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军工企业作为我国国有企业中特殊的企业,他们是国防力量的重要保证,直接关 系着国家的安全保障。然而,因国有经济体制改革和环境的变化,在新的市场经济体 制和转型升级发展背景下,国有企业出现了科研能力下降,专业技术人员流失等问题。 人才是第一资源,创新是第一动力,技术人员是航天事业发展的中坚力量。对有突出 贡献的航天技术人才,如何制定支持政策,提高使命感和自豪感,进一步激发人才创 新活力,为航天事业做出更大的贡献,成为我国航天事业深化发展的关键和核心问题。 合理与竞争性的薪酬制度是企业吸引、激励人才的有力工具。但是,国有企业薪酬体 系受政策所限,加之在民企和外企激励薪酬机制影响下,国有企业薪酬体系更偏重保 健因素,无法满足员工对自我价值的实现,造成与市场经济的企业发展诉求不平衡, 日益产生严重的矛盾,国有企业精英技术人才不断向外流失。 本文以航天科技集团某下属公司(文中简称“TH”公司)为研究对象,应用公平理 论、双因素理论、期望理论和宽带薪酬设计方法,通过文献整理、对TH公司技术人 员现行薪酬制度实施中的问题进行调研,从基本薪酬、福利待遇、奖金、津贴四个方 面查找,提出TH公司技术人员薪酬体系中存在的主要问题有:整体薪酬水平偏低, 缺乏竞争力;调薪机制单一,浮动范围窄;传统福利缺乏弹性,效果不佳;岗位价值 贡献大小在薪酬中体现不明显;薪酬结构比例失衡。论文针对TH公司技术人员薪酬 体系中存在的主要问题对薪酬体系进行再优化设计,并进一步提出新体系实施中的保 障措施。 论文探究在国有企业混合所有制改革背景下,如何加快调整薪酬管理制度,建立 高效的薪酬体系,帮助TH公司了解现行薪酬体系的状况,掌握专业技术人员对现行 薪酬体系的态度,进而有效提高其工作积极性和主动性,发挥薪酬的激励和价值导向 作用,达到帮助TH公司不断优化专业技术人员薪酬体系的目的。TH公司技术人员 薪酬体系在国有企业中具有普遍性,论文研究对其他国有企业,尤其是航天国有企业 技术人员薪酬体系改进有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。 关键词:国有企业;优化设计研究;技术人员;薪酬体系 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 TH公司专业技术人员薪酬体系优化设计研究 II Abstract As a special category of China's state-owned enterprises, military-industrial enterprises are important guarantee of national defense force, and they are directly related to the national security. However, under the background of the New Market Economy and the industrial transformation and upgrade, the reform of state-owned equity and the change of their external environment have resulted in problems like the the decline of their technical R&D capacity and outflow of technical personnel. Talent is the primary resource, innovation is the first-line driving force, and technicians are the backbone for the development of aerospace industry. An incentive system designed to boost the sense of mission and fulfill the self esteems, to further stimulate the innovative vitality of talents to make contributions to the aerospace industry, has become one of the most critical and core issues of the deepening development of Chinese aerospace industry. A reasonable and competition-driven salary system is a powerful tool for enterprises to attract and motivate talents. However, the compensation system of state-owned enterprises is regulated by institutional group policies, and under the influence of incentive compensation mechanism of private enterprises and foreign enterprises, the compensation system of state-owned enterprises pays more attention to health care factors, which can not satisfy the employees' self-expectation, resulting in an increasingly serious contradiction in which the enterprise development is not meeting the demands of market economy, and in which a continuous outflow of elite technical talents of state-owned enterprises is unavoidable. The paper studies a subsidiary company of China aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (TH). Based on equity theory, hygiene-motivational factors, expectancy theory and the salary design method of broad band, and by reference sorting and the investigation of the problems in the implementation of the current salary system the paper is to analyse the condition of four aspects of compensation mechanism of TH: basic salary, welfare treatment, bonus and allowance. The paper would put forward that the main problems existing in the salary system of the technical personnel of the company are : the overall salary level is low and lacking competitiveness; the salary adjustment mechanism is sufficient to cope with all needs 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 TH公司专业技术人员薪酬体系优化设计研究 III and the floating range is narrow; the traditional welfare mechanism lacks flexibility and the effectiveness is low; the contributed value in each position is not fairly reflected in the salary; the distribution of salary is unbalanced. As the main problems existing in the salary system for TH company's technical personnel are exposed, the paper gives advice to re-optimizes the salary system, and further proposes the safeguard measures in the implementation of the new system. Under the background of mixed ownership reform in state-owned enterprises, the paper explores the possibility to speed up the improvement of salary management system, to establish an more efficient salary system, to help TH company understand the status of the current salary system, to learn about the attitude of professional and technical personnel to the current salary system, and then to improve their work enthusiasm and initiative effectively, and to play the role of salary incentive and value orientation, so as to help TH company in continuously optimizing the salary system for professional and technical personnel. TH company's technical personnel compensation system is widely used in state-owned enterprises. The paper has certain reference value and significance for other state-owned enterprises, especially for the state-owned enterprises in aerospace industry if they are of the same need to improve their technical personnel compensation system. Keyword:State-owned enterprises; Aerospace Enterprises ;Researcher ;Compensation system. 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 TH公司专业技术人员薪酬体系优化设计研究 i 目录 摘要 .............................................................................................................. I ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. II 第一章 绪论 ............................................................................................. 1 1.1研究背景与研究意义 ....................................................................... 1 1.1.1研究背景 ..................................................................................... 1 1.1.2研究意义 ..................................................................................... 2 1.2国内外研究综述 ............................................................................... 2 1.2.1国外研究综述 ............................................................................. 2 1.2.2国内研究综述 ............................................................................. 4 1.2.3国内外相关研究述评................................................................. 5 1.3研究思路和框架 ............................................................................... 5 1.3.1研究思路 ..................................................................................... 5 1.3.2研究框架 ..................................................................................... 6 1.4研究方法 ........................................................................................... 6 第二章 薪酬相关概念及理论概述 .......................................................... 8 2.1薪酬相关概念 ................................................................................... 8 2.1.1薪酬的概念及作用 ..................................................................... 8 2.1.2薪酬体系 ..................................................................................... 8 2.1.3薪酬结构策略 ........................................................................... 10 2.1.4薪酬水平策略 ........................................................................... 10 2.2薪酬体系设计相关理论 ................................................