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I 摘要 近10年来,全国旅游总收入从2007年1.01万亿增长到2018年5.97万亿, 增长了5倍,除2008年以外,各年度旅游业收入增速均高于GDP增速,旅游直 接就业2825万人,旅游直接和间接就业7990万人,占全国总人口的10.28%,中 国的文化旅游业遇到前所未有的发展机遇和黄金时期。鉴于文化旅游行业进入壁 垒不高,近年来大量文化旅游公司应运而生,这使得企业之间的竞争日益加剧。A 文化旅游公司是一家大型国企集团下属的控股子公司,2015年成立,扎根于四川 省的三线城市,主要提供文化一站式服务、精品个性旅游服务、景区运营管理、衍 生纪念品开发及餐饮服务等。在A文化旅游公司成立之初,只是把集团办公室接 待的一部分功能衔接起来,公司整体核心要务是以服务集团品牌宣传为主,在过去 的四年里,虽然经营业绩也在稳步提升,但大部分的业务来源于集团,属于内销, 对外展开业务能力不强,核心竞争优势不明显,那在竞争如此激烈的市场环境中, A文化旅游公司应该如何制定战略计划才能够找到属于自己的蓝海呢? 本文主要包括六个章节,分别是绪论、相关理论基础与方法、内外部环境分析、 战略定位与规划、战略实施与保障措施、研究结论与展望。第一章绪论主要介绍研 究背景、意义以及研究内容和方法。第二章相关理论基础与方法主要通过学习、查 找文献等方式对战略相关理论和方法进行了解。第三章内外部环境分析,一方面通 过PEST工具对外部宏观环境进行分析、通过五力模型工具对A文化旅游公司的 竞争环境进行梳理,总结出A文化旅游公司所面临的机会和威胁;另外一方面通 过数据收集、采用比较分析法等对A文化旅游公司的内部环境进行分析,总结出 A文化旅游公司所面临的优势和劣势。最后运用EFE、IFE战略分析工具从内外部 环境所面临的机会、威胁和优势劣势中找出关键因素,分析企业面临机会、威胁、 优势劣势的反应程度以及运用情况。第四章是战略定位与规划,结合SWOT战略 分析工具及战略四边形,对A文化旅游公司从定性定量二个角度进行战略选择, 最后通过战略定位和规划提出A文化旅游公司战略核心思路以及对应的发展目标。 第五章战略实施与保障措施,提出A文化旅游公司为达到战略目标所采取的措施。 第六章是研究结论与展望,通过对A文化旅游公司个案分析的方法,对A文化旅 游公司未来发展有积极的指导作用,同时也对类似情况的企业有参考借鉴作用。 总的来说,文旅行业处于高速发展期,竞争也很激烈,只有结合自身具体情况 分析,做好战略定位和战略规划,才能使其在这个市场中有可能更好地发展。 关键词:文化旅游公司,战略规划,SWOT分析,企业战略管理 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT In the past 10 years, China's total tourism revenue has increased fivefold from 1.01 trillion yuan in 2007 to 5.97 trillion yuan in 2018. Except for 2008, the growth rate of tourism revenue is faster than the growth rate of GDP in all years, and 28.25 million people are directly employed in tourism, tourism directly and indirectly employed 79.9 million people, accounting for 10.28 percent of the total population of the country. In view of the low barriers to entry in cultural tourism industry, a large number of cultural tourism companies have emerged in recent years, which makes the competition between enterprises increasingly intensified. A Cultural Tourism Company, a holding subsidiary of a large state-owned enterprise group, was established in 2015 and has its roots in the third-tier cities of Sichuan Province, mainly provide one-stop cultural services, boutique personalized tourism services, scenic spot operation and management, derivative souvenir development and catering services. At the beginning of the establishment of a cultural tourism company, only a part of the functions of the reception in the group office are linked together. The company's overall core task is to focus on the brand promotion of the service group. In the past four years, although the operating performance is also steadily improving, but most of the business comes from the group, belongs to domestic sales, the external business development ability is not strong, the core competitive advantage is not obvious, then in such a competitive market environment, a cultural tourism company how to develop a strategic plan to be able to find their own blue sea? This thesis consists of six chapters: introduction, theoretical basis and methods, internal and external environment analysis, strategic positioning and planning, strategic implementation and safeguard measures, research conclusions and prospects. The first chapter mainly introduces the research background, significance, research content and methods. The second chapter is about the theoretical basis and methods of strategy through learning and literature search. The third chapter analyzes the internal and external environment. On the one hand, it analyzes the external macro environment through pest tool, combs the competitive environment of a cultural tourism company through five force model tool, and summarizes the opportunities and threats faced by a cultural tourism company; on the other hand, it analyzes the internal environment of a cultural tourism company through data collection and comparative analysis, and summarizes the internal ABSTRACT III environment of a cultural tourism company Advantages and disadvantages of a cultural tourism company. Finally, EFE and IFE strategic analysis tools are used to find out the key factors from the opportunities, threats and advantages and disadvantages faced by the internal and external environment, and analyze the response degree and application of opportunities, threats, advantages and disadvantages faced by enterprises. The fourth chapter is strategic positioning and planning. Combining with SWOT strategic analysis tools and strategic quadrilateral, it makes strategic choice for a cultural tourism company from qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Finally, it puts forward a cultural tourism company's strategic overall and core ideas and corresponding development goals through strategic positioning and planning. The fifth chapter is the strategy implementation and safeguard measures, and puts forward the measures taken by a cultural tourism company to achieve the strategic objectives. The sixth chapter is the conclusion and Prospect of the study. Through the case analysis of a cultural tourism company, it has a positive guiding role for the future development of a cultural tourism company, and also has a reference role for enterprises with similar situations. Generally speaking, the culture and tourism industry is in a period of rapid development, while the competition is also very fierce. Only by combining with its own specific situation analysis and making a good strategic positioning and planning, can it be better developed in this market. Key words: Cultural tourism company, strategic planning, SWOT analysis, enterprise strategic management 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ... 2 1.2 研究内容和方法 ... 2 第二章 相关理论基础与方法 .......................... 5 2.1 战略管理理论发展综述 ...................... 5 2.1.1 国外理论发展 .......................... 5 2.1.2 国内理论发展 .......................... 7 2.1.3 相关概念 ... 7 2.2 战略研究工具与方法 .......................... 9 2.2.1 PEST分析 .. 9 2.2.2 波特五力模型 .......................... 9 2.2.3 SWOT分析 ............................. 10 2.2.4 EFE分析 .. 11 2.2.5 IFE分析 ... 11 2.3 理论研究小结 ..... 11 第三章 内外部环境分析 . 12 3.1 外部环境分析 ..... 12 3.1.1 宏观环境分析 ........................ 12 3.1.2 行业环境分析 ........................ 19 3.1.3 竞争环境分析 ........................ 23 3.2 外部环境分析小结 ............................ 26 3.2.1 机会 ......... 26 3.2.2 威胁 ......... 27 3.2.3 外部因素综合评价 ................ 27 3.3 内部环境分析 ..... 29 3.3.1 A公司情况 ............................. 29 3.3.2 人力资源 . 32 3.3.3 企业能力分析 ........................ 34 目录 V 3.3.4 业务结构及相关分析 ............ 38 3.4 内部环境分析小结 ............................ 40 3.4.1 优势 ......... 40 3.4.2 劣势 ......... 40 3.4.3 内部因素综合评价 ................ 41 第四章 战略定位与规划 . 43 4.1 A文化旅游公司战略的制定与选择 . 43 4.1.1 SWOT矩阵定性分析 ............. 43 4.1.2 SWOT战略四边形 ................. 45 4.1.3 战略定位与规划 .................... 46 4.2 战略目标 ............. 48 4.2.1 总体发展目标 ........................ 48 4.2.2 主要经营目标 .