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随着中国经济的高速发展以及经济结构的优化和转型升级,带动了我国各行各的迅 速发展和前进。尤其是21 世纪以来,互联网技术的普及和广泛应用,网络购物改善了 人民的消费习惯,直接带动公路运输行业大规模的增长,因此重型商用车作为现代道路 运输业的工具也获得相关红利。MBC商用车公司作为世界顶级重卡设备制造商,拥有 高端的产品和先进的运输解决方案。公司从2012年开始着力发展公路运输行业以来, 通过几年来的区域市场客户特性研究并结合欧洲先进的运输解决方案,针对性的引进欧 洲先进核心技术,让MBC商用车在南方市场的初期飞速发展。但是在竞争激烈的高端 商用车市场中,近两年市场营销售业绩没有达到总部的预期目标,因此对南区的市场营 销战略和营销策略进行问题研究和原因分析。在中国这样的巨大市场环境下,如何实施 的合理有效的市场营销策略,是本文的主要研究目的及重点。 本文以MBC商用车公司为研究对象,采用文献检索法,观察研究法等研究方法。 首先通过对MBC商用车在南方市场的背景和市场营销现状进行描述。通过运用PEST 分析法和波特五力模型对MBC商用车的市场环境进行分析,得出MBC商用车公司所 面临的机会威胁。然后采用 SWOT 分析对MBC商用车的自身优势和劣势、内部机遇 与威胁进行系统分析。在此分析的基础上,用营销战略理论对南区市场从市场细分,目 标市场选择及市场定位策略方面进行问题和原因的剖析。接着运用4Ps营销组合理论从 产品,渠道,价格及促销策略方面分析出MBC商用车现存在的问题和原因。最后,结 合理论分析的结论,为确保更好的实施南方市场营销策略,从市场营销战略和营销策略 方面给予了中肯的改善建议。 对MBC商用车市场营销策略的研究,旨在为MBC商用车增加市场占有率,提高 核心竞争力以及发现企业核心问题做理论依据和技术指导。同时,能够帮助国外高端商 用车企业认清国内高端物流业在南方市场的需求和发展状况,结合出企业的优势,抓住 市场机遇制定有效的商用车市场营销策略。希望本文能对国内外商用车企业在南区市场 的市场营销策略方面起到借鉴作用。 关键词:商用车 营销策略 重型卡车 II Abstract The rapid development of China's economy, the optimization, transformation and upgrading of its economic structure have driven the rapid development and progress of various industries. Especially since the 21st century, online shopping has improved the consumption habit of people with the popularization and wide application of internet technology, which has directly driven the massive growth of road transportation industry, therefore, heavy-duty commercial vehicle has also gained bonus as the tool of modern road transportation industry. As the world top heavy truck manufacturer, MBC Commercial Vehicle Company owns high-end products and advanced transportation solutions. Since the company engaged in road transportation industry in 2012, it has specifically introduced advanced core technology from Europe through researching the customer characteristics of regional markets in recent years and combined with advanced transportation solutions of Europe, and has realized rapid and primary development in the southern market. But in the fiercer market competition of high-end commercial vehicle, the company has failed to reach the expected marketing goal of the headquarters in recent two years, therefore, this paper aims at researching and analyzing the problems existed in the marketing strategy of the company and corresponding reasons. And how to carry out reasonable and effective marketing strategy in the huge market environment of China is the research purpose and focus. This paper takes MBC Commercial Vehicle Company as research object, and adopts the methods of information retrieval and observational research. Firstly, this paper describes the commercial vehicle marketing background of the company in the southern market and its current marketing situation, adopts PEST analysis method and Michael Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze its market environment and judge its opportunities and threats, and secondly adopts SWOT to analyze the advantages and disadvantages, internal opportunity and threats of the company, based on this, relies on the related theory of marketing strategy to analyze the problems faced by the company in the southern market and corresponding reasons from perspectives of market segment, target market selection and market orientation strategy. Thirdly, this paper bases on the 4Ps marketing mix theory to analyze the problems existed in the company and corresponding reasons from perspectives of product, channel, price and promotion strategy. And finally, combined with the theoretical analysis result, this research provides pertinent improvement suggestions on marketing strategy in order to guarantee its implementation in the southern market. III The research on the marketing strategy of the company aims at increasing the market occupancy of the company, enhance its core competitiveness and find out its core problems thus to provide theoretical basis and technology guidance. Meanwhile, this research can help overseas high-end commercial vehicle enterprises to clearly recognize the demand of domestic high-end logistics industry in the southern market and corresponding development situation, and grasp the market opportunity to formulate effective marketing strategy of commercial vehicle combined with enterprise advantages. The author hopes this paper can provide reference for domestic and overseas commercial vehicle enterprises to formulate their marketing strategy in the southern market. Key words: Commercial Vehicle;Marketing Strategy; Heavy-duty Truck; IV 目录 摘要 ................. I ABSTRACT . II 第一章绪论 .... 1 1.1研究背景及意义 ................. 1 1.1.1研究背景 ....................... 1 1.1.2研究意义 ....................... 1 1.2文献综述 ............................. 2 1.3研究内容及方法 ................. 4 1.3.1研究内容 ....................... 4 1.3.2研究方法 ....................... 6 第二章MBC商用车公司概况及南区市场营销现状 ............................. 8 2.1MBC商用车基本概况 ........ 8 2.2MBC商用车中国发展历程 9 2.3MBC商用车南区市场营销规划 ..................... 10 2.4MBC商用车南区市场营销现状 ..................... 11 2.4.1产品车型现状 ............. 11 2.4.2营销渠道覆盖现状 ..... 12 2.4.3目标客户现状 ............. 13 2.4.4市场销售与品牌推广现状 ........................ 13 2.5本章小结 ........................... 15 第三章MBC商用车南区市场环境分析 ................ 16 3.1宏观环境分析 ................... 16 3.1.1政策环境分析 ............. 16 3.1.2经济环境分析 ............. 17 3.1.3社会人文环境分析 ..... 20 3.1.4科技环境分析 ............. 20 3.2行业竞争结构分析(五力模型) .................. 23 3.2.1购买者的议价能力 ..... 23 3.2.2供应商的议价能力 ..... 24 V 3.2.3潜在竞争者进入能力 . 25 3.2.4替代品替代能力 ......... 25 3.2.5行业竞争者 ................. 26 3.3市场竞争者分析 ............... 26 3.4客户需求分析 ................... 28 3.5SWOT态势分析与战略选择 ........................... 29 3.5.1内部优势 ..................... 29 3.5.2内部劣势 ..................... 30 3.5.3外部机会 ..................... 31 3.5.4外部威胁 ..................... 31 3.5.5战略选择 ..................... 32 3.6本章小结 ........................... 32 第四章MBC商用车南区STP营销战略问题及原因分析 .................. 34 4.1市场细分缺乏精细化 ....... 34 4.2目标市场选择策略有偏差 .............................. 35 4.3市场定位策略缺乏系统和长期性 .................. 36 4.4本章小结 ........................... 37 第五章MBC商用车南区营销策略组合问题及原因分析 ................... 38 5.1产品策略问题及原因 ....... 38 5.1.1车型规格少和覆盖率低 ............................ 38 5.1.2产品规格同质化严重 . 39 5.2网络覆盖率低和营销渠道架构单一 .............. 39 5.3价格策略问题及原因 ....... 41 5.3.1价格体系调整滞后 ..... 42 5.3.2补贴政策导致市场价格不统一 ................ 43 5.4缺乏促销策略规划且促销手段不丰富 .......... 44 5.5本章小结 ........................... 45 第六章MBC商用车南区市场营销策略改善建议 46 6.1营销战略改善建议 ........... 46 6.1.1实施精细化营销战略 . 46 VI 6.1.2增强营销组织架构战略 ............................ 47 6.2营销策略改善建议 ........... 48 6.2.1完善渠道架构和新渠道开发 .................... 48 6.2.2价格和促销策略多元化 ............................ 50 6.2.3开发产品架构组合 ..... 51 6.3本章小结 ........................... 52 结论 .............. 54