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I 摘要 近年来,在竞争日益激烈的社会经济环境中,企业的发展也面临着巨大的挑战, 尤其对人力资源管理的重视程度不断提升,投入的人力、物力和财力成本越来越高, 企业人力资源成为了企业发展的必要基础。当代员工具有鲜明的时代特征。他们的个 性更加多样化,他们的价值观和美学是前卫的。这与过去的员工有很大的不同。他们 更注重福利和金钱。在职业选择的过程中,我们会更关注个人的潜能是否能被充分发 挥。他们对工作和生活的看法是独一无二的。他们忠于个人利益。他们不在乎频繁跳 槽,不担心他们没有工作。这些情况最终反映出员工对公司不忠诚,缺乏责任感,无 法承认自己的职业责任。员工作为一种活力和流动性的因素,严重影响着公司的发展, 制约着公司的进步。然而,随着社会经济的发展,公司员工忠诚度的下降和员工流动 已经成为一种普遍的社会现象。公司员工的不断流失会给公司的正常运营以及发展带 来一定的负面影响,降低公司管理效率,不利于公司的长远发展。换句话说,优秀和 忠诚的员工,能够给企业带来竞争优势。一个公司是否有很强的韧性和强大的发展潜 力,很大程度上取决于员工的力量和智慧。因此,发展公司人力资源管理,建立健全 的员工流动体系,是当前人力资源工作的重点和问题。本文在此背景下,以JL公司为 研究对象,通过访谈和问卷调查,分析研究JL公司员工忠诚度影响因素及提升策略, 这对公司人力资源的管理具有重要意义。 文章第一部分为绪论,着重介绍本课题的研究背景,问题的指出,以及国内外对 于本次课题的研究情况,阐释本文的研究的目标和意义、本篇论文的重点内容就要与 结构框架进行相互结合。第二部分对相关概念及理论进行了阐述。第三部分对JL公司 的基本情况及员工忠诚度的现状进行了分析。第四部分是JL公司员工忠诚度的影响因 素分析,通过访谈法,基于层次分析法,员工忠诚度的影响因素主要为个人、企业以 及社会这三个方面,其中企业因素权重最大,其次是个人因素和社会因素。并运用问 卷调查的方式对层次分析法的结论进行验证,对问卷统计数据进行回归结果显示,企 业因素、个人因素及社会因素都是影响JL公司员工忠诚度的因素,层次分析法的结果 对JL公司来说是实用的。第五部分根据员工忠诚度的影响因素的研究,探讨了个人方 面、企业方面及社会方面提升员工忠诚度的的策略,做到了管理理论和实践的结合, 具有一定的可操作性和实用价值。 关键词:JL公司;员工忠诚度;企业因素;层次分析法 西南科技大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract In recent years, under the increasingly fierce social and economic environment and the trend of "people-oriented", the human, material and financial costs invested in human resources management are getting higher and higher, and the competition among enterprises is becoming human resources day by day. In terms of competition, the competition between enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. Contemporary employees have distinct characteristics of the times. Their personalities are more diverse, and their values and aesthetics are avantgarde. This is very different from the employees of the past. They pay more attention to welfare and money. In the process of career choice, we will pay more attention to whether the individual's potential can be brought into full play. Their view of work and life is Unique. They are loyal to their personal interests. They don't care about changing jobs frequently, they don't worry that they don't have a job. These ultimately reflect employees' disloyalty to the company, lack of responsibility and inability to acknowledge their professional responsibilities. As a factor of vitality and mobility, employees are related to the development prospects of the company. However, the decline of employee loyalty and employee mobility has become a common phenomenon. The continuous loss of employees will bring some negative effects to the company, weaken the market competitiveness of the company, and is not conducive to the long-term development of the company. In other words, good and loyal employees can bring competitive advantage to the enterprise. Is a company Strong resilience and strong development potential, to a large extent depends on the strength and wisdom of employees. How to carry out effective human resource management and establish a sound staff flow system is the focus and problem of human resources work at present. In this context, taking JL Company as the research object, through interviews and questionnaires, this paper analyzes and studies the influencing factors and promotion strategies of employee loyalty in JL Company, which is of great significance to the management of human resources. The first part of the article is the introduction, which focuses on the research background and important problems of this topic. At home and abroad, the research situation, the goal and significance of the research, the key content of this paper should be combined with the structural framework. The second part expounds the related concepts and theories. The third part analyzes the basic situation of JL company and the present situation of employee loyalty. The fourth part is the analysis of the influencing factors of employee loyalty in JL Company. Through the interview method, based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the Abstract III influencing factors of employee loyalty are mainly individuals, enterprises and society, among which the enterprise factors. The weight is the largest, followed by personal factors and social factors. The conclusion of AHP is verified by questionnaire survey, and the regression results of questionnaire statistical data show that enterprise factors, personal factors and social factors are all factors that affect employee loyalty in JL company, and the results of AHP are practical for JL company. The fifth part, according to the research of the influencing factors of employee loyalty, mainly gives the strategies to improve employee loyalty from individual aspect, enterprise aspect and social aspect, which combines management theory with practice, and has certain maneuverability and practical value. Key words: JL company; employee loyalty; social factor; analytic hierarchy process (AHP) 西南科技大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 摘要 ........... I Abstract ....... II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1论文的背景 ................... 1 1.2论文的意义 ................... 2 1.3国内外研究 ................... 2 1.3.1国外的研究状况 2 1.3.2国内的研究状况 3 1.4研究方法 ....................... 4 1.5研究内容及框架 ........... 5 1.6技术路线 ....................... 6 第2章 相关概念及理论 ........... 7 2.1员工忠诚度概述 ........... 7 2.1.1员工忠诚度的定义 ........................... 7 2.1.2员工忠诚度的类型 ........................... 8 2.1.3员工忠诚度的影响因素 ................... 8 2.2理论基础 ....................... 9 2.2.1社会交换理论 .... 9 2.2.2马斯洛需求理论 9 2.2.3公平理论 ............ 9 2.2.4期望理论 .......... 10 2.2.5成就需要理论 .. 10 第3章 JL公司的基本情况及员工忠诚度的现状分析 ..................... 11 3.1 JL公司简介 ................ 11 3.1.1 JL公司介绍 ..... 11 3.1.2 JL公司员工的现状 ........................ 11 3.2 JL公司员工忠诚度现状分析 ................... 12 3.2.1 员工离职倾向严重 ........................ 12 3.2.2员工对公司缺乏认同感 ................. 13 3.2.3对工作满意度不高 ......................... 14 3.3 JL公司员工忠诚度出现问题的原因分析 .............................. 15 3.3.1工资报酬较低 .. 15 目 录 V 3.3.2缺乏员工的精神激励 ..................... 15 3.3.3激励机制缺乏科学性 ..................... 16 3.3.4企业文化建设意识薄弱 ................. 16 3.3.5制度保障机制不够完善 ................. 16 3.4员工忠诚度低下对企业的影响 ................ 17 3.4.1企业声誉降低 .. 17 3.4.2工作效率下降 .. 17 3.4.3运营成本增加 .. 17 3.4.4转型发展缓慢 .. 17 3.5 JL公司提升员工忠诚度的必要性 ........... 17 3.5.1增强企业的长期盈利能力 ............. 18 3.5.2提升公司的市场竞争能力 ............. 18 3.5.3确保企业的主导地位 ..................... 18 第4章 JL公司员工忠诚度的影响因素分析 ....... 19 4.1基于AHP的JL公司员工忠诚度的影响因素分析 ............... 19 4.1.1员工忠诚度影响因素模型构建 ..... 19 4.1.2员工忠诚度影响因素的权重分析 . 20 4.1.3结果分析 .......... 21 4.2基于问卷调查的实证分析 ........................ 26 4.2.1信度与效度检验 ............................. 26 4.2.2员工忠诚度影响因素的实证分析 . 27 4.2.3结论分析 .......... 32 第5章 提升JL公司公司员工忠诚度的策略 ..... 34 5.1提高团队凝聚力 ......... 34 5.1.1完善团