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近年来,利率市场化不断改革、金融与技术脱媒不断加速,此背景下传统的银行 业面临越来越大的挑战。另外,互联网金融正在以新的发展方式、新的发展理念并且 融合高新发展技术,在银行领域中占据了一席之地,对传统银行造成了负面影响,其 中具有典型代表特征的就是现在应用极为普遍的支付宝,在银行所能够办理的各项业 务中,冲击最为明显的要数个人理财产品。在市场环境和客户需求多变和互联网金融 业对传统银行强烈冲击下,传统的银行正努力寻求全新的改革方向,并积极开发出一 系列富有创新性的措施。由于个人理财产品在利润贡献、流动性支持、资本节约等方 面体现出显著的优势,因此,转型个人理财产品逐渐成为银行转型突出亮点。商业银 行如何发展个人理财产品、设计优化营销策略,是具有重要意义的研究课题。 本论文根据市场营销基本理论,以交通银行(简称交行)亳州分行个人理财产品 的营销方案作为研究对象,开展分析研究。首先,本论文对交行亳州分行个人理财产 品营销现状进行全面分析阐述,总结出交行亳州分行个人理财产品营销过程中现存问 题,例如:个人理财产品市场定位不清晰、轻视市场细分、客户信息相关记录 完善、 个人理财营销手段单一。本论文对上述总结的相关问题进行全面的归类分析,发现其 影响因素在于:交行亳州分行个人理财产品业务缺乏创新性和先进的营销理论;过度 看重短期收益等等。在问卷调查分析亳州分行个人理财产品客户价值因素的基础上, 从个人理财产品客户分层与定位出发,基于客户价值提出了适合于交行亳州分行个人 理财产品长期向好发展的营销策略。最后,根据营销策略实施前、中及三个完整的过 程,从而制定出完善的个人理财产品营销实施流程,从组织保障体系、营销理念指导 体系、客户关系管理维护体系等各个方面,对交银毫州分行提升个人理财产品整体出 售率,改良营销方案等相关措施,提出理论依据及奠定基础保障。 关键词:交通银行亳州分行;个人理财;营销策略基于顾客价值的交通银行亳州分行个人理财业务营销策略研究 II ABSTRACT In recent years, the continuous reform of interest rate liberalization and the acceleration of financial and technological disintermediation have brought more and more challenges to the traditional banking industry. In addition, the development of new development concept and the fusion of new and high technology, occupies a place in the banking sector, further had a negative impact on traditional Banks, which has typical characteristic is now applied very common pay treasure, can deal with the business in the bank, the most obvious impact is the personal finance products. Among them, alipay is widely used now. Among all the businesses that Banks handled, personal finance products was the most obvious influenced. Therefore, under the changing market environment, changing customer demands and the strong impact of modern Internet finance on traditional Banks, traditional Banks are trying to find a new direction of reform and actively develop a series of innovative measures. As personal finance products have significant advantages in profit contribution, liquidity support and capital saving, etc., the transformation of personal finance products has gradually become a prominent highlight in the transformation of Banks. Under this background, how commercial Banks develop personal finance products and design marketing strategies is an important topic worth studying. Based on the marketing theory, this paper studies the marketing scheme of personal finance products of bozhou branch of bank of communications. Firstly, from the aspects of product, price, channel, promotion et ac. this paper expounds the bank of communications in bozhou personal finance product marketing situation, summed up the bank of communications in bozhou appeared in the process of personal finance product marketing of various problems, including: personal finance product marketing positioning fuzzy, don't pay attention to market segmentation, the lack of a database to record the details of customers, personal finance scope is narrow, marketing is single and so on. Secondly, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the above problems, and thinks that the main influencing factors are: personal finance products lack of innovation degree, lack of advanced marketing theorical knowledge; great attention on short-term benefits, and limited reform space of financial products. And then, based on the questionnaire survey and analysis of customer value factors of bozhou branch's personal finance products, based on the customer stratification and positioning of personal finance products, a marketing mix strategy suitable for the development of bozhou branch's personal finance products is基于顾客价值的交通银行亳州分行个人理财业务营销策略研究 proposed based on customer value. Finally, based on the marketing strategy implementation of a complete process, developing personal finance product marketing strategy implementation process, from the safeguards of organization system, the marketing idea guidance system, customer relationship management (CRM) system maintenance, training and assessment system and so on, bank of communications in bozhou of personal finance product marketing strategy implementation safeguard measures is given and further put forward theoretical basis and foundation. KEYWORDS: Bozhou branch of bank of communications; personal finance; marketing strategy基于顾客价值的交通银行亳州分行个人理财业务营销策略研究 目 录 第一章 绪论····· 1 第一节 研究背景与意义· 1 一、研究背景············· 1 二、研究的意义·········· 1 第二节 国内外研究现状· 2 一、国外研究现状······· 2 二、 国内研究现状······3 第三节 研究方法与内容· 4 一、研究方法············· 4 二、研究内容············· 4 第二章 相关理论基础·············6 第一节 银行个人理财产品的界定与分类················ 6 一、银行个人理财产品的界定··········6 二、银行个人理财产品的分类··········6 三、 银行个人理财产品的风险·········7 第二节 营销相关理论·····8 一、STP 理论·············· 8 二、4Ps 理论·············· 9 第三节 顾客价值理论···10 一、顾客让渡价值的涵义···············10 第三章 交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品营销现状与问题分析··············12 第一节 交通银行亳州分行基本情况分析···············12 一、交通银行亳州分行概况············12 二、 交通银行亳州分行机构设置····12 第二节 交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品分析·········13 一、交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品品种分类····· 13第一章 绪论 2 二、 交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品销售分析····15 第三节 交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品营销策略现状·············· 17 一、全方位满足各类客户理财需求的产品策略····· 17 二、 随行就市的价格策略············· 18 三、推动产品、服务、品牌三个维度全面提升的促销策略········19 四、内外部营销渠道共用的渠道策略················· 20 第四节 交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品营销策略存在的主要问题·················21 一、个人理财产品的市场细分不健全、市场定位不准··············21 二、缺乏数据库对客户的详细信息进行记录········ 22 三、 个人理财范围相对狭窄·········· 22 四、产品促销缺乏有效手段············22 第五节 交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品营销存在问题的原因分析·················23 一、产品创新不够······23 二、营销理念落后······24 三、客户价值的忽视···24 第四章 亳州分行个人理财产品顾客价值因素分析········· 26 第一节 顾客价值因素构成调查··········26 一、问卷的设计与发放26 二、 问卷的数据分析· 26 第二节 顾客价值评价···· 26 一、顾客感知产品价值评价············26 二、顾客感知服务价值评价············27 三、 顾客感知形象价值评价·········· 29 四、 顾客感知时间成本评价·········· 29 五、顾客感知货币成本评价············30 六、 顾客感知总价值评价············· 30 第五章 基于顾客价值的交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品营销策略的完 善················· 31 第一节 根据银行自身价值制定个人理财产品营销策略················32 一、不断创新产品提高价值············32基于顾客价值的交通银行亳州分行个人理财业务营销策略研究 二、 加强内部营销从而提升银行个人理财产品的形象价值······ 33 三、 加强顾客关系管理使顾客获得服务价值·······34 第二节 降低顾客成本的个人理财产品营销策略·······36 一、多元化服务方案降低顾客成本···36 二、 降低服务性收费,节约顾客经济成本··········37 第三节 挖掘外在因素优化顾客过程价值················38 一、个人理财产品销售前营销策略···38 二、 销售个人理财产品过程中营销策略·············38 三、 个人理财产品销售后的营销服务策略··········39 第四节 挖掘顾客价值从而促进循环消费················39 一、挖掘顾客价值发掘需求循环······39 二、依托顾客价值促进循环消费措施················· 39 第六章 交通银行亳州分行个人理财产品营销策略实施保障措施···········41 第一节 完善组织保障体系优化营销理念·············41 第二节 客户关系管理体系············· 42 第三节 完善考核体系与文化建设····42 第七章 总结与展望·············· 44 第一节 总结············· 44 第二节 展望············· 45