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项目管理属于管理学的一个分支,最早起源于北美,是一种全新的企业经营管理模 式。传统项目管理模式在单一客户或单一项目的开发上有执行力强和业务支持力度大等 优势,其资源聚焦在单一的项目上,不会与其他项目产生资源共享和资源冲突问题。当 传统项目管理模式遇到多项目并行开发时,其项目管理方法在遇到项目间资源平衡矛盾, 人员的冲突,项目监管不力和项目问题关闭率过低等问题时,公司会发现传统项目管理 模式在单一项目上的强执行力并无法解决多项目并行开发的问题,导致多项目各自的开 发计划受到极大的影响,公司的项目管理效率大打折扣。由此,多项目管理的优化就成 为当前企业项目管理中极具现实意义的理论和实践命题。 D公司是一家主营汽车零部件设计、制造和进出口销售的中外合资公司,在过去一 直使用传统项目管理模式对单一客户及单一项目进行管理。随着近年来汽车行业的快速 发展,汽车品牌和车型数量成倍增长,汽车零部件制造商获取的订单数量也成倍增加。 公司业务从单一项目转型为多项目并行开发,而D公司的传统项目管理模式还未跟上整 体环境的变化,D公司发生多起多项目管理中的资源不平衡,项目问题关闭率低,内外 部投诉较高,项目职责不清晰,标准化推进困难,工作效率低,不同项目间项目成员的 沟通问题和项目成本额外追加等问题。在此背景下,论文尝试基于项目管理办公室(PMO) 模式,探讨D公司多项目管理的优化方案并策划优化策略,从项目管理的概述到分析D 公司从单一项目的开发到多项目的开发历程中收集到的各类问题,以实际发生的问题为 导向,以解决D公司实际问题为目的,设计并引进符合D公司经营生产需求并能解决问 题的PMO模式优化方案。 针对D公司为研究对象,基于PMO模式对项目管理进行策略研究,深入分析如何在 多项目的项目管理中,建立项目项目型团队,设计管理办公室机制,实现对多项目的集中 管理、资源整合,项目计划管控和项目风险及问题的处理。最终,以有效确保项目的顺 利开发,让D公司在多项目开发中保持强有力的执行力,以项目问题为导向,提出创新 性的解决措施。 论文梳理了PMO模式的相关概念和代表性研究文献,并以此为理论基础剖析D公司 多项目管理进程中的主要问题及其深层次的原因,为优化D公司现有传统项目管理模式 提供了扎实的理论基础。论文认为,PMO模式引入后,在多项目并行开发中给各个项目 均提供了有效的支持,合理的协调与资源分配,统筹决策等,通过项目集的管理以达到 多项目间资源平衡和组织合理优化的目的。同时,PMO模式也可以解决D公司在多客户 及多项目的同步开发过程中面临的资源不平衡问题。例如,两个客户在同一时间段需要 对零部件进行试验验证,试验需要的设备是同一台设备,设备无法同时进行两项试验, II 试验设备冲突。两个项目的产品设计人员是同一人,恰巧该名产品工程师需以设计人员 身份参加两个会议,导致人力资源冲突。当冲突发生时,往往项目负责人互不让步,矛 盾容易进一步升级。当非“专线”遇到不同项目的交付冲突等资源冲突时,PMO模式的 运用能够合理化整合、分配与协调资源(人、机、料、法、环等),在传统项目管理模 式中,没有角色来充当多项目间冲突的“消防员”,也没有使用统筹管理的视角来管理 整个公司的项目。 传统项目管理模式更适用于单一项目的管理,效果最佳。而PMO项目管理模式则适 用于多项目并行开发管理,两者适用于不同的行业背景及公司项目情况。PMO模式恰能 解决多项目间的矛盾,这是现代汽车行业蓬勃发展下企业或组织面临的痛点问题。探讨 在多项目环境下如何进行组织结构的设计,如何有针对性的解决多项目并行开发时遇到 的问题,尤其是针对传统项目管理模式无法解决的问题,PMO模式如何应对和解决,这 对于企业的良性发展具有重要的现实意义。PMO模式成为企业或组织在多项目管理环境 下追求整体最优、发展协同的必然选择,其在解决项目间资源平衡和寻求企业整体利益 最大化、协调项目与职能部门间关系、组建多项目支持和监控体系方面发挥着难以取代 的作用。 关键词:PMO(项目管理办公室),多项目管理,组织结构,资源冲突 III Abstract Project management, as a branch of management, is one of the major new management technologies developed in the late World War II. It originated in North America and is a brand new business management model. The research object of this paper is a Sino-foreign joint venture company, whose main business is the design, development, manufacture, import and export sales of automobile parts. With the development of China's automotive industry, the competition between the automotive parts manufacturers and the automotive parts manufacturers becomes more and more fierce. They keep their market share by constantly improving their manufacturing management and R&D capabilities. Most of the traditional project management models are designed for the development of a single customer or a single project. All the resources of the whole company are focused on a single project. The technical level of products and customer needs are relatively simple, and the outbreak of project problems is less. With the rapid development of the automotive industry in recent years, the number of automotive brands and models has doubled, the order of automotive parts manufacturers has doubled, and the trend of project management has changed to multi-project parallel development. In multi-project concurrent development, all kinds of project problems continue to erupt. D company finds that if the original traditional project management mode is persisted, it will inevitably increase more project problems, cause imbalance of resources and may miss the opportunity to reduce costs and improve efficiency, and will gradually lose competitiveness in the market competition. With the development of automobile industry, automobile parts enterprises have changed from single project management to multi-project concurrent development management. The problems encountered in multi-project management include resource imbalance, unclear project responsibilities, difficulty in standardization, low work efficiency, communication problems among different project members and waste of project resources. Great difficulties and challenges. The research in this paper is also due to the development of PMO model in China. In the early 1990s, PMO mode provided only a few services and support work, not the direction and guidance of project management for them, but was more used by enterprises to control project managers. In the late 1990s, PMO appeared in large numbers. At this time, the role of PMO began to change to overall management of all projects of the whole enterprise, systematic project set management. IV The normal business operation of the company is more and more inseparable from the project. The normal execution of the project promotes the continuous development of the enterprise operation. The cruelty of the competition in the modern business society makes it possible for any enterprise to fall into a dilemma because of the failure of individual projects. The success or failure of the project is inseparable from the success or failure of the enterprise in today's society, which results in the urgent need for PMO. The automotive parts belong to the core products of automobiles, which belong to both legal and safety parts. With the development of the enterprise to a certain scale, the internal working relationship will become more and more complex, and management hopes to establish an ideal environment for the smooth implementation of business strategies. Therefore, this paper tries to use PMO model to optimize the project management system of D company, analyze the application of PMO model in D company, strategy, common management mode and management tools, and the effect in D company, and ultimately realize the optimization of project management system and system of D company. This paper collects the multi-project management problems of the research object D company, optimizes the multi-project management of D company based on the introduction of PMO mode, and solves all kinds of project problems encountered in the process of multi-project concurrent development. PMO provides support and decision-making for various projects in multi-project management with the role of consultant. The project is managed as a whole to achieve the goal of resource balance and rational optimization of organization. PMO mode is introduced to improve the project management level of D company. Based on PMO mode, the project management of the research object is optimized to make up for the deficiency of the traditional project management mode of the research object in multi-project management. PMO mode is designed in the multi-project management of the research object, a