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I 摘要 仓储作为物流三大主要功能之一,在生产制造企业、第三方物流企业、物流 配送中心等都起着重要的作用。在仓储管理中,库位分配策略更是显得尤为重要, 库位分配策略的好坏直接或间接地影响着整个仓储管理的各个环节,比如货品盘 点、货品出入库、库位利用率等。为此,针对库位分配策略的研究应运而生,好 的库位分配策略能在很大程度上提高货品出入库效率、降低物流成本,因此对该 问题的研究具有较高的实际意义和理论价值。 本文主要以LZ白酒生产企业为背景,针对该企业H仓储物流园区的现状, 研究适用于该园区的库位分配策略。首先,本文对H园区的物流现状进行评估分 析,发现在销售订单出库环节存在车辆空跑频繁、司机耗时严重、装卸工人二次 堆垛作业量大三个主要问题,而销售订单跨仓库出库是引起这三大问题的直接原 因。然后,本文提出了建立中心仓、建立集中分拣仓、改变货品存储规则三套解 决方案用以解决以上问题,并结合企业实际情况从信息系统能力需求、建设成本、 车辆等待时间、跨仓库订单解决能力、园区调拨强度、作业人员需求六个维度分 别对三套方案进行对比分析,从中挑选出了改变货品存储规则这一最适合企业现 状的方案,本方案的核心是基于数据分析的库位分配策略,该策略主要思想是将 订单中关联性强的货品进行组合存储,以降低订单跨仓库出库的概率。最后,本 文利用Apriori算法对2018年该园区出库订单中货品的关联规则进行挖掘,将获 取的关联货品组合以“捆绑”存储的方式重新进行货品库位的分配,并对改进后的各 项关键指标和经济效益进行模拟测算,以验证基于数据分析的库位分配策略的有 效性。 由于本文提出的库位分配策略是基于货品的订单数据、货品的库存数据以及 仓库容量数据的分析结果而确定的,因而具有良好的自适应性,能够根据订单特 征的变化而自动调整库位分配方案,保证了对订单出库时三大问题改进的效果。 同时,本文对该策略的适用场景进行了补充说明,提高了基于数据分析的库位分 配策略的使用范围,为不同行业仓储库位分配策略提供一定的借鉴意义。最后, 通过历史订单数据的验证,本文所提出的基于数据分析的库位分配策略能有效减 少订单跨仓库出库概率,提高承运车辆提货效率,减少司机时间损耗和装卸工人 二次堆垛工作量,从而能为仓储运输企业产生直接的经济效益。 关键词:库位分配,关联规则,Apriori算法,酒类仓储 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT As one of the three main functions of logistics, warehousing plays an important role in the production and manufacturing enterprises, the third-party logistics enterprises, logistics distribution center, etc. In warehouse management, the strategy of storage location assignment is particularly important, which directly or indirectly affects every link of the whole warehouse management, such as inventory check, goods in and out, utilization rate of storage location, etc. Therefore, the research on the strategy of storage location assignment has emerged. An optimized strategy of storage location assignment can greatly improve the efficiency of goods in and out and reduce logistics costs, which gives high practical significance and theoretical value to this research. Taking the LZ liquor production enterprise as the background and aiming at the current situation of H warehouse and logistics park of this enterprise, the strategy of storage location assignment applicable for this park is studied in this paper. First of all, based on the evaluation and analysis of the logistics status of the park, it is found that there are three major problems in the process of the delivery of sales orders, which are frequent empty trips, serious time loss, a large amount of the stevedore's secondary stacking workload, while the three problems directly arise from orders shipped across warehouses. Next, this paper proposes three solutions to the above problems by establishing a central warehouse, establishing a centralized sorting warehouse and changing the rules of goods storage and makes a comparative analysis of the three solutions based on the enterprise reality from six dimensions, namely, information system capability requirements, construction cost, vehicle waiting time, cross-warehouse order resolution capability, park allocation intensity and operation personnel demand, which result in a conclusion that the best solution for the enterprise is to change the rules of goods storage. As the core of the best solution, the strategy of storage location assignment based on data analysis mainly aims to combine and store the goods with strong correlation in order to reduce the probability of orders being shipped across warehouses. Finally, the Apriori algorithm in correlation analysis is applied to explore the association rules of the goods in the outbound orders of the park in 2018, resulting in the inventory location assignment being redone by bundle storage for the acquired associated goods combination and the key indexes and economic ABSTRACT III benefits after the improvement being simulated and calculated in order to verify the effectiveness of the strategy of storage location assignment based on data analysis. As the strategy of storage location assignment proposed in this paper is based on the order data of goods, the inventory data of goods and the analysis results of warehouse capacity data, it has good adaptability. The storage location assignment can be automatically adjusted according to changes in order characteristics, which ensures the improvement effect of the three major problems in the delivery of orders. Moreover, The applicable scene of this solution supplemented in this paper can make the application range of the strategy of storage location assignment based on data analysis improved, which may be of significant help to the strategy of storage location assignment in different industries. Through the verification of historical order data, the strategy of storage location assignment based on data analysis proposed in this paper can effectively reduce the probability of orders shipped across warehouses, improve the efficiency of delivery vehicles, reduce drivers’ time loss and the stevedore's secondary stacking workload, which can produce direct economic benefits for warehousing and transportation enterprises. Key words: storage location assignment, association rules, Apriori Algorithm, liquor storage 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................................................................... 1 1.2 研究内容与思路 ............................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 研究内容 ................................................................................................ 2 1.2.2 研究思路 ................................................................................................ 3 1.3 研究现状 ........................................................................................................... 4 1.4 论文章节安排 ................................................................................................... 7 第二章 相关理论综述 .................................................................................................... 8 2.1 库位分配相关理论与方法 ............................................................................... 8 2.1.1 常用的库位分配方式 ............................................................................ 8 2.1.2 常用的货品存储策略 ............................................................................ 9 2.1.3 常用的货品存储原则 ............................................................................ 9 2.2 数据分析相关理论与方法 ............................................................................. 10 2.2.1 数据挖掘简介 ...................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 关联规则简介 ...................................................................................... 11 2.2.3 Apriori算法介绍 ................................................................................... 12 第三章 LZ仓储园区现状介绍与问题分析 ................................................................ 14 3.1 园区概况 ......................................................................................................... 14 3.2 园区物流模式介