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随着环保行业的快速发展,企业间的竞争加剧,如何有效激励知识型员工, 充分调动工作积极性,发挥员工潜能,提高组织活力,是目前环保企业共同面临 的难题。科学有效的绩效管理体系有利于帮助公司聚焦未来,实现公司的远景目 标。 江苏京源环保股份有限公司(以下简称京源公司)是一家以工业废水治理为 主营业务的环保企业,研发人员是企业核心人力资源,目前的绩效考核体系激励 作用有限,缺乏公平性,导致关键人才流失。 本文以京源公司研发人员为研究对象,逐步说明绩效管理优化方案的设计。 首先从公司、员工、数据等多个视角对京源公司研发人员的考核现状进行了深入 全面的分析,通过问卷调查法和访谈法分析京源公司研发人员绩效管理方案中存 在的诸多问题,运用鱼骨图法找到问题产生的根源——管理人员水平低下、绩效 考核方法简陋且不科学、管理人员对绩效管理不重视等。其次,通过平衡计分卡 绘制公司战略地图,提取公司绩效目标再分解至部门,同时构建基于目标计划、 岗位职责和能力态度指标的岗位绩效评价方案,最后借助层次分析法(AHP)和 帕累托图确定绩效评价指标的权重和关键绩效指标,提出经优化的绩效管理方案。 健全有效的绩效管理体系对企业健康有序发展有重要作用,绩效管理体系的 建立是一项庞大且繁复的工程,目前我国多数公司还处于摸索阶段。本文以绩效 管理理论为基础,通过分析京源公司研发人员在绩效管理方面存在的问题,并通 过对问题的分析和研究,提出解决问题的建议和保障措施。本文得出的研究成果 能够帮助京源公司实现战略目标,对环保行业其他公司具有一定借鉴意义。 关键词:研发人员,绩效管理,优化 MBA学位论文 作者: 京源公司研发人员绩效管理方案优化研究 III RESEARCH ON OPTIMIZATION OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PLAN OF R & D IN JINGYUAN COMPANY Abstract With the rapid development of environmental protection industry, the competition among enterprises is intensified. How to effectively motivate knowledge-based employees, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of work, give full play to the potential of employees, and improve the organizational vitality are the common problems faced by environmental protection enterprises. Scientific and effective performance management system is conducive to help the company focus on the future and achieve the company's long-term goals. Jiangsu Jingyuan environmental protection Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jingyuan company) is an environmental protection enterprise mainly engaged in industrial wastewater treatment. The R & D personnel are the core human resources of the enterprise. The current performance appraisal system has limited incentive effect and lacks fairness, resulting in the loss of key talents. This paper takes the R & D personnel of Jingyuan company as the research object, and gradually explains the design of performance management optimization scheme. First of all, from the perspectives of the company, employees, data and so on, this paper makes an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the assessment status of the R & D personnel of Jingyuan company. Through questionnaire survey and interview, it analyzes many problems in the performance management plan of the R & D personnel of Jingyuan company, and uses the fishbone diagram method to find the root of the problems - the low level of the management personnel, the simple and unscientific performance assessment method, and management People don't pay attention to performance management. Secondly, according to the specific situation of Jingyuan company, we draw the company's strategic map, extract the Department's performance objectives through the company's balanced scorecard, and construct the post performance evaluation scheme based on the consolidation of the walking plan, post MBA学位论文 作者: 京源公司研发人员绩效管理方案优化研究 IV responsibility and ability and attitude indicators. Finally, we use AHP and Pareto chart to determine the weight and key performance indicators of the performance evaluation indicators, and propose the excellent performance indicators Performance management plan. A sound and effective performance management system plays an important role in the healthy and orderly development of enterprises. The establishment of performance management system is a huge and complex project. At present, most companies in China are still in the exploratory stage. Based on the theory of performance management, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the performance management of R & D personnel in Jingyuan company, and through the analysis and research of the problems, puts forward suggestions and safeguard measures to solve the problems. The research results obtained in this paper can be used for reference by other companies in the environmental protection industry. Key words: R & D personnel, performance management, optimization MBA学位论文 作者: 京源公司研发人员绩效管理方案优化研究 V 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................ II Abstract ............................................... III 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2 1.2 研究内容与研究方法 .......................................... 2 1.2.1 研究内容 ................................................ 3 1.2.2 研究方法 ................................................ 3 1.3 研究思路与框架 .............................................. 3 第二章 绩效管理相关理论概述 .............................. 5 2.1 绩效管理相关理论研究 ........................................ 5 2.2 动机理论 .................................................... 7 2.3 绩效考核的工具 .............................................. 9 第三章 京源公司研发人员绩效管理现状分析 ................. 11 3.1 京源公司简介 ............................................... 11 3.1.1 公司组织架构 ........................................... 12 3.1.2 京源公司销售业绩 ....................................... 13 3.1.3 京源公司研发人员概状 ................................... 14 3.2 京源公司研发人员绩效管理现状 ............................... 16 3.2.1 绩效管理目的 ........................................... 16 3.2.2 绩效考核周期和流程 ..................................... 16 3.2.3 绩效考核指标 ........................................... 17 3.2.4 年度绩效激励 ........................................... 18 MBA学位论文 作者: 京源公司研发人员绩效管理方案优化研究 VI 3.2.5 绩效考核结果的应用 ..................................... 18 3.3 京源公司研发设计人员绩效管理方案存在的问题 ................. 19 3.3.1 问卷调查设计 ........................................... 19 3.3.2 问卷调查数据分析 ....................................... 20 3.3.3 访谈设计与实施 ......................................... 24 3.3.4 绩效管理方案存在的问题总结 ............................. 26 3.4 京源公司研发设计人员绩效管理方案存在问题的成因分析 ......... 29 第四章 京源公司研发人员绩效管理方案优化设计 ............. 31 4.1 绩效管理方案优化的目标、原则和总体思路 ..................... 31 4.1.1 绩效管理方案优化的目标 ................................. 31 4.1.2 绩效管理方案优化的原则 ................................. 31 4.1.3 绩效管理方案优化的总体思路 ............................. 32 4.2 绩效计划阶段的优化 ......................................... 32 4.2.1 公司战略规划环境分析 ................................... 33 4.2.2 明确公司发展方向和战略目标 ............................. 34 4.2.3 基于平衡计分卡绘制公司战略地图 ......................... 34 4.3 绩效考核阶段优化设计 ....................................... 36 4.3.1 建立AHP层次结构 ....................................... 36 4.3.2 提取主要驱动因子 ....................................... 36 4.3.3 建立部门绩效考核指标库 ................................. 38 4.3.4 筛选部门指标 ........................................... 38 4.3.5 设计指标权重 ........................................... 39 4.3.6 设立绩效考核指标的标准 ................................. 42 4.3.7 确定绩效考核的周期 ..................................... 43 4.3.8 筛选个人指标 ........................................... 43 4.3.9 确定绩效等级及分配比例 ................................. 45 4.4 绩效反馈阶段优