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从2006年开始,国家实施节能减排计划,但是由于经济的持续快速发展及基础建 设设施的大量投入,化工行业的发展非常迅猛,2012年入冬以来,首次出现了全国性雾 霾天气,并呈现空气污染范围广、持续时间长的特点,中国同时进入环境污染高峰时期。 2015年1月,新修订的《环保法》实施,化工行业作为传统“三高”行业,传统化工产品 比如油漆的生产和使用过程中所产生的废水、废渣、废气都是目前政府治理的重点对象。 2019年2月26日,生态环境部发文《2019年全国大气污染防治工作要点》中明确做出 规定:加快推进重点行业挥发性有机物(VOCs)治理,制定实施重点行业VOCs综合整治 方案,明确化工及工业涂装等环境污染行业的治理要求,积极配合有关部门,制定出台 关于涂料、油墨、胶粘剂等产品VOCs含量限值等相关国家标准。 A公司是一家集生产、研发、销售为一体的国内知名防腐涂料供应商,A公司敏锐 的意识到国内工业防腐涂料对于环保的要求日趋迫切,为了适应市场的需求,同时为降 低A公司目前业务相对集中的风险,A公司将拓展国内水性工业涂料市场作为未来十年 公司经营的主要战略目标。 本文是一份商业计划书,该商业计划书利用PEST模型分析研究环保型涂料所处具 体宏观市场环境,再利用波特五力模型、SWOT和STP工具分析研究本企业在所处环 境的优劣势和企业发展、营销的战略方向,利用7P营销战术拓展蓝海市场,在组织运 营方面,本文运用合伙制和股权动态激励理论进行了具体阐述,财务方面,本文利用 NPV分析法,对整个项目现金流做出科学预测,分析项目可行性,对项目财务上的各敏 感因素也进行了详细分析。最后,对于整个项目的潜在风险进行分析,并提出解决风险 的相关建议。 关键词:可挥发性有机物、水性工业涂料、商业计划书 II Abstract Since 2006, China began to implement the energy-saving and emission-reduction plan, Due to the sustained and rapidly economic development and massive investment in infrastructure facilities, the chemical industry had developed very fast. Since the winter of 2012, the national smog weather had appeared for the first time, showing the characteristics of wide range and long duration of air pollution, China has entered the peak period of environmental protection pressure at the same time. In January 2015, the newly revised environmental protection law was implemented. As a traditional "three high" industry, the chemical industry, such as the waste water, waste residue and waste gas produced in the production and use of traditional chemical products such as paint, are the key objects of the current government governance. On February 26, 2019, the Ministry of ecological environment issued the key points of national air pollution prevention and control in 2019, which clearly stipulated that: accelerate the treatment of VOCs in key industries, formulate and implement the technical scheme for comprehensive treatment of VOCs in key industries, clarify the treatment requirements of chemical industry, industrial coating and other industries, actively cooperate with relevant departments, develop and issue products such as coatings, inks, adhesives, etc OCS content limit national standard. A Company a is a well-known domestic anti-corrosion coating supplier integrating production, R & D and sales. A Company a is keenly aware of the increasingly urgent requirements of domestic industrial anticorrosive coatings for environmental protection. In order to meet the market demand and reduce the risk of relatively concentrated business at present, A company decide to expand the domestic waterborne industrial coatings market as the main strategic objective of the company's operation in the next decade. This paper is a business plan, in which PEST model is used to analyze and study the specific macro market environment of environment-friendly coatings, and then five forces model, SWOT and STP tools are used to analyze and study the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise in the environment and the strategic direction of enterprise development and marketing, and 7P marketing tactics are used to expand the blue ocean market. In terms of organization and operation, this paper uses partnership and equity dynamic incentive theory to elaborate in detail. In terms of finance, this paper uses NPV analysis method to make a scientific forecast of the cash flow of the whole project, analyze the feasibility of the project, and make a detailed analysis of the sensitive factors in the project finance. Finally, the potential risks of the whole project are analyzed, and relevant suggestions to solve the risks III are put forward. Key words: VOCs、Waterborne industrial coatings、Business plan IV 目 录 摘要 ............. I Abstract ......... II 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究的背景及意义 ............. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...................... 1 1.2 文献综述 ............................. 2 1.2.1 国内外研究现状 .......... 2 1.2.2 相关理论综述 .............. 3 1.3 研究方法及内容 ................. 3 1.3.1 研究目标与方法 .......... 3 1.3.2 研究内容与框架 .......... 4 第二章 项目基本情况 ................. 7 2.1 A公司简介 .......................... 7 2.1.1 A公司经营情况 ........... 7 2.1.2 A公司发展方向 ........... 7 2.2 水性涂料介绍 ..................... 8 2.3 本章小结 ............................. 9 第三章 项目经营环境分析 ....... 10 3.1 宏观环境分析 ................... 10 3.1.1 政策环境 .................... 10 3.1.2 经济环境 .................... 11 3.1.3 社会文化 .................... 11 3.1.4 技术因素 .................... 12 3.2 行业环境分析 ................... 13 3.2.1 潜在进入者威胁 ........ 13 3.2.2 供应商议价能力 ........ 14 3.2.3 顾客讨价还价的能力 16 V 3.2.4 替代品威胁 ................ 17 3.2.5 行业内部竞争特点 .... 17 3.3 SWOT分析 ....................... 19 3.4 本章小结 ........................... 23 第四章 项目组织运营管理 ....... 24 4.1 项目组织架构 ................... 24 4.2 合伙制与人力资源发展战略规划 .................. 25 4.2.1 股权激励机制 ............ 25 4.2.2 人员招聘计划 ............ 26 4.2.3 员工激励政策 ............ 27 4.3 本章小结 ........................... 27 第五章 营销计划 ....................... 29 5.1 目标市场营销战略 ........... 29 5.1.1 市场需求分析 ............ 29 5.1.2 细分市场分析 ............ 30 5.1.3 营销市场定位 ............ 32 5.2 营销组合策略 ................... 33 5.3 本章小结 ........................... 35 第六章 财务分析 ....................... 36 6.1 投、融资计划 ................... 36 6.2 退出方式 ....................... 36 6.3 收入预测 ........................... 36 6.4 费用预测 ........................... 37 6.5 利润预测 ........................... 37 6.6 项目投资财务决策依据 ... 38 6.6.1 回收期、投资收益率(ROI) .................... 38 6.6.2 净现值(NPV) ........ 38 6.7 项目敏感性分析 ............... 39 6.8 本章小结 ........................... 40 第七章 风险与对策分析 ......... 41 VI 7.1 政策风险及对策 ............... 41 7.1.1 产业风险 .................... 41 7.1.2 政策执行风险 ............ 41 7.1.3 风险对策 .................... 42 7.2 供应链风险及对策 ........... 42 7.2.1 技术风险 .................... 42 7.2.2 生产风险 .................... 42 7.2.3 运输风险 .................... 43 7.2.4 质量投诉风险 ............ 43 7.2.5 风险对策 .................... 43 7.3 财务风险及对策 ............... 43 7.3.1 货款风险 .................... 43 7.3.2 公司经营中的财务风险 ........................... 44 7.3.3 风险对策 .................... 44 7.4 本章小结 ........................... 44 结 论 .......... 45