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I 摘要 房地产行业是国民经济的重要组成部分,在一个国家和地区国民经济中占据重要 的地位和作用。自“招拍挂”制度推出以来,我国房地产行业得以快速发展。但随着 房价的快速增长,也引发了诸多问题,如炒房、居民住房成本过高等等。为此,党的 十九大报告明确提出要坚持贯彻落实“房住不炒”理念,并出台了许多政策对房地产 市场进行调控,以抑制房地产泡沫的持续发酵。广州作为我国一线城市之一,在政策 调控下,一手房二手房均价保持总体平稳,积极贯彻了“房住不炒”理念。与此同时, 房地产开发企业为了在调控政策持续收紧的背景下抢占市场,不断采用多样化的营销 手段,以期望在“限购”、“限价”的住房市场中获取竞争优势,提升楼盘销售业绩。 基于此,本文以DJ实业集团JBY项目为研究对象,以市场营销学的理论为基础, 通过利用PEST分析、波特五力模型分析、SWOT分析对JBY项目的营销环境和营销现状 进行深度分析,提出JBY项目营销中存在单向沟通忽视消费者心声、品牌效应弱、过 度炒作老城价值三大问题。并针对这三大问题,探讨Marketing3.0 时代背景下,社交 网络愈发虚拟化和扩大化,企业如何审时度势,运用4Cs营销理论,结合网络营销、 口碑营销来优化JBY项目的营销策略,有针对性地解决当前营销策略中的问题。并针 对优化策略,从组织、人才、激励机制三个方面提出实施的保障措施,确保优化策略 得以顺利实行。 本文通过对原有营销策略的剖析,提出JBY项目营销的优化策略,有利于强化JBY 项目的营销效果,提高楼盘的销售效率和利润。尤其是网络营销和口碑营销的运用, 能有效提升客户对项目楼盘的好感度,同时有助于提升企业形象。网络营销和口碑营 销的运用同时也能为集团旗下新的房地产开发项目的营销推广提供借鉴。 关键词:房地产市场营销 4Cs营销理论 网络营销 口碑营销 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 II ABSTRACT The real estate industry is an important part of the national economy and occupies an important position and role in the national economy of a country and region. Since the introduction of the "invitation, auction, and listing" system, chinese real estate industry has developed rapidly. However, with the rapid growth of house prices, many problems have also arisen, such as real estate speculation and high housing costs. To this end, the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China made it clear that we must insist on the implementation of the concept of "no housing, no speculation", and issued many policies to regulate the real estate market to curb the continued fermentation of the real estate bubble. As one of chinese first-tier cities, under the control of policies, the average price of second-hand houses in first-hand houses has remained generally stable, and the concept of "housing, housing and no speculation" has been actively implemented. At the same time, in order to seize the market in the context of continuous tightening of regulatory policies, real estate development companies continue to use diversified marketing methods in order to expect to gain a competitive advantage in the "restricted purchase" and "limited price" housing market and increase sales of real estate Performance. Based on this, this article takes the JBY project of the DJ Industrial Group as the research object, based on the theory of marketing, and makes an in-depth analysis of the marketing environment and marketing status of the JBY project by using PEST analysis, Porter's five force model analysis, and SWOT analysis. It is proposed that there are three major problems in the marketing of JBY projects, including one-way communication ignores the voice of consumers, weak brand effect and overhyped Old Town Value. In response to these three major issues, we discuss how social networks are increasingly virtualized and expanded in the context of the Marketing 3.0 era. How companies can review the situation, use 4Cs marketing theory, and combine network marketing and word-of-mouth marketing to optimize the marketing strategy of the JBY project are targeted. Solve problems in current marketing strategies. And for the optimization strategy, the implementation of guarantee measures from the three aspects of organization, talents, and incentive mechanisms to ensure that the optimization strategy can be smoothly implemented. By analyzing the original marketing strategy, this study puts forward the optimization strategy of JBY project marketing, which is conducive to strengthening the marketing effect of JBY project and improving the sales efficiency and profit of real estate. In particular, the use of online marketing and word-of-mouth marketing can effectively increase the ABSTRACT III customer's favorability with the project real estate, and at the same time help to enhance the corporate image. The use of online marketing and word-of-mouth marketing can also provide a reference for the marketing promotion of the group's new real estate development projects. Key words:Real estate marketing; The marketing theory of 4Cs; Network marketing; Word-of-mouth marketing 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 IV 目录 摘要 .......... I ABSTRACT .......................... II 目录 ....... IV CONTENTS ...................... VIII 第一章绪论 ............................ 1 1.1研究背景及问题 ...... 1 1.2研究意义 .................. 3 1.2.1理论意义 ....... 3 1.2.2实践意义 ....... 3 1.3研究目标与内容 ...... 4 1.3.1研究目标 ....... 4 1.3.2研究内容 ....... 4 1.4研究方法与技术路线 ............................. 5 1.4.1研究方法 ....... 5 1.4.2技术路线 ....... 5 1.5论文结构 .................. 7 1.6本章小结 .................. 7 第二章理论基础与文献综述 8 2.1理论基础 .................. 8 2.1.1房地产市场营销 .......................... 8 2.1.24Cs营销理论 . 8 2.2文献综述 ................ 10 2.2.1房地产市场 . 10 2.2.2房地产网络营销 ........................ 11 2.2.3房地产口碑营销 ........................ 12 2.2.4研究述评 ..... 14 2.3本章小结 ................ 14 第三章DJ实业集团JBY项目现状及环境分析 ............................ 15 目录 V 3.1公司简介和项目概况 ........................... 15 3.1.1公司简介 ..... 15 3.1.2项目概况 ..... 15 3.2营销环境分析 ........ 16 3.2.1宏观环境分析(PEST分析) .. 16 3.2.2行业环境分析(波特五力模型) ........................... 26 3.2.3 JBY项目SWOT分析............... 31 3.3本章小结 ................ 34 第四章JBY项目当前营销策略分析及存在问题 ........................... 35 4.1当前营销策略及营销现状分析 ........... 35 4.1.1产品定位 ..... 35 4.1.2目标客户群的定位 .................... 35 4.1.3项目推广策略 ............................ 37 4.1.4现行营销策略下JBY项目的营销现状 .................. 40 4.2当前营销策略中存在的问题及原因分析 .......................... 40 4.2.1当前营销策略中存在的问题 .... 40 4.2.2当前营销策略中存在问题的原因 ........................... 42 4.3本章小结 ................ 44 第五章JBY项目营销策略的优化对策 ............ 45 5.1优化当前营销策略的必要性 ............... 45 5.1.1宏观调控持续收紧 .................... 45 5.1.2房地产市场向买方市场过渡 .... 45 5.24Cs营销理论的应用 ............................. 46 5.2.1充分满足顾客需求 .................... 46 5.2.2优化成本策略 ............................ 47 5.2.3提升顾客购房便利性 ................ 49 5.2.4优化企业与顾客的沟通模式 .... 50 5.3网络营销的应用 .... 50 5.3.1利用互联网开展个性化营销 .... 51 5.3.2构建双向互动的网络营销平台 51 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 VI 5.3.3加强网络营销效果的评估和管理 ........................... 52 5.4口碑营销的应用 .... 52 5.4.1有偿转发和发布在线口碑 ........ 53 5.4.2建立网络创新社区 .................... 53 5.4.3跟踪和管理购房者的自发性口碑 ........................... 54 5.5本章小结 ................ 54 第六章JBY项目营销策略保障措施 ................ 55 6.1组织保障 ................ 55 6.1.1强化高层领导的营销意识 ........ 55 6.1.2优化组织结构 ............................ 55 6.1.3加强部门协作 ............................ 55 6.1.4加强技术支持 ............................ 56 6.2人才保障 ................ 56 6.2.1组建项目团队 ............................ 56 6.2.2提高销售人员素质 .................... 56 6.3激励机制保障 ........ 56 6.3.1优化绩效考核制度 .................... 56 6.3.2实行多元化的激励机制 ............ 57 6.4本章小结 ................ 57 结论与展望 .......................... 58