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在通信云化、互联网+及大数据大背景下,企业对云客服的需求呈现了井喷趋势, 云客服也得到了风险投资资本的热捧,从2013年开始步入了快速发展轨道,并随着AI 技术的应用推广,客服机器人已得到越来越多的客户认可,全渠道智能云客服平台已成 为企业刚需。在资本推波助澜下,云客服头部企业正在快速形成,市场竞争非常激烈, 初创云客服企业面临的重大战略问题是怎样构建竞争优势、明确市场定位和采用何种竞 争战略等问题。在万众创业、大众创新背景下,在开源技术的帮助下,云客服企业不断 涌现,因此研究初创云客服企业如何在新形势下做出怎样的战略选择具有重要的现实意 义。本文以B公司作为研究对象,研究B公司怎样在新形势下选择业务战略,建立竞 争优势问题。 本文开头分析宏观环境,详细剖析云客服所处的政治环境、经济环境、社会环境、 技术环境,总结出云客服发展的新态势;其次分析了行业竞争态势,通过剖析替代产品 威胁、潜在进入者威胁、供应商讨价还价能力、购买者讨价还价能力,总结出云客服行 业的竞争态势;再次分析了B公司内部环境,详细分析B公司内部资源和能力状况; 最后运用SWOT分析方法,通过剖析优势、劣势、潜在机会、外部威胁,总结出B公 司全渠道智能云客服平台新业务战略。 研究结论为:1)B公司所处的外部环境既有机会、也有威胁,B公司掌握云客服 核心技术,深谙行业云客服产品需求,熟悉竞争对手状况,招揽和培养了有竞争力的产 品和项目交付团队,云客服产业链资源整合能力强;2)通过内外部环境分析发现,B 公司可选择深耕保险和汽车行业细分市场、广东区域细分市场、云坐席生态细分市场; 3)业务战略采取成本领先战略。本研究结论可以帮助B公司或其他初创云客服企业适 应新态势中的竞争与发展。 关键词:全渠道 AI智能 云客服 业务战略 II ABSTRACT In the context of cloud communication,Internet plus and big data,the demand for cloud customer service has presented a blowout trend. Cloud customer service has also been a hot spot of venture capital investment. Since 2013,it has entered a rapid development track. With the popularization and application of AI technology,customer service robots have been recognized by more and more customers. The smart channel cloud customer service platform has become a rigid demand for enterprises. With the help of capital,the head enterprises of cloud customer service are forming rapidly,and the market competition is very fierce. The major strategic problems faced by the start-up cloud customer service enterprises are how to build competitive advantage,clear market positioning and what kind of competitive strategy to adopt. Under the background of mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation,with the help of open source technology,cloud customer service enterprises continue to emerge,so it is of great practical significance to study how start-up cloud customer service enterprises make strategic choices in the new situation. This paper takes company B as the research object,and studies how company B chooses business strategy and establishes competitive advantage in the new situation. At the beginning of this paper,the macro environment,the political environment,the economic environment,the social environment and the technical environment of cloud customer service are analyzed in detail,and the new development trend of cloud customer service is summarized; secondly,the industry competition situation is analyzed,and the competition of cloud customer service industry is summarized by analyzing the threat of alternative products, the threat of potential entrants, the bargaining power of suppliers, and the bargaining power of buyers Situation; analyze the internal environment of company B again,and analyze the internal resources and capabilities of company B in detail; finally,use SWOT analysis method to summarize the new business strategy of company B's Omni channel Intelligent Cloud customer service platform by analyzing advantages,disadvantages, potential opportunities and external threats. The research conclusions are as follows: 1) Company B's external environment has both opportunities and threats. Company B has mastered the core technology of cloud customer service,is familiar with the needs of cloud customer service products in the industry,is familiar with the situation of competitors,and has recruited and trained competitive product III and project delivery teams. The cloud customer service industry chain resource integration ability is strong; 2) through the analysis of internal and external environment,company B has the option of deep cultivation Insurance and automobile industry market segments, Guangdong regional market segments,cloud seat ecological market segments; 3) business strategy adopts cost leading strategy. The conclusion of this study can help company B or other start-up cloud customer service enterprises to adapt to the competition and development in the new situation. Keywords: Omni channel; AI intelligence; cloud customer service; business strategy IV 目 录 摘要 ............... I ABSTRACT .. II 目 录 ............ IV 图表清单 ..... VII 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..................... 2 1.2 文献综述 ............................ 2 1.2.1 国内研究现状 ............. 2 1.2.2 国外研究现状 ............. 3 1.2.3 文献评述 ..................... 4 1.3 研究问题和方法 ................ 4 1.3.1 研究问题 ..................... 4 1.3.2 研究方法 ..................... 5 1.4 研究内容和框架 ................ 5 1.4.1 研究内容 ..................... 5 1.4.2 研究框架 ..................... 6 第二章 外部环境分析 ................. 7 2.1 宏观环境分析 .................... 7 2.1.1 政治环境 ..................... 8 2.1.2 经济环境 ..................... 8 2.1.3 社会环境 ................... 10 2.1.4 技术环境 ................... 11 2.2 行业环境分析 .................. 12 2.2.1 行业竞争分析 ........... 12 2.2.2 市场环境分析 ........... 16 2.2.3 云客服需求分析 ....... 18 V 2.3 竞争对手分析 .................. 19 2.4 关键成功因素 .................. 20 2.5 机会与威胁分析 .............. 21 2.6 本章小结 .......................... 22 第三章 内部环境分析 ............... 23 3.1 B公司的基本情况 ........... 23 3.1.1 B公司概况 ................ 23 3.1.2 B公司业务模式 ........ 24 3.2 企业资源分析 .................. 26 3.2.1 人力资源 ................... 26 3.2.2 财务资源 ................... 26 3.2.3 技术资源 ................... 27 3.2.4 品牌与声誉资源 ....... 27 3.3 企业能力分析 .................. 28 3.3.1 企业运营管理能力 ... 28 3.3.2 构建生态能力 ........... 28 3.3.3 市场应变能力 ........... 29 3.3.4 创新能力 ................... 29 3.4 核心竞争力分析 .............. 29 3.5 优势与劣势分析 .............. 30 3.5.1 优势 ........................... 30 3.5.2 劣势 ........................... 32 3.6 本章小结 .......................... 32 第四章 业务战略制定 ............... 33 4.1 SWOT分析 ....................... 33 4.2 战略愿景与使命 .............. 34 4.2.1 公司愿景 ................... 34 4.2.2 公司使命 ................... 34 4.3 战略目标 .......................... 34 4.4 业务战略制定 .................. 34 VI 4.4.1 目标市场选择 ........... 34 4.4.2 目标市场需求与定位 .............................. 36 4.4.3 成本领先定位的关键要素 ...................... 37 4.4.4 价值链重构与规模效应的发挥 .............. 38 4.5 本章小结 .......................... 38 第五章 战略实施与保障 ........... 39 5.1 战略实施步骤与计划分解 ............................. 39 5.2 战略保障措施 .................. 40 5.2.1 组织结构调整 ........... 40 5.2.2 人力资源保障 ........... 41 5.2.3 企业文化建设 ........... 42 5.2.4 企业品牌建设 ........... 42 5.9 本章小结 .......................... 43 结 论 ............ 44