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对于商业银行来说,银行资产管理业务是不需要计提存款准备金和不受到资 本充足率约束的银行资产负债业务,本质上来说是通过资金池操作的“影子银行”。 这种强大的“表外”盈利潜质,使得商业银行的资管业务即非保本理财产品业务 在短短几年中得到蓬勃的发展,经历了声势浩大的“大资管”时代,商业银行资 产管理业务以火箭三级跳的速度发展到了前所未有的规模。 随着商业银行资产管理业务的迅速扩张,体制短板、制度短板和系统短板所 埋下的隐患开始显现,急速生长之下随之而来的是部分业务发展不规范、多层嵌 套、刚性兑付、规避金融监管和宏观调控等问题。为了维护金融系统的稳定、保 证资产管理业务的健康发展,从2017年开始,监管部门开始频频“亮剑”,一系 列征求意见稿、指导意见、制度法规相继发布。受全新的监管体系影响,商业银 行资产管理业务重新站在了一条新的起跑线。 本文选择华一银行为研究对象,进行其资产管理业务竞争战略研究。华一银 行作为一家中小型地方性商业银行,在“大资管”时代资产管理业务发展迅速、 规模急速扩展的同时,短期内创造了银行传统业务难以企及的利润贡献,但随着 市场信用环境、监管政策环境、宏观经济环境的变化,华一银行资产管理业务也 被大潮挟裹着走上了抉择的分叉口。 本文对华一银行资产管理业务的内外部环境进行分析,根据分析情况分别建 立EFE矩阵和IFE矩阵,进行竞争战略的分析与选择,随后进行战略实施及保 障的研究探讨,这一研究对华一银行资产管理业务而言有着积极的意义,对其他 商业银行发展资产管理业务也一样具有宝贵的借鉴意义。 关键词:商业银行,资产管理业务,竞争战略 MBA学位论文 作者:孔泽蔚 华一银行资产管理业务竞争战略研究 II RESEARCH ON COMPETITIVE STRATEGY OF ASSET MANAGEMENT BUSINESS OF HUA-YI BANK Abstract For commercial banks, bank asset management business is a kind of bank asset liability business that does not need to withdraw deposit reserve and is not constrained by capital adequacy ratio. In essence, it is a "shadow bank" operated by capital pool. This kind of strong "off balance sheet" profitable potential makes the asset management business of commercial banks, that is, non-guaranteed financial products business, develop vigorously in just a few years. In the era of "big asset management", the asset management business of commercial banks has developed to an unprecedented scale with the speed of triple jump. With the rapid expansion of the asset management business of commercial banks, the hidden dangers of the structure short board, the organization short board and the system short board begin to appear. With the rapid growth, there are some problems such as nonstandard business development, multi-layer nesting, rigid cashing, avoiding financial supervision and macro-control. In order to maintain the stability of the financial system and ensure the healthy development of the asset management business, since 2017, the regulatory authorities have started to "shine the sword" frequently, and a series of drafts, guidance opinions, systems and regulations have been released. Affected by the new regulatory system, the asset management business of commercial banks has stood on a new starting line again. This paper chooses Hua-Yi bank as the research object to study the competitive strategy of its asset management business. As a small and medium-sized local commercial bank, Hua-Yi bank's asset management business has developed rapidly and expanded rapidly in the era of "big asset management". At the same time, it has created the profit contribution that is hard to be achieved by the traditional business of the bank in a short time. However, with the changes of market credit environment, MBA学位论文 作者:孔泽蔚 华一银行资产管理业务竞争战略研究 III regulatory policy and macroeconomic, Hua-Yi bank's asset management business is also stepped into the fork of choice by the tide. This paper analyzes the external and internal environment of Hua-Yi bank's asset management business. According to the analysis, EFE matrix and IFE matrix are established respectively, to analyze and select the competitive strategy, and then the research on the implementation and security of the strategy is discussed. This research has a positive significance for the asset management business of Hua-Yi bank, and also has a valuable reference for other commercial banks to develop the asset management business. Keywords: Commercial Bank, Asset Management Business, Competitive Strategy MBA学位论文 作者:孔泽蔚 华一银行资产管理业务竞争战略研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 .................. I Abstract ................. II 第一章 绪论 ............... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..... 2 1.2 研究思路与方法 4 1.2.1 研究思路 ..... 4 1.2.2 研究方法 ..... 4 1.2.3 论文结构框架 ............................ 5 第二章 相关理论综述 ....... 6 2.1 资管业务理论概述 ........................... 6 2.1.1 资管业务现状 ............................ 6 2.1.2 资管业务前景 ............................ 6 2.1.3 资管业务战略 ............................ 7 2.2 竞争战略理论 .... 7 2.2.1 成本领先战略 ............................ 7 2.2.2 差异化战略 . 8 2.2.3聚焦战略 ...... 8 第三章 华一银行资产管理业务外部环境分析 .................. 9 3.1 宏观环境分析 .... 9 3.1.1 GDP和利率环境 ........................ 9 3.1.2 社会环境 ... 11 3.1.3 技术环境 ... 12 MBA学位论文 作者:孔泽蔚 华一银行资产管理业务竞争战略研究 V 3.2 行业环境分析 .. 14 3.2.1 监管缺失下的“大资管”时代 ............................. 14 3.2.2 金融强监管后的收缩期 .......... 15 3.2.3 平稳过度转型期 ...................... 15 3.3 竞争对手分析 .. 16 3.3.1 商业银行及理财子公司 .......... 16 3.3.2 信托 ........... 19 3.3.3 券商资管 ... 20 3.3.4 基金及基金子公司 .................. 21 3.3.5 期货资管 ... 22 3.3.6 保险资管 ... 22 3.3.7 资管行业竞争者分析 .............. 23 3.4 外部环境因素评价(EFE)矩阵 . 26 第四章 华一银行资产管理业务内部环境分析 ................. 28 4.1 业务情况简介 .. 28 4.1.1 基本经营情况 .......................... 28 4.1.2 资管业务发展历程 .................. 28 4.1.3 产品体系 ... 30 4.2 资源与能力分析 ............................. 31 4.2.1 人才梯队 ... 31 4.2.2 运营能力 ... 32 4.2.3 系统支撑能力 .......................... 33 4.3 价值链分析 ...... 33 4.3.1 理财产品的成立与销售 .......... 34 4.3.2 组合配置和风险管理 .............. 34 4.3.3 客户服务 ... 35 4.4 内部环境因素评价(IFE)矩阵建立 .......................... 36 第五章 华一银行资产管理业务竞争战略制定 ................. 38 MBA学位论文 作者:孔泽蔚 华一银行资产管理业务竞争战略研究 VI 5.1 战略目标 .......... 38 5.1.1 愿景 ........... 38 5.1.2 核心价值 ... 38 5.1.3 目标 ........... 38 5.2 战略备选方案 .. 39 5.2.1 成本领先战略 .......................... 39 5.2.2 差异化竞争 .............................. 40 5.2.3 焦聚战略 ... 41 5.3 战略选择 .......... 42 5.4 战略内容 .......... 44 第六章 华一银行资产管理业务竞争战略实施 ................. 46 6.1 实施保障 .......... 46 6.1.1 人力资源支持 .......................... 46 6.1.2 流程制度支持 .......................... 47 6.1.3 系统研发支持 .......................... 48 6.2 实施措施 .......... 48 6.2.1 “新老”产品平稳过渡 ........... 49 6.2.2 注重组合管理能力 .................. 50 6.2.3 加强渠道管理及客户服务 ...... 51 6.3 控制与评价 ...... 52 6.3.1 产品转型时间轴进度管理 ...... 52 6.3.2 绩效目标设定及考核管理 ...... 53 第七章 结论与展望 ........ 54 7.1 结论 .................. 54 7.1.1 华一银行资产管理业务外部环境 ......................... 54 7.1.2 华一银行资产管理业务的内部环境 ..................... 54 7.1.3 竞争战略选择 .......................... 55 7.1.4 竞争战略的实施与保障 .......... 55 MBA学位论文 作者:孔泽蔚 华一银行资产管理业务竞争战略研究 VII 7.2 展望 .................. 55