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从20世纪末到21世纪初,自互联网技术迅猛发展以来,软件信息技术和商 业模式概念这看似风马牛不相及的两者便互相影响着发展至今。商业模式、商业 模式创新作为时代热词被不断地提及,各类文献也层出不穷。信息技术产业堪称 是这个时代的内核产业,更随着全球一体化分工的持续深入,软件外包产业成为 时代的支柱产业。由于软件外包业务的成本结构简单,技术壁垒相对较高,人力 资源管理非标性强,学术届针对该产业的商业模式探讨并不热烈。 W公司曾经是一家金融设备业界全球第一的跨国公司在中国的独资企业。 在市场的冲击下,W公司经历了转型,与央企合资等种种历程,以寻求能够像 IBM那样从硬件提供商转型到软件服务商,成为中国的金融业界蓝色巨人。然而 W公司转型的过程并不顺利。到了2020年,W公司银行部软件外包业务面临着 客户萎缩,项目利润越来越低的重大困境。W公司银行部软件外包业务到了不变 不行的境地。通过研究W公司银行部软件外包业务的商业模式现状与问题,找 到该业务可能“赚钱”的商业模式,是本文研究的最重要目的。 本文以W公司银行部的软件外包业务作为案例,利用商业模式画布理论工 具,并结合SWOT分析法将商业模式画布元素进行四维的分析考量,以期得出 更为准确的商业模式创新画布。由OSTERWALDER博士提出来的商业模式画布 理论,在世界范围内得到了广泛运用。著名的全球多元化科技公司3M公司、著 名会计事务所德勤都曾经使用商业模式画布来分析过自身企业,并得到商业模式 创新的灵感。 本文通过三种学术研究方法,两个角度,共六章对案例进行阐述和研究,以 获得W公司银行部软件外包业务的商业模式创新结果。本文作者期待该商业模 式创新结果能为W公司,乃至其他业界企业带去些许参考和启迪。 本文使用的三种学术研究方法,分别为文献综述法、比较分析法和案例分析 法,这三种有效的学术研究方法将使得本文的研究更为科学,更具说服力。 本文首先从W公司银行部软件外包业务商业模式现状与问题这个角度进行 了详尽的分析。然后,本文从W公司银行部的行业主要竞争者与行业外部环境 这个角度,与W公司进行了对比分析。通过这两个角度的分析,兼顾了企业的 内外部情况,让本文的研究更为完整。 本文共分为六章。第一章是绪论,介绍研究的背景、目的、意义和内容、阐 述了研究方法,以及本文研究可能的创新点和存在的不足之处。第二章是商业模 式理论综述,该章提到了商业模式的概念发展简史,重点阐述了商业模式画布, 为随后的理论运用打下基础。第三章是W公司银行部软件外包业务商业模式现 状与问题,这章运用商业模式画布结合SWOT分析法对W公司银行部软件外包 业务商业模式现状与问题做详细的分析。第四章是行业主要竞争者与行业外部环 境,该章节分析了W公司银行部软件外包业务的两类竞争者和W公司银行部软 件外包业务的外部环境变化压力,为后续W公司银行部的商业模式创新提供了 更多的参考信息。第五章是W公司银行部软件外包业务的商业模式创新,该章 基于前几章的分析结果,运用商业模式画布理论搭建出适合W公司银行部软件 外包业务发展的商业模式创新模型。第六章是总结与展望,这一章对本文的研究 结果进行了更深层次的思考,也对未来的研究结果应用提出了审慎的建议。 本文研究可能的创新:针对W公司银行部软件外包业务商业模式创新的论 文研究是首次,对该行业的类似研究有抛砖引玉的作用。 本文的不足之处在于数据分析较少,而且W公司银行部软件外包业务商业 模式创新模型没有经过实践验证。这使得本文研究的科学性、可行性有待加强。 关键词: 商业模式,商业模式创新,软件外包 ABSTRACT From the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, since the rapid development of Internet technology, the seemingly incompatible concepts of software information technology and business models have influenced each other to this day. Business models and business model innovations are constantly mentioned. The information technology industry is most import industry right now. With global integration, the software outsourcing industry has become a pillar industry of the times. Due to the simple cost structure of software outsourcing, the academic discussion on the business model of this is not enthusiastic. Company W was once a wholly-owned enterprise in China of a global hardware equipment multinational company in the financial equipment industry. Under the impact of the market, W Company and a central enterprise establish a joint venture company to seek the transformation from hardware to software. The process of transformation is difficult. By 2020, customers of W's banking department's software outsourcing business will shrink, and project profits will become lower and lower. The purpose of this article is to study the current status and problems of the Company W and find out a profitable business model. This article takes the software outsourcing business of the Banking Department of Company W as a case, uses business model canvas theoretical tools, and combines SWOT analysis to conduct a four-dimensional analysis and consideration of business model canvas elements, in order to obtain a more accurate business model innovation canvas. The business model canvas theory proposed by Dr. Osterwalder is widely used worldwide. The well-known global diversified technology company 3M and the well- known accounting firm Deloitte have used the business model canvas to analyze their own companies, and have been inspired by business model innovation. This article also uses three academic research methods, through two perspectives, a total of six chapters to study and elaborate on the case, and finally to innovate the business model of the software outsourcing business of the Banking Department of Company W. The author of this article looks forward to the results of this business model innovation can bring some reference and enlightenment for W company and even other companies in software outsourcing industry. The three academic research methods used in this paper are literature review method, comparative analysis method and case analysis method. These three effective methods will make the research in this article more scientific and convincing. This article first conducts a detailed analysis from the perspective of the status quo and problems of the software outsourcing business model of the W Department's banking department. Then, this article makes a comparative analysis with W Company from the perspective of the industry's main competitors and the industry's external environment of W Company's banking department. Through the analysis of these two angles, the internal and external conditions of the enterprise are taken into account, making the research in this article more complete. This article is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background, purpose, meaning and content of the research, expounds the research methods, and the possible innovations and deficiencies of this research. The second chapter is a summary of business model theory. This chapter refers to a brief history of the conceptual development of the business model, focuses on the business model canvas, and lays the foundation for subsequent theoretical applications. The third chapter is the current status and problems of the software outsourcing business model of W Company Banking Department. This chapter uses the business model canvas and SWOT analysis method to make a detailed analysis of the status quo and problems of the software outsourcing business model of W Company Banking Department. The fourth chapter is the industry's main competitors and the industry's external environment. This chapter analyzes the two types of competitors in the software outsourcing business of W Company's banking department and the competitive environmental pressures of W company's banking software outsourcing business, which provides the follow-up for W company's business model innovation. More references. The fifth chapter is the business model innovation of the software outsourcing business of the W company's banking department. Based on the analysis results of the previous chapters, this chapter uses the business model canvas theory to build a business model innovation model suitable for the development of the software outsourcing business of the W company's banking department. The sixth chapter is the summary and outlook. This chapter gives a deeper reflection on the research results of this article, and also makes prudent suggestions for the application of future research results. This article studies possible innovation: This is t