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I 摘要 经济增长速度越来越慢,是我国在国际竞争一体化程度越来越深这一背景下必须 要面对的基本形势,国内经济下行态势越来越明显。金融领域已成为现代经济的核心 组成部分,担保圈风险的爆发和蔓延直接威胁到经济社会的长久可持续发展。因此, 对商业银行面临的担保圈风险识别以及产生原因进行深入分析就显得尤其重要,也是 现阶段解决商业银行面临信用风险的重要举措和途径,现实意义和理论价值十分深远。 本文以H银行临沂分行担保圈风险管控分析为研究重点,以文献研究法与案例研 究法为主要研究方法,通过研究归纳国内外有关担保融资及担保圈风险的相关文献资 料,界定了担保圈的核心概念,按照表现形式和企业规模列举了担保圈的主要种类, 通过对信息不对称理论、信贷配给理论、相关性原理以及外部性理论进行分析,为落 实商业银行担保圈风险管控研究打好了理论基矗在详细阐明H银行临沂分行相关基 本情况以及存量担保圈情况的基础上,结合存量担保圈典型案例解析,对H银行临沂 分行当前担保圈风险识别与管控举措、相关风险管控成效以及目前存在的相关问题进 行了阐述与分析总结。同时得出了商业银行担保圈风险的主要成因既有来自商业银行 风险管控不足的内部原因,也有来自企业自身风险意识淡薄以及政府政策影响的外部 原因。 本文针对H银行临沂分行当前担保圈风险管控存在的相关问题,结合担保圈风险 的主要成因,提出了商业银行担保圈风险管控的策略建议,从商业银行内部风险管控 角度分析,提升商业银行担保圈风险管控水平,需要强化授信业务流程中的审核及管 理力度,主要是从贷前调查、贷中审查以及贷后管理三个方面去落实;同时要加强商 业银行存量担保圈分类管理,必须逐步建立担保圈内企业分类管理机制,且需加强不 同风险水平担保圈分类管理;另外应切实提升自身担保圈风险管控水平,主要是建立 内部风险评级监督机构,进一步完善担保圈风险考核激励机制和信贷从业人员风险管 控能力,同时应积极推动担保圈大数据分析的相关应用。从企业、政府共同协作提升 担保圈风险管控成效的角度分析,提升商业银行担保圈风险管控水平,需要企业切实 提高自身担保圈风险防范意识,同时政府要尽快统筹完善担保圈风险管控体系。希望 通过对商业银行担保圈风险管控研究,能为商业银行切实提升担保圈风险管控水平提 供参考,同时也为地方政府及金融监管部门防范系统性风险的措施采取提供必要的经 关键词:商业银行;担保圈风险;H银行临沂分行 ABSTRACT Ⅱ ABSTRACT Under the continuous influence of complex factors at home and abroad, China's economic growth continues to slow down, and the overall economy shows a downward trend. As the core of modern economy, the risk of Guarantee Circle in the financial field appears to break out and spread in different degrees, which restricts the development of economic society. Therefore, it is very important and urgent to analyze and study the causes of the risks in the credit guarantee circle of commercial banks and how to effectively control the risks. It is also of great practical significance for the commercial banks that are deeply troubled by the risks in the guarantee circle. This paper focuses on the risk management and control analysis of the guarantee circle of Linyi Branch of Bank H, and takes the literature research method and case study method as the main research methods. Through the research and induction of the relevant literature and information about the guarantee financing and the risk of the guarantee circle at home and abroad, it defines the core concept of the guarantee circle, lists the main types of the guarantee circle according to the forms of expression and the scale of enterprises, and through the asymmetric information Theory, credit rationing theory, correlation theory and externality theory are analyzed to lay a theoretical foundation for the implementation of risk management and control of commercial banks' Guarantee Circle. On the basis of elaborating the basic situation of Linyi Branch of Bank H and the situation of stock Guarantee Circle, combined with the analysis of typical cases of stock Guarantee Circle, this paper expounds and summarizes the current risk identification and control measures, related risk control effectiveness and existing problems of Linyi Branch of bank H. At the same time, it concludes that the main causes of the risk of the guarantee circle of commercial banks are not only the internal causes of the lack of risk management and control of commercial banks, but also the external causes of the weak risk awareness of enterprises themselves and the impact of government policies. Aiming at the related problems of risk management and control in the current guarantee circle of H bank Linyi branch, and combining with the main causes of the risk of the guarantee circle, this paper puts forward the strategic recommendations for the risk management and control of the commercial bank guarantee circle, and suggests that the examination and management of the credit business process should be strengthened from 西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 Ⅲ the perspective of the internal risk management and control of the commercial bank, mainly from three aspects, namely, the pre loan investigation, the loan review and the post loan management. It is suggested to strengthen the classified management of commercial banks' stock Guarantee Circle, gradually establish the classified management mechanism of enterprises in the guarantee circle, and at the same time strengthen the classified management of guarantee circle at different risk levels; it is suggested to practically improve the risk management and control level of their own Guarantee Circle, mainly to establish the internal risk rating supervision organization, and further improve the risk assessment and incentive mechanism of Guarantee Circle and the credit practitioners' style The ability of insurance management and control should actively promote the application of big data analysis in the guarantee circle. From the perspective of the cooperation between enterprises and government to improve the effectiveness of risk management and control in the guarantee circle, it is suggested that enterprises should improve their awareness of risk prevention in the guarantee circle, and the government should coordinate and improve the risk management and control system in the Guarantee Circle as soon as possible. Through this series of strategic suggestions, we hope to provide reference for commercial banks to effectively improve the risk management and control level of the guarantee circle, and provide ideas for local governments and financial regulators to prevent systemic risks in the region and improve the regional financial environment. Chinese style KEY WORDS: Commercial bank; Guarantee Circle risk; Linyi Branch of H Bank 目 录 I 目 录 摘要 ............... I ABSTRACT .............................. III 第一章 导论 ............................. 1 1.1 研究背景 ........................... 1 1.2 研究目的和研究意义 ....... 2 1.3 国内外研究动态 ............... 3 1.3.1国外研究动态情况 ..... 3 1.3.2 国内研究动态情况 .... 4 1.3.3 文献评述 .................... 5 1.4 本文的研究思路与方法 ... 5 1.4.1研究思路 ..................... 5 1.4.2 研究方法 .................... 6 1.5 本文的可能创新之处 ....... 6 第二章 相关概念及理论基础 . 7 2.1核心概念界定 ................... 7 2.1.1 什么是担保圈 ............ 7 2.1.2 担保圈的种类 ............ 7 2.2 相关理论基础 ................. 11 2.2.1 信息不对称理论 ...... 11 2.2.2 信贷配给理论 .......... 11 2.2.3 相关性原理 .............. 12 2.2.4 外部性理论 .............. 12 第三章 H银行临沂分行担保圈风险管控现状及分析 ..................... 14 3.1 H银行临沂分行基本情况 ............................. 14 3.1.1 H银行临沂分行简介 .............................. 14 3.1.2 H银行临沂分行担保圈基本情况 .......... 14 3.2 H银行临沂分行担保圈风险案例解析 ......... 16 3.2.1 担保圈案例背景介绍 ............................. 16 3.2.2 担保圈案例风险现状及风险分析 ......... 18 西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 II 3.2.3 担保圈案例风险管控措施 ..................... 20 3.3 H银行临沂分行担保圈风险管控分析 ......... 21 3.3.1担保圈风险识别与管控举措 .................. 21 3.3.2担保圈风险管控成效 .............................. 22 3.3.3担保圈风险管控遇到的问题 .................. 23 第四章 商业银行担保圈风险管控问题成因分析 ............................. 25 4.1 商业银行担保圈风险管控问题内部成因分析 .......................