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I 摘要 国有企业是国家综合国力增长的重要力量,其重要功能是维护人民群众的共 同利益。国有企业的可持续发展需要企业文化建设的护航。先进的企业文化是企 业经济发展的动力源泉。在当前形势下,党的十九大报告明确了文化建设的方向、 目标。努力创新体制机制,探讨国有企业企业文化建设的现状和问题;如何在党 建工作中,推进企业文化建设;如何从领导单位的角度协调基层单位企业文化建 设,在这些过程中有哪些困难,应如何解决,具有重要的现实意义。 本文以 LC 公司为例,该公司是广东省中山市国资委下属一家国有企业,2016 年成立,2017 年对一家私营粮食企业进行了合并重组,现正处于快速发展的关键 时期。在 2018 年党支部成立后,企业十分重视自身文化建设,突出党组织建设引 领、推动企业文化构建,在此过程中部分成绩获得市国资委认可,但目前尚且存 在一些不足。本文通过一些现行的企业文化建设理论、党建推动企业文化建设理 论,以 LC 公司为主要研究对象,调研国资系统内两家优秀企业、浙江省一家优秀 企业的党建工作、企业文化建设和党建推动企业文化建设的实际情况,探讨新形 势下,党建和企业文化建设之间的关系,并进行客观的分析。采用问卷的调查法、 面对面的采访法等,认真分别在国资委、上级集团公司、LC 公司、内部就研究的 问题开展了问卷调查,作为分析、解决问题的基础;采用文献的分析法、案例的 研究法,利用多个案例对比分析,解剖得出内在共同点,从而得出带有普遍性的 结论。研究发现由于 LC 公司新建立不久,员工凝聚力不够,专业人才缺乏,员工 被动参加文化活动,企业文化建设表面化严重。解决措施:以党建为核心打造特 色企业文化,加强基层党小组建设,加强企业文化建设专业人才队伍的培养,党 员服务品牌化,建立 LC 公司企业文化建设评价体系等。 通过研究,目的是希望对国有企业文化建设有借鉴参考意义,以“党建促文 化”建设为手段,在发展高质量党建工作的基础上,使公司各项工作实现转型升 级,促进国有企业经营发展。 关键词:粮食特色,企业文化,基于党建,融合发展ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT State-owned enterprises are of great importance for the growth of China's comprehensive national strength ,safeguarding the common interests of the people. The sustainable development of state-owned enterprises requires for the construction of enterprise culture. Advanced enterprise culture is essential for the development of enterprise economic. Under the current circumstances, the report to the 19th National Congress of the COMMUNIST Party of China (CPC) has given an exacter definition of the direction: we should strive to innovate the systems and mechanisms, accelerate the establishment of a modern enterprise system, and constantly enhance their vitality, influence and anti-risk capability. It is of great practical importance to discuss the problems of the construction of enterprise culture in state-owned enterprises,what are the difficulties in this process and how to solve them. This paper takes LC Company as an example. It is a state-owned enterprise under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. Founded in 2016, In 2017, a private grain enterprise was merged and restructured. It is now in a critical period of rapid development. After the establishment of the Party branch in 2018, the enterprise attaches great importance to its own cultural construction, highlighting the construction of party organization to guide and promote the construction of corporate culture. In this process, some achievements have been recognized by SASAC, but there are still some deficiencies at present. In this article, by citing some theories concentrating on the construction of enterprise culture and party construction , the LC company and two other outstanding enterprises in Zhejiang province which are within the system are contacted, the good examples of the construction of enterprise culture and the party are analyzed, in order to conduct a comprehensive and objective analysis on the construction of enterprise culture in the new situation. Questionnaire survey and face-to-face interview were conducted in SASAC, superior departments, the LC company and its internal departments in order to analyze and solve the problems. The method of literature analysis and case study is adopted to collect research data and relevant data. Through investigation and study of typical case materials, comparative analysis is conducted, and internal common points are obtained. The conclusion is universal. The research found that the new LC companyABSTRACT III was established in a short time, staff cohesion is not enough, it is lack of professionals and staff passive participation in cultural activities. Solutions to solve these problems include taking party construction as the core to create characteristic enterprise culture, strengthening the construction of grass roots party groups, strengthening the cultivation of professional talents in enterprise culture construction, making the service for Party members as a band and establishing the corporate culture construction evaluation system of the LC company. The purpose of this research is to provide reference for the construction of corporate culture in state-owned enterprises. With "Party building + culture" construction as the starting point.,we advocate the idea that "party building culture is the best corporate culture". On the basis of high-quality party building work, the company will not only be able to achieve transformation and upgrading, but also achieve high-quality development and ultimately achieve party construction,promoting the management and development of state-owned enterprises. Keywords: grain characteristic, corporate culture, based on Party building, Integral development目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论....................... 1 1.1 研究背景............... 1 1.2 研究目的和意义... 2 1.2.1 研究目的 ... 2 1.2.2 研究意义 ... 2 1.3 研究思路及论文框架.......................... 4 1.3.1 研究基本思路 .......................... 4 1.3.2 论文框架 ... 5 1.4 研究方法............... 6 第二章 企业文化理论基础与文献综述.......... 7 2.1 企业文化建设的定义、内涵和原则 .. 7 2.1.1 企业文化建设的定义 .............. 7 2.1.2 企业文化建设的内涵 .............. 8 2.1.3 企业文化建设的原则 .............. 8 2.2 企业文化理论....... 9 2.2.1 企业文化建设四层次结构模型 ............................. 9 2.2.2 标杆企业文化核心要素结构模型 ....................... 10 2.2.3 “5W2H”分析法........................11 2.3 企业文化建设的核心内容与功能.....11 2.3.1 企业文化建设的核心内容 .....11 2.3.2 企业文化功能 ........................ 12 2.4 党建工作与企业文化建设的关系.... 13 2.4.1 党建工作理论基础 ................ 13 2.4.2 党建工作与企业文化建设的关系 ....................... 13 第三章 LC 公司文化建设与党建工作现状.. 14 3.1 LC 公司基本情况介绍 ...................... 14 3.1.1 基本情况 . 14 3.1.2 经营范围 . 14 3.1.3 组织架构情况 ........................ 15 3.1.4 企业荣誉 . 16目 录 V 3.1.5 主要业务领域 ........................ 16 3.2 LC 公司企业文化建设现状 .............. 16 3.2.1 企业文化的起步阶段..................... 17 3.2.2 企业文化的建设阶段..................... 19 3.2.3 企业文化的形象识别阶段............. 20 3.3 LC 公司党建推动企业文化建设现状 ............................. 21 3.3.1 统一党建思想工作与企业文化建设的目标 ....... 21 3.3.2 使 LC 公司更适应现代企业制度 ........................ 21 3.3.3 加强人力资源管理 ................ 22 3.3.4 提倡狼性文化、工匠精神 .... 22 3.3.5 增强企业廉政文化建设 ........ 23 3.3.6 履行国有企业的社会责任 .... 23 3.3.7 LC 公司落实好专题学习教育的开展 .................. 23 3.3.8 开创特色栏目和推进智慧党建 ........................... 24 第四章 LC 公司企业文化建设中存在的问题............................. 25 4.1 存在的问题分析研究 ........................ 25 4.1.1 问卷调查法调查结果与分析 25 4.1.2 面对面采访法分析 ................ 29 4.1.3 分析结论 . 31 4.2 LC 公司企业文化建设存在问题的成因研究 ................. 34 4.2.1 领导层企业文化建设思想与实践有所脱节 ....... 35 4.2.2 公司管理体制有待改革完善 36 4.2.3 以人为本没有真正落实到位 36 4.2.4 企业文化建设成果没有量化考核标准 ............... 36 第五章 LC 公司基于党建企业文化建设对策............................. 38 5.1 优秀企业党建与企业文化建设的经验........................... 38 5.1.1 中山石油的经验 .................... 38 5.1.2 沪杭甬公司经验 .................... 39 5.1.3 公共集团的相关经验 ............ 41 5.1.4 经验汇总 . 43 5.2 LC 公司存在问题的对策研究 .......... 44 5.2.1 提炼打造特色粮食企业文化 44 5.2.2 专业人才培养建设 ................ 44目 录 VI 5.2.3 活动凝聚构建党建文化和企业文化 ................... 45 5.2.4 突出品牌化服务 .................... 46 5.2.5 加强基层党小组建设 ............ 47 5.2.6 建立企业文化建设评价体系 47 5.3 党建对企业文化建设的启示............ 48 5.3.1 党建对企业文化建设有促进作用 ....................... 48 5.3.2 将廉政建设与廉洁文化相融合 ........................... 49 5.3.3 将思想政治工作与制度文化相融合 ................... 49 5.3.4 将思想政治工作与安全文化相融合 ................... 49 第六章 结论..................... 50 致 谢.. 52