new materials enterprises. In the context of a huge domestic market and strong support for the development of new materials by national policies, most chemical new material product development companies are facing various project management problems due to multi-project operation, CG enterprises project management problem solutions can provide references for them. Keywords: project management, project management office, new chemical materials, project priority evaluation, project process improvement 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1 论文研究的背景及意义 ...................... 1 1.1.1 论文研究背景 ............................ 1 1.1.2 论文研究目的 ............................ 2 1.1.3 论文研究意义 ............................ 2 1.2 研究思路与内容 ... 3 1.2.1 研究思路 ..... 3 1.2.2 研究内容 ..... 3 1.3 本文的主要贡献与创新 ...................... 4 第二章 文献综述及理论基础 .......................... 6 2.1 多项目管理的国内外研究历史及现状 ............................. 6 2.1.1 国外多项目管理研究现状 ........ 6 2.1.2 国内多项目管理研究现状 ........ 7 2.2 项目管理办公室(PMO) ................. 9 2.2.1 PMO的定义 9 2.2.2 PMO的发展 9 2.2.3 PMO的职能定位 ....................... 9 2.2.4 PMO的建立过程 ..................... 10 2.3 项目优先级评价 . 10 2.3.1 项目优先级评价模型研究 ....... 11 2.3.2 项目优先级评价指标研究 ....... 11 2.4 本章小结 ............. 12 第三章 CG企业项目管理现状分析 .............. 13 3.1 CG企业介绍 ........ 13 3.1.1 CG企业组织结构 ..................... 13 3.2 CG企业化工新材料产品开发项目特点 .......................... 16 3.3 CG企业化工新材料产品开发项目管理流程 .................. 17 3.4 CG企业化工新材料产品开发项目管理中遇到的问题 .. 21 3.4.1 企业没有采取多项目管理模式 ............................. 22 3.4.2 企业化工新材料产品开发项目流程不合理 ......... 22 目录 V 3.4.3 企业没有科学的项目选择评价体系 ..................... 23 3.4.4 部门之间沟通不畅 .................. 24 3.4.5 企业化工新材料产品开发项目资源冲突 ............. 24 3.4.6 公司化工新材料产品开发项目过程控制不力 ..... 26 3.5 行业先进企业项目管理水平 ............ 26 3.6 本章小结 ............. 27 第四章 CG企业化工新材料产品开发项目组合管理改进 ......... 28 4.1 新产品开发项目组合管理总体思路 28 4.1.1 建立项目管理办公室(PMO) ............................ 28 4.1.2 项目流程优化 .......................... 30 4.1.3 建立项目组合优先级评价模型 ............................. 30 4.2 设立PMO ........... 31 4.2.1 设立PMO的目标 ................... 32 4.2.2 PMO的职责 .