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随着我国经济的增长,政府财政对于医疗投入的增加,加上人民生活水平逐步提高, 近年我国医药市场连续增长,市场潜力巨大,发展前景广阔。辉瑞制药有限公司创建于 1849年,总部地点位于美国纽约,是目前全球顶级的以研发为基础的生物制药公司之一, 辉瑞在中国拥有完整的抗菌药物产品线,其中舒普深产品占据份额最大,在竞争惨烈的 抗生素市场,舒普深凭借良好的推广方式,实现了在中国区域非常快速的增长,但在日 益激烈的市场竞争中,舒普深产品与竞争产品碳青霉烯类抗生素相比较依然有较大差 距,同时还面临多个国产厂家的同类仿制品的竞争压力,那么舒普深产品如何借助政策 抓住市场机遇,抢占竞品份额,进一步提高舒普深产品在抗生素市场中的占有率,提高 企业面对机遇和挑战时的竞争力,是企业目前面临的问题。 本文以辉瑞公司舒普深产品市场营销策略为研究内容,系统分析了舒普深产品市场 营销策略现状,并运用PEST分析、SWOT分析,对目前的营销环境进行分析,找出舒 普深产品在营销中出现的问题,运用市场营销STP理论对舒普深产品市场进行细分,并 进行目标市场定位,在此基础上对舒普深产品营销策略进行改进,包括产品策略改进、 价格策略改进、渠道策略改进、促销策略改进。最后从客户管理,优化奖惩制度,加强 跨部门沟通合作,加强企业文化建设,四方面提出了舒普深产品营销策略改进的保障措 施。 关键词:舒普深;抗生素;辉瑞制药 哈尔滨工程大学工商管理硕士学位论文 Abstract With the growth of China's economy, the increase of government financial investment in medical care, and the gradual improvement of people's living standards,the pharmaceutical market in China has been growing continuously in recent years, with huge market potential and broad prospects for development. Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was founded in 1849 In, headquartered in New York, USA, Pfizer is one of the world's top biopharmaceutical companies based on research and development. Pfizer has a complete antibacterial product line in China, of which Sulperazon product occupy the largest share. In the fierce competition of the antibiotic market, Sulperazon has achieved a very rapid growth in China by precise positioning and good promotion methods, However, in the increasingly fierce market competition, there is still a little gap between Sulperazon product and its competitive products, carbapenem antibiotics. At the same time, it also faces the competitive pressure of similar imitations from many domestic manufacturers. How can Sulperazon product seize the market opportunity with the help of policies, break through the bottleneck in the development process, effectively integrate resources, enhance the corporate image and seize the competition Product share, further improve the share of Sulperazon product in the antibiotic market, and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises in the face of opportunities and challenges, are the problems enterprises are facing at present. Based on the research of marketing strategy of Sulperazon product of Pfizer company, this paper systematically analyzes the current situation of marketing strategy of Sulperazon product, uses PEST analysis and SWOT analysis to analyze the current marketing environment, finds out the problems in marketing of Sulperazon product, use STP theory of marketing to subdivide the market of Sulperazon product, and selects Sulperazon 's objectives On the basis of the target market and target market positioning, this paper improves the target market and marketing strategy of Sulperazon product, including product strategy improvement, price strategy improvement, channel strategy improvement and promotion strategy improvement. From the aspects of customer management, optimizing the reward and punishment system, strengthening cross-departmental communication and cooperation, and strengthening the construction of corporate culture, four aspects of Sulperazon product 辉瑞制药有限公司舒普深产品营销策略研究 marketing strategy improvement safeguards were proposed. Keywords: Sulperazon; antibiotic; Pfizer 哈尔滨工程大学工商管理硕士学位论文 目 录 第1章 绪论··1 1.1 研究的背景目的及意义1 1.1.1 研究背景·············1 1.1.2 研究目的及意义····2 1.2 国内外研究现状·········3 1.2.1 国外研究现状·······3 1.2.2 国内研究现状·······4 1.2.3 国内外研究现状综述················5 1.3 研究思路与研究方法···6 1.3.1 研究思路·············6 1.3.2 研究方法·············7 1.4 论文的创新之处·········8 第2章 辉瑞制药公司舒普深产品市场营销现状···········9 2.1 辉瑞制药公司概况······9 2.1.1 公司简介·············9 2.1.2 组织结构············10 2.1.3 舒普深产品介绍···11 2.2 舒普深产品市场营销现状···············13 2.2.1 产品策略现状······13 2.2.2 价格策略现状······14 2.2.3 渠道策略现状······15 2.2.4 促销策略现状······16 2.3 舒普深市场营销存在的问题及成因···17 2.3.1 存在的问题·········17 2.3.2 存在问题的成因分析···············18 2.4 本章小结·················19 第3章 辉瑞公司舒普深产品市场营销环境分析··········20 3.1 辉瑞公司舒普深产品市场营销PEST分析············20 辉瑞制药有限公司舒普深产品营销策略研究 3.1.1 市场营销政治(P)环境分析·····20 3.1.2 市场营销经济(E)环境分析·····21 3.1.3 市场营销社会(S)环境分析·····22 3.1.4 市场营销技术(T)环境分析·····24 3.2 辉瑞公司舒普深产品微观环境分析···25 3.2.1 竞争市场分析······25 3.2.2 竞争者分析·········27 3.2.3 企业自身分析······29 3.2.4 消费者分析·········30 3.2.5 供应者分析·········31 3.3 舒普深产品市场营销SWOT分析·····31 3.3.1 舒普深市场营销优势(S)和劣势(W)分析··31 3.3.2 舒普深市场营销机会(O)与威胁(T)分析··33 3.3.3 舒普深市场营销 SWOT分析结论·················34 3.4 本章小结·················36 第4章 舒普深产品市场营销策略调整方案················37 4.1 舒普深产品市场营销STP分析········37 4.1.1 舒普深产品目标市场细分·········37 4.1.2 舒普深产品目标市场选择·········37 4.1.3 舒普深产品目标市场定位·········38 4.2 产品策略调整···········38 4.2.1 适应症调整策略···38 4.2.2 处方模式调整策略40 4.3 价格策略调整···········41 4.3.1 支付价格调整策略41 4.3.2 供货价格调整策略42 4.4 渠道调整策略···········43 4.4.1 县级渠道调整策略43 4.4.2 线上渠道调整策略43 4.5 促销调整策略···········45 4.5.1 多媒体促销策略···45 哈尔滨工程大学工商管理硕士学位论文 4.5.2 信息化促销策略···46 4.6 本章小结·················47 第5章 舒普深产品策略实施的保障措施·48 5.1 客户管理机制···········48 5.1.1 客户分级············48 5.1.2 差异化管理·········49 5.2 优化奖惩制度···········49 5.2.1 优化设置奖金制度49 5.2.2 优化员工辅导流程50 5.3 加强跨部门合作········52 5.3.1 轮岗机制的建立···52 5.3.2 议价沟通平台的建立···············53 5.4 加强企业文化建设·····54 5.4.1 创新文化的建立···54 5.4.2 加强内部员工交流54 5.5 本章小结·················55 结 论··········56