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中国光大银行青岛分行个人理财业务营销策略研究 近三十年来,经济发展突飞猛进,中国社会中已经积累了大量财 富,面对越来越富裕的来老百姓,他们开始对理财业务、财富管理产 生了需求,传统的定期储蓄以及国债等银行业务已经无法满足老百姓 对于理财的需求。面对空前的市场机遇,银行抓住机遇用,为老百姓 搭建一条帮助财富增值和解决企业融资需求的桥梁。近年来个人理财 产品及其相关业务也得到了相当快速的发展,越来越多的理财产品出 现在人们的视线中,受到了各个阶层人们的广泛关注。高速发展的同 时也应运产生了一系列问题,例如如何进一步提高我国商业银行发行 个人理财产品水平;如何解决商业银行本身优化个人理财产品的营销 战略;如何在激烈的理财竞争环境中取得胜利等等。 本文将中国光大银行青岛分行作为主要研究对象,运用管理学营 销理论,深度分析中国个人理财业务的发展现状,对个人理财业务的 营销策略等相关问题进行深入的研究和讨论。作为一名银行的理财经 理,可以利用自己在实际工作中的经验以及市场营销课程的所学所感 针对光大银行青岛分行的个人理财业务的营销策略进行研究分析,提 出合理化建议。主要运用的研究方法有:SWOT 分析法,通过分析光 大银行青岛分行个人理财业务在发展中的优势与机遇,例如所处地 域、地方政策利好、资金充裕以及强大的口碑与品牌建设等,同时也 提出了光大银行青岛分行在同业压力、网点布局、市场细分差、高端 客户薄弱等方面的劣势与威胁,从而总结出光大银行青岛分行在个人 理财业务的 SWOT 矩阵分析,提出了合理化建议。本文运用了市场细 分理论,对光大银行青岛分行的个人理财业务中的市场细分、目标市 场以及市场定位三方面进行了分析和提出了改进意见。首先对光大银 行个人理财业务的整个市场进行科学的市场细分,通过系统的评估客 群以及运用生命周期理论找到营销策略的痛点;其次是分析目标市 场,发现最大客群以及重点客户进行着力营销;最后是明确市场定位。 然后运用 7Ps 营销理论,从配置个性定制化理财产品、优化服务流 程以提高服务水平、改善渠道建设、充分运用丰富的促销手段以及员II 工素质和技能的提升等方面提出了建议,希望通过这些改进措施可以 帮助光大银行的个人理财业务有更好地发展。 关键词: 个人理财产品,SWOT 分析法,市场细分理论,营销策略III Abstract In the past three decades, the economy has been developing by leaps and bounds, and a large amount of wealth has been accumulated in the Chinese society. Facing the increasingly wealthy people, they have begun to have demands for financial services and wealth management. The traditional regular savings and Treasury bonds and other banking services have been unable to meet the needs of the people for financial services. Faced with unprecedented market opportunities, the bank seized the opportunity to build a bridge for the people to help increase wealth and solve the financing needs of enterprises. In recent years, personal financial products and related businesses have also developed rapidly. More and more financial products have appeared in people's eyes and attracted extensive attention from people of all walks of life. Along with the rapid development, a series of problems have arisen, such as how to further improve the level of personal finance products issued by commercial Banks in China; How to solve the commercial Banks themselves to optimize the marketing strategy of personal finance products; How to win in the fierce financial competition and so on. This paper takes Qingdao branch of China Everbright bank as the main research object, USES management marketing theory to deeply analyze the development status of personal finance services in China, and conducts in-depth research and discussion on the marketing strategies of personal finance services and other related issues. As a financial manager of a bank, I can make use of my experience in practical work and what I have learned in marketing courses to conduct research and analysis on the marketing strategies of the personal finance services of Qingdao branch of Everbright bank and put forward reasonable Suggestions. The main research methods used are: the SWOT analysis method, through the analysis of Everbright bank Qingdao branch personal financial management business in the developing advantages and opportunities, such as regional and local policy is good, flush with cash and strong reputation and brand construction, etc., also put forward the Everbright bank Qingdao branch in peer pressure, site layout, market segmentation,IV the respect such as high-end customers weak disadvantages and threats, and Everbright bank Qingdao branch is summarized in the personal finance business of the SWOT matrix analysis, proposed the rationalization proposal. Using the market segmentation theory, this paper analyzes the market segmentation, target market and market positioning of the personal finance services of Everbright bank Qingdao branch and puts forward Suggestions for improvement. First of all, the whole market of Everbright bank's personal finance business was scientifically subdivided, and the pain points of marketing strategies were found through systematic evaluation of customer groups and the application of life cycle theory. The second is to analyze the target market, find the largest customer group and key customers to focus on marketing; Finally, it is clear market positioning. Then use 7 ps marketing theory, from the configuration character customization products, optimize service process to improve the service level, improve channel construction, make full use of rich promotions and staff quality and skills of ascension and so on are proposed, hope that through these measures can help Everbright bank's personal finance business has a better development. Key Words: Personal Financial Products, SWOT Analysis, STP Theory, Marketing StrategyV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论...............................................1 1.1 研究的背景 ..........................................1 1.2 研究的意义 ..........................................2 1.3 国内外研究现状 ......................................3 1.3.1 国外研究现状.....................................3 1.3.2 国内研究现状.....................................4 1.4 主要研究内容与方法 ..................................6 1.4.1 主要研究内容 .....................................6 1.4.2 主要研究方法 .....................................6 第 2 章 相关概念与理论基础.................................8 2.1 相关概念 ............................................8 2.1.1 个人理财业务 .....................................8 2.1.2 个人理财产品 .....................................8 2.1.3 市场营销策略.....................................8 2.2 理论基础 ............................................9 2.2.1 STP 理论.........................................9 2.2.2 7Ps 理论.........................................9VI 2.2.3 生命周期理论.....................................9 第 3 章 中国光大银行青岛分行个人理财业务现状..............11 3.1 企业发展历程 .......................................11 3.2 个人理财产品发展现状................................13 3.2.1 个人理财产品的发展历程 ..........................13 3.2.2 个人理财产品主要类型 ............................15 3.3 个人理财业务 SWOT 分析...............................17 3.3.1 优势分析........................................17 3.3.2 劣势分析 ........................................18 3.3.3 机遇分析 ........................................19 3.3.4 威胁分析........................................20 3.3.5 SWOT 矩阵分析 ..................................21 第 4 章 光大银行个人理财业务营销策略......................22 4.1 STP 策略............................................22 4.1.1 市场细分 ........................................22 4.1.2 目标市场........................................24 4.1.3 市场定位 ........................................26 4.2 产品策略 ..........................................28 4.2.1 定制化产品策略..................................28 4.2.2 产品组合策略....................................29VII 4.3 服务策略 ...........................................31 4.3 渠道策略............................................33 4.3.1 线上渠道........................................33 4.3.2 线下渠道........................................34 4.5 促销策略 ...........................................34 4.5.1 媒体促销........................................34 4.5.2 活动促销........................................35 4.5.3 联合促销........................................36 4.6 人员策略 ...........................................37 4.6.1 培训员工,持证上岗..............................37 4.6.2 各岗位员工协同合作..............................38 4.6.3 完善培养制度....................................39 4.6.4 考核激励机制....................................39 4.7 过程策略 ...........................................40 4.8 环境策略 ...........................................41 4.8.1 办公环境........................................41 4.8.2 人文环境........................................41 第 5 章 保障措施..........................................43 5.1 提高信息共享与员工沟通能力 .........................43 5.2 确保营销的资金充足 ................................43VIII 5.3 完善风险防控制度..................................43 5.4 完善员工培训制度 ..................................44 第 6 章 研究结论..........................................45