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自2012年下半年以来,资产管理行业的快速发展一方面积累了诸多成果,有助于 金融体系的繁荣稳定,在国民经济和金融市场扮演着极其重要的角色,另一方面高速发 展的背后也积累了一些结构上的问题。为了防止现阶段和未来的资管业务偏离健康发展 的轨道,提高监管的有效性,弥补目前监管规章制度的缺陷和短板,《资管新规》应声 而出,监管层要求资管业务(对应银行的就是理财业务)要回归“受人之托、代客理财、 投资者风险自担”的本源中去。在此前的研究中,针对我国境内中小银行理财产品营销 策略的研究很少,对中小型法人商业银行的理财产品营销借鉴意义不大,研究不具有普 适性。 本文立足于《资管新规》的背景之下,通过文献研究法、定性分析法、调查研究法 及案例分析法,分别研究了国内外研究的情况,结合了目标市场营销理论、4Ps营销组 合理论、7Ps服务营销理论、关系营销理论等营销理论,同时针对P银行进行实际案例 研究,得出了我国商业银行理财业务发展经历了起步萌芽、政策导向、高速崛起、稳定 前行这四个阶段。其中,在《资管新规》的严控之下,P银行理财业务正处在政策导向 阶段。同时银行理财是资管行业主角,银行理财客户以个人为主,整体理财业务的市场 中,体现出国有大行总量占优,股份行小而美的竞争格局。然而,由于受传统理财观念 束缚、缺乏有效的监管和理财体系不完善等原因影响,我国商业银行理财产品仍存在信 息披露不充分、产品同质化严重、产品层次不够高和高素质人才匮乏等问题。 案例研究的过程中,通过对P银行的客户以及P银行和Z银行部分理财经理的面谈 及电话访谈,并结合了同地区同行业的Z银行情况进行对比后,了解到P银行在河南省 地区相比于其他商业银行的行业环境,既有优势又有不足。通过分析发现了P银行在理 财产品营销策略中现存的问题,并在行文最后提出了在客户需求、营销渠道、专业人才、 营销手段及环境等四个层面十个小点具体适用于商业银行在理财产品营销中切实可行 的解决策略,旨在为《资管新规》下的商业银行理财产品营销发展提供一定的借鉴与参 考。 关键词:资管新规,商业银行,理财产品,营销策略 III ABSTRACT Since the second half of 2012, the rapid development of asset management industry has accu mulated a lot of achievements, which is conducive to the prosperity and stability of the financial s ystem and plays an extremely important role in the national economy and financial market. On the other hand, some structural problems have accumulated behind the rapid development. In order to prevent the current and future asset management business from deviating from the track of health y development, improve the effectiveness of supervision, and make up for the defects and shortco mings of the current regulatory rules and regulations, the new asset management regulations came out immediately. The regulatory authorities required that the asset management business (correspond ing to the bank's financial management business) should return to the source of "entrusted by othe rs, financing on behalf of customers, and investors' own risk". In the previous research, there are f ew researches on the marketing strategies of financial products of small and medium-sized banks i n China, which are of little significance to the marketing of financial products of small and mediu m-sized corporate commercial banks, and the research is not universal. Based on the background of the new regulations on asset management, this paper studies the domestic and international research situation through literature research, qualitative analysis, investig ation and case analysis, combining the marketing theory of target marketing, 4Ps marketing mix th eory, 7PS service marketing theory, relationship marketing theory and so on. At the same time, it studies the actual case of P bank, and concludes that I The development of financial management business of China's commercial banks has gone through four stages: germination, policy orientation, rapid rise and stable progress. Among them, under the strict control of the new regulations on as set management, P bank's financial management business is in the stage of policy guidance. At the same time, bank financing is the leading role in the asset management industry. Bank financing c ustomers are mainly individuals. In the market of overall financing business, there is a competitive pattern in which the total amount of large banks is dominant and the joint-stock banks are small and beautiful. However, due to the constraints of traditional financial management concepts, lack IV of effective supervision and imperfect financial management system, there are still problems in fina ncial management products of commercial banks in China, such as insufficient information disclosu re, serious product homogeneity, insufficient product level and lack of high-quality talents. In the process of case study, through interviews and telephone interviews with P bank's custo mers and some financial managers of P bank and Z bank, and combined with the situation of Z b ank in the same industry in the same region, it is learned that P bank has both advantages and di sadvantages compared with other commercial banks in Henan Province. Through the analysis, the paper finds out the existing problems of P bank in the marketing strategy of financial products, an d at the end of the paper, it puts forward ten small points in four aspects: customer demand, mar keting channel, professional talents, marketing means and environment, which are specifically applic able to the practical and feasible solution strategies of commercial banks in the marketing of finan cial products, aiming to develop the marketing of financial products of commercial banks under th e new regulations of asset management Provide some reference and reference. KEY WORDS:The new regulations of asset management, Commercial banks, Financial products, Marketing strategies V 目 录 摘要...............I ABSTRACTIII 1绪论.............1 1.1研究背景.............................1 1.2研究意义.............................2 1.2.1理论意义.......................2 1.2.2实践意义.......................3 1.3国内外文献综述.................3 1.3.1国外文献综述...............3 1.3.2国内文献综述...............4 1.4研究内容与方法.................6 1.4.1研究内容.......................6 1.4.2研究方法.......................7 1.5创新之处.............................7 2相关理论基础............................9 2.1目标市场营销理论.............9 2.2 4PS营销组合理论...............9 2.3 7PS服务营销理论.............10 2.4关系营销理论...................11 3资管新规下商业银行理财业务发展现状.............13 3.1资管新规概述...................13 3.1.1资管新规出台的背景.13 3.1.2资管新规的概念及特征............................14 3.1.3理财新规及其与资管新规的联系............15 VI 3.2商业银行理财业务发展总体情况..................16 3.2.1国内不同机构理财产品余额情况............17 3.2.2各机构理财产品发行情况........................18 3.2.3银行系理财子公司情况............................20 3.3资管新规对商业银行理财产品及其营销策略的影响.................21 3.3.1资管新规对银行理财产品的影响............21 3.3.2资管新规对商业银行理财产品营销策略的影响...................24 4资管新规下P银行理财产品营销现状及问题分析............................27 4.1 P银行简介........................27 4.1.1 P银行概况..................27 4.1.2 P银行“金凤凰”理财产品简介.....................28 4.2 P银行理财产品营销情况的现状...................29 4.2.1 P银行理财产品销售情况.........................29 4.2.2 P银行理财产品营销策略现状.................31 4.3 P银行理财产品营销现状的调研及存在的问题..........................34 4.3.1营销情况访谈设计.....34 4.3.2 P银行理财产品营销中存在的主要问题.38 4.4 P银行理财产品营销现存问题的成因分析...39 4.4.1未重视客户需求.........39 4.4.2销售渠道单一传统.....40 4.4.3专业理财型人才匮乏.40 4.4.4金融科技水平低产品缺乏吸引力............42 5 P银行理财产品营销策略改进..............................43 5.1客户需求层面...................43 5.1.1产品设计从客户需求出发........................43 5.1.2产品营销以顾客需求为中心....................44 5.2营销渠道层面...................44 5.2.1发挥传统网点优势.....45 VII 5.2.2建设互联网+移动理财渠道......................45 5.2.3多渠道积极合作驱动.46 5.3专业人才层面...................46 5.3.1人才引进及培养.........46 5.3.2打造高素质的营销团队............................47 5.4