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历史文化街区在发展中面临由于地方变迁导致的地方感封闭、中央与地方 法律体系的脱嵌使保护与利用主体的权责不明、产权制度不完善阻碍了文化街 区发展模式的创新、权力结构不均导致各利益主体的矛盾冲突等问题,利益相 关者的关系结构对于历史文化街区地方性的建构、生活方式的塑造、产业模式 的发展、公共服务的提供等行为都息息相关,各个利益相关者的立场诉求、参 与能力和行为逻辑影响了关系网络的结构特征与效用发挥,因此为了优化旅游 产业发展中利益相关者参与模式的合理性与有效性,对关系网络的结构效应与 利益相关者行为研究就十分必要。 首先,正式的利益关系与非正式的认同关系是形成利益相关者网络的重要 基础,文章以泉州古城区为例,利用社会网络分析中指数随机图模型分析方法, 通过对旅游利益相关者的利益关系网络、认同关系网络、利益与认同交互关系 网络进行纯结构效应和行动者关系效应分析,得出结论如下:(1)从网络紧密 度来看泉州古城区利益网络紧密度低于认同网络紧密度和利益与认同交互网络 紧密度;(2)利益网络与认同网络的传递性效应突出且不具有循环闭合的效果, 但利益与认同关系间不存在明显的传递性;(3)交互网络的核心边缘特征不显 著,从单网络的凝聚子群与邻接矩阵分析结果来看利益网络存在较多子派系以 及具有高度中心性,其中当地政府与企业的中心性最高,属于中心利益相关者; (4)从网络中间人效应来看利益关系网络与认同关系网络中间人控制效应不显 著,但是仍存在结构洞,旅游开发投资商和媒体在两个网络中同时起到核心中 介作用;(5)从行动者关系效应看,在利益网络中占有更多资源优势的利益相 关者更加愿意建立更多向外的利益关系,认同网络中负的发送者效应则代表处 于边缘化认同低的利益相关者更愿意积极表达对其他利益相关者的认同感,正 的接收者效应则代表具有高度认同感的利益相关者更具有威望也更有机会接受 积极的认同感。 其次,结合上一章中对利益相关者网络特征分析以及根据利益相关者的访 谈总结各类利益相关者行为逻辑,解释利益相关者主体行动的分异如何导致异 化关系格局的形成。分析结果如下:(1)政府治理的行为逻辑,政府治理行为 II 是基于“多重制度逻辑”,受目标责任制限制职能部门(地方文旅局)在任务压 力与有限资源的张力以及与其他部门的竞争中不得不依赖外部资源,其行为决 策受到绩效与合法性矛盾的影响;(2)旅游产业在地方发展初期主要依靠政府 主导发展方向,企业支持开发和提供资源与管理经验,以及地方政府受到中央 与地方项目制的激励不断引进项目推动产业发展,因此政府与开发商企业形成 稳固长效的增长关系,在利益相关者网络中占据优势;(3)法律制度缺失与社 区成员参与能力的不足使社区在产业发展决策与利益分配中处于被动地位,社 区成员构成的异质性也使社区内部在利益相关者网络中存在重要性的差距;(4) 压力集团本身对旅游发展积极性较小,但因其专业属性和社会影响力能够影响 产业政策制定。各利益相关者立场与行为逻辑的冲突体现了异化的关系网络格 局:主体行动能力不足,受到他者的指挥与影响以及缺乏外部关系的有效支持。 最后,基于以上关系网络特征与利益相关者行动冲突文章提出优化关系网 络的策略,分别是:(1)优化空间结构治理,使各利益相关者形成基于城市功 能分区发挥最大效用,能够切实表达不同群体的利益需求,完善产业发展中权 益分配结构的协作共同体;(2)提高主体参与能力和完善参与制度双管齐下实 现增权,从宏观法律赋予“权利”、中观制度给予“权力”、微观机制促进“权 能”保障“权益”全面提升个体、组织与社区三个层面的“增权”;(3)发挥有 机知识分子的作用在文化政治中社会力量博弈的场域里强化利益主体的立场与 意义,使真实的主体有能力摆脱边缘化的不利地位,尊重决策中论述的差异性。 关键词:历史文化街区;指数随机图模型;利益相关者;泉州古城区 III Abstract During its development, historical and cultural district is confronted with such problems as the closing of the sense of place caused by local changes, the ambiguity of the rights and responsibilities of the protection and utilization subjects caused by the separation of the central and local legal systems, the imperfection of the property right system hinders the innovation of the development model of the cultural blocks, and the imbalance of the power structure leads to the conflicts among the various interest subjects, and so forth. The relationship structure of stakeholders is closely related to the local construction of historical and cultural blocks, the shaping of life style, the development of industrial models and the provision of public services. Furthermore, the structure and effectiveness of the relationship network are affected by the position demands, participation ability and behavior logic of each stakeholder. As a result, in order to optimize the rationality and effectiveness of stakeholder participation model in the development of tourism industry, it is necessary to study the structure effect of the relationship network and the behavior of the stakeholders. First of all, the formal interest relationship and the informal identity relationship are the important foundation of forming the network of stakeholders. By taking the ancient city of Quanzhou as an example, Exponential Random Graph Model (ERGM) in the social network analysis is used by the author. And by analyzing the interest relation network, the identification relation network, as well as mutual relation network between the interest and identification of the tourism stakeholders with the method of net structure effect and the actor relationship effect, the author drew the following conclusions: (1) With the view of network compactness, the ancient city of Quanzhou has a lower network compactness of interest than that of identity and the interaction of interest and identity. (2) From the perspective of network transitive effect, the transitive effect of interest network and identity network is prominent and does not have the effect of circular closure, while the transitive effect of interest and identity interactive network is not obvious. (3) From the perspective of network core edge effect, the interest-oriented interactive network and identity-oriented interactive IV network do not have an obvious characteristics of the core edge effect. Furthermore, based on the analysis of the aggregation sub-group and adjacency matrix of the single network, it is found that the interest network has more sub-cliques and has a high degree of centrality, in which the local government and enterprises have the highest centrality and are the central stakeholders. (4) From the perspective of network middleman effect, the control effect of the network middleman is not significant with regard to interest relationship and identity relationship network, but there are still some structural holes. The investors of tourism development and media play a central role in the two networks. (5) From the perspective of actor-relationship effect, the stakeholders who have more resource advantages in the benefit network are more willing to establish more outward-oriented benefit relationships. The negative sender effect in the identity network represents that the stakeholders with low marginal identity are more willing to express their identity to other stakeholders. The positive receiver effect indicates that the stakeholders with high sense of identity have more prestige and more opportunity to accept the positive sense of identity. Secondly, according to Jaeggi's reconstruction of the concept of alienation in social critical theory, three characteristics of the pattern of alienation relations among stakeholders are put forward. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of stakeholder networks in the previous chapter as well as the interviews of stakeholders, the author summarizes the behavioral logic of various stakeholders and will explain how the dissimilation of the main action of the stakeholders leads to the formation of the dissimilation pattern. The results are as follows: (1) The behavior logic of government governance is based on "multiple system logic". The functional departments limited by objective responsibility (local bureaus of culture and tourism) have to rely on external resources in the tension between task pressure and limited resources as well as competition with other departments. So its behavioral decisions are affected by the contradiction between performance and legitimacy. (2) Under the institutional framework of the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, the government dominates the development of local industries. Through constantly