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劳务派遣是用人单位根据实际需要,通过人力资源公司租赁或选聘人才,并 以人资源公司为中介为派遣人员签订劳动合同,发放薪酬和办理相关福利待遇, 处理相关劳动纠纷的全方位人力资源管理服务。作为市场经济环境下的一种用工 形式创新,劳务派遣对缓解国内的用工荒,缓解特定人群的就业压力起到了不可 替代的重要作用。另一方面,由于劳务派遣属于一种新型用工形式,因此在相关 的法律供给方面还比较欠缺,由此造成该用工制度缺乏必要的法律和制度约束, 因而偏离了正常轨道,导致劳务派遣制度被滥用,劳动者合法权益难以得到有效 保证等问题。鉴于此,我国虽然于2013年和2014年连续对该领域的相关法律法 规进行修改和修订,但也使得用工单位在劳务派遣工过程中面临诸多法律问题。 J公司是一家建筑企业,作为劳动密集型行业,劳务派遣用工数量较多。由 于上文原因,该公司在劳务派遣工使用方面存在诸多问题。因此,在保证J公司 生产经营不受明显影响前提下,对劳务派遣工的用工制度进行必要的整改和完 善,就成为J公司面临的重要法律课题。本文基于对 J公司发展历史及客观现状 的内外部比较研究,提出关于改进劳务派遣管理方式,以及调整劳务派遣用工模 式和策略的一系列建议措施。通过研究得出以下结论: 首先,通过对J公司劳务派遣用工管理现状调查,得出其存在的问题主要包 括:劳务用工的法律风险依然存在、缺乏相关的管理制度和规范、劳务派遣工比 例过高、劳务派遣用工薪酬待遇存在同工不同酬和劳务派遣员工缺乏归属感 ; 其次,进一步探究导致J公司劳务派遣用工管理存在问题的原因:缺乏对劳务用 工方面的法律解读、缺少健全的相关管理规章制度、公司内部劳务派遣用工重视 不够和劳务派遣用工考核激励机制不公平。最后,从合理防范劳务用工的法律风 险、规范劳务派遣员工的岗位体系、完善劳务派遣员工管理的业务流程、完善薪 酬福利机制为“同工同酬”创设条件、优化晋升途径逐渐消除“同工不同酬”影 响、加强灵活用工管理和提升派遣员工的归属感等方面提出完善J公司劳务派遣 员工管理的对策。以期实现同工同酬为约束条件,摒弃现有用工模式,面向市场 化运作,完善用工制度,采取企业直接聘用员工形式,以解决混岗和同岗不同酬 的问题,进一步促进企业高效发展。 关键词: 劳务派遣,用工管理,人力资源,同工同酬 Abstract Labor dispatch is a new form of employment in which the labor dispatch agency signs a formal labor contract with the laborer, according to the labor dispatch agreement signed with the actual employer, dispatches the laborer to the actual employer, and the actual employer manages, directs and supervises the labor process of the dispatched laborer. As a new employment mode, it has played a positive role in alleviating and improving the domestic employment pressure. On the other hand, due to the lack of perfect laws and regulations and supervision system, the development of labor dispatch system in China deviates from the rational track, which makes labor dispatch widely abused and the rights and interests of workers are infringed. In view of this, the state revised and promulgated relevant regulations and special provisions on labor dispatch in 2013 and 2014. For many domestic employing enterprises and units, they will face relevant legal risks. As a labor-intensive construction enterprise, labor dispatch is an essential way of employment for J company. Labor dispatch of J company is also in violation of the current labor dispatch related laws and regulations. Therefore, how to smoothly implement the rectification and improvement of labor dispatch and management without affecting the company's production and operation, so as to avoid legal risks, has become a priority Subject. Based on the internal and external comparative study of the development history and objective status of J company, this paper puts forward a series of suggestions and measures on improving the management mode of labor dispatch and adjusting the mode and strategy of labor dispatch. Through the research, the following conclusions are drawn: First of all, through the investigation of the current situation of labor dispatch management of J company, the main problems are as follows: the legal risk of labor dispatch still exists, the lack of relevant management system and norms, the high proportion of labor dispatch workers, the different remuneration for the same work and the lack of sense of belonging of labor dispatch workers; secondly, further exploration leads to the labor service of J company The reasons for the problems in the management of dispatched workers include the lack of legal interpretation on labor employment, the lack of sound relevant management rules and regulations, the lack of attention paid to internal dispatched workers and the unfair assessment and incentive mechanism of dispatched workers. Finally, from the aspects of reasonably preventing the legal risks of labor employment, standardizing the post system of labor dispatch workers, improving the business process of labor dispatch workers management, improving the compensation and welfare mechanism to create conditions for "equal pay for equal work", optimizing the promotion path to gradually eliminate the impact of "different pay for equal work", strengthening flexible employment management and improving the sense of belonging of dispatched workers, the paper proposes to improve J company Countermeasures for the management of dispatched workers. In order to achieve equal pay for equal work as a constraint, abandon the existing employment model, market-oriented operation, improve the employment system, take the form of direct employment of employees, to solve the problem of mixed posts and different pay for the same post, and further promote the efficient development of enterprises.