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随着我国职业技术教育迅猛发展,中等职业教育市场已经形成,即使是公办职业技 术学校,在日益激烈的竞争中仍然面临着生存与发展的巨大压力。本研究围绕公办职业 技术学校品牌培育管理进行探究,为职业技术学校品牌培育提供建设性意见,以期各职 业学校重视品牌培育,并通过品牌培育,扩大学校品牌的社会影响力,提高办学的质量 和效益,为我国经济建设输送优质的技术人才。 本研究主要使用四种研究方法:一是文献分析法,广泛查阅有关品牌培育管理相关 的文献,为本研究奠定理论基础;二是问卷分析法,对 L 职业技术学校的师生、家长发 放问卷,详细了解学校品牌管理现状;三是访谈法,通过对师生及家长、企业管理人员 访谈,了解 L 职业技术学校品牌培育的实效,分析问题产生的原因。 本研究从我国职业教育的发展及经济崛起为背景,分析了公办职业技术学校品牌培 育的重要性;然后以 L 职业技术学校为案例,依照品牌培育管理理论,利用 SWOT 分 析法,对该校品牌培育管理现状及管理环境进行分析,指出其在品牌组织管理、品牌定 位、品牌传播、品牌关系维护、品牌延伸、品牌合作、品牌文化塑造等方面存在的问题, 主要表现为管理机制不完善、品牌形象模糊、品牌传播时效短、顾客忠诚度待提高、品 牌延伸执行力不到位、品牌合作续期太短、品牌文化塑造维度不够等;接着通过文献分 析法借鉴企业以及其他学校先进的品牌培育管理经验,从上述七个方面提出具体的品牌 培育改善对策与建议,包括完善品牌培育管理机制、调整市场定位提升品牌形象、选择 合适的品牌传播模式、提升品牌美誉度、扩张向下延伸策略、提升国际化办学影响力、 多维度塑造品牌文化等。最后得出结论,职业技术学校在提高教育产品质量的同时,应 运用科学的方法进行品牌培育,确立学校品牌的核心价值。做好品牌培育管理,将最终 决定着一间职业技术学校未来的发展。 关键词:公办职业技术学校;学校品牌;品牌培育II ABSTRACT With the rapid development of China's vocational and technical education, the secondary vocational education market has been formed. Even the public vocational and technical schools are still facing great pressure of survival and development in the increasingly fierce competition. Of this study was to explore the surrounding public vocational and technical school brand cultivation management, brand cultivation for vocational and technical school provides constructive Suggestions, in order to the vocational school attaches great importance to the brand cultivation, and through the brand cultivation, enlarge the social influence of the school brand, improving teaching quality and efficiency, high-quality technical personnel to the economic construction of our country. Four research methods are mainly used in this study. First, literature analysis is used to extensively consult literature related to brand cultivation and management, which lays a theoretical foundation for this study. Second, questionnaire analysis is used to issue questionnaires to teachers, students and parents of L vocational and technical school to understand the current situation of school brand management in detail. The third is the interview method. Through interviews with teachers, students, parents and business management personnel, the effectiveness of brand cultivation of L vocational and technical school is understood and the causes of the problems are analyzed. This study firstly analyzes the importance of cultivating the brand of vocational and technical schools against the background of the overall goal of China's vocational education development and the rapid rise of China's economy. Then L vocational and technical school as a case, according to the brand cultivation management theory, using the SWOT analysis method, on the brand cultivation management present situation and the environment were analyzed, and pointed out its in brand management, brand positioning, brand communication, Customer loyalty needs to be improved, brand cooperation, problems of brand culture shape, main show is imperfect management mechanism, the brand image fuzzy, short aging brand communication, brand maintenance and brand extension implementation does not reach the designated position, brand cooperation renewal is too short, brand culture shape dimension is not enough, etc.; Then through the literature analysis method with advanced enterprises, and other school brand cultivation management experience, from the seven aspects of specific brand cultivation improvement countermeasures and Suggestions, including perfect brand cultivation management mechanism, the adjustment of market orientation to promote the brand image, select the appropriate brand propagation mode, Enhance brand reputation,III expansion downward extension strategy, enhance international influence, multidimensional brand culture, etc. At last, it is concluded that vocational and technical schools should adopt scientific methods to cultivate the brand and establish the core value of the brand while improving the quality of educational products. Good brand cultivation management will ultimately determine the future development of a vocational and technical school. Keywords: public vocational and technical school; School brand; Brand cultivationIV 目 录 摘要............. I ABSTRACT...II 目 录.......... IV 图表清单....VIII 第一章 绪论...1 1.1 研究背景.............................1 1.2 研究目的与意义.................2 1.2.1 研究目的.......................2 1.2.2 研究的意义...................2 1.3 理论基础.............................3 1.3.1 品牌的定义....................3 1.3.2 品牌培育管理理论........4 1.4 文献综述.............................6 1.5 研究内容及方法.................8 1.5.1 研究内容.......................8 1.5.2 研究方法.......................8 1.6 研究技术路线.....................9 1.7 本章小结...........................10 第二章 L 职业技术学校品牌培育管理现状...........11 2.1 L 职业技术学校概况.........11 2.2 L 职业技术学校品牌培育管理现状................11 2.2.1 品牌培育管理机构.....11 2.2.2 品牌定位策略.............13 2.2.3 品牌传播策略.............14 2.2.4 品牌资产保护策略.....16 2.2.5 品牌延伸策略.............21 2.2.6 品牌合作策略.............21 2.2.7 品牌文化塑造策略.....22V 2.3 本章小结...........................23 第三章 L 职业技术学校品牌培育管理环境分析...24 3.1 外部环境分析...................24 3.1.1 一般环境分析.............24 3.1.2 竞争者分析.................25 3.1.3 消费者需求分析.........26 3.2 内部环境分析....................27 3.2.1 学校资源.....................27 3.2.2 学校能力.....................28 3.3 SWOT 综合分析及战略选择...........................30 3.3.1 优势分析.....................30 3.3.2 劣势分析.....................31 3.3.3 机会分析.....................31 3.3.4 威胁分析.....................32 3.3.5 战略选择.....................32 3.4 本章小结...........................33 第四章 L 职业技术学校品牌培育管理存在的问题及分析...................34 4.1 品牌组织管理存在的问题及分析..................34 4.1.1 品牌培育管理规划容易出现短视行为.....34 4.1.2 组织内部老龄化严重..34 4.2 品牌定位问题及分析.......34 4.2.1 生源素质影响品牌形象.............................34 4.2.2 品牌形象模糊..............35 4.3 品牌传播问题及分析.......35 4.3.1 偏离了品牌传播的原则.............................35 4.3.2 品牌传播时效较短......36 4.4 品牌资产保护问题及分析..............................36 4.4.1 教师消费者品牌忠诚度问题.....................36 4.4.2 学生消费者品牌忠诚度问题.....................37 4.5 品牌延伸问题及分析.......37VI 4.5.1 向上延伸执行力不到位.............................37 4.5.2 向下延伸宽度不足......37 4.6 品牌合作问题及分析........38 4.6.1 合作企业实习岗位短缺.............................38 4.6.2 校企合作关系续期太短............................38 4.6.3 国际化办学影响力不大.............................38 4.7 品牌文化塑造问题及分析..............................38 4.7.1 将校园文化视为品牌文化.........................38 4.7.2 校园文化塑造维度不够.............................39 4.8 本章小结...........................39 第五章 L 职业技术学校品牌培育管理改善对策与建议......................40 5.1 关于品牌组织管理的改善建议......................40 5.1.1 建立完善的品牌培育管理机制................40 5.1.2 发挥品牌最高管理者的作用....................40 5.1.3 为教师创造个人成就提供平台。.............40 5.2 关于品牌定位的改善建议..............................41 5.2.1 调整市场定位提升品牌形象....................41 5.2.2 利用头部效应强化品牌形象....................42 5.3 关于品牌传播的改善建议..............................43 5.3.1 确立以核心价值为中心的原则.................43 5.3.2 选择合适的品牌传播模式.........................43 5.4 品牌资产保护的改善建议..............................44 5.4.1 培养骨干教师,打造尊师文化................44 5.4.2 加强学科建设,提供优质服务................45 5.5 关于品牌延伸的改善建议..............................46 5.5.1 利用本校市场执行向上延伸策略............46 5.5.2 扩张向下延伸策略的宽度........................46 5.6 关于品牌合作的改善建议..............................46 5.6.1 提高学生技能,鼓励学生掌握两技之长46 5.6.2 加强学生职业生涯规划教育....................46VII 5.6.3 资助优生留学,提升国际化办学影响力47 5.7 品牌文化策略改善建议...47 5.7.1 提升对品牌文化的认知.............................47 5.7.2 多维度建设校园文化.47 5.8 本章小结...........................48 研究结论与展望..........................49 一、研究结论..........................49 二、研究展望..........................49