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伴随着移动互联网的发展诸如大数据、区块链等技术不断地被应用 到金融领域,其中包括银行的零售业务领域。在这样的形势下,银行多 年的经营模式和管理方式都受到了很大的冲击。在传统的发展模式下, 银行累积了大量的客户数据。在粗狂型的规模扩张过程中,客户和业务 数据的使用效率低下,为未来银行业务发展留下隐患。进入到移动互联 网时代,很多技术已经在产品端和客户管理方面发挥着不可替代的作用, 先进的同业发展趋势也预示着颠覆性的革命方向已经来临。 受移动互联网金融发展的冲击,传统银行的客户到店数急剧下降。 以往到银行网点办理业务的客户都需要排队花费很长的时间才可以办 理银行业务。银行的零售客户经理只需要在网点等待客户,为其提供标 准化的产品和服务即可。银行产品的设计方面,银行产品并不是根据客 户的需求而定制的,所有的产品服务都是标准化的。银行具有特许经营 的权力,客户只能被动地接受没有差异的产品和服务。然而随着金融的 开放和分业经营的发展,进入银行业务的主体不断地增加,提供财富管 理服务的机构也在不断增多。银行的业务被大量的同业和互联网平台分 流,客户渐渐地选择银行之外的其他非银机构作为其主要的资金管理渠 道。标志性的事件就是2013年余额宝的诞生,它的出现分流了大量的 银行活期存款,大量的长尾客户渐渐流失,对银行的负债成本造成影响, 不断提高的负债成本对其经营造成了很大的压力。 银行零售银行业务从产品时代和垄断时代快速步入了客户时代和 完全竞争时代。新形势和新环境下,这样的趋势对银行的经营管理提出 了更高的要求。零售银行业务的改革迫在眉睫,得客户者得天下。在移 动互联网金融的冲击下,如何做好客户的精准营销,为客户提供个性化、 多样化和精准化的产品和服务;如何通过新媒体满足客户的潜在的金融 需求,如何通过移动互联网为客户提供财富管理服务是每一家商业银行 思考的问题。 J银行作为传统银行的缩影,在利率市场化的改革下和互联网金融 冲击下遭遇了盈利能力增长的瓶颈。J银行面临着客户流失、存款流失、 中收增速放缓等难题。面对移动互联网的发展,J银行也在大力发展手 机银行,通过移动互联网重新制定客户关系管理体系,从产品方面、服 务方面和系统方面紧紧围绕客户关系管理尝试组织和系统架构的重构。 本文将对J银行外部经营环境进行分析,提出J银行的零售客户关 系管理存在的问题,运用客户关系管理的理论提出J银行移动互联网下 的零售客户关系管理策略。 关键词:移动互联网,零售银行,客户关系管理 THE RESEARCH OF RETAIL BANK CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT UNDER MOBILE INTERNET ABSTRACT With the development of mobile Internet, various new technologies such as big data, block chains and other technologies are constantly applied to the financial field, including the retail business of banks. Under such circumstances, the management mode and management mode of banks for many years have been greatly impacted. Under the traditional development mode, banks accumulate a large amount of customer data and customer transaction data. In the process of this kind of crude scale expansion, the utilization rate and efficiency of customer and business data are low, which leaves a hidden danger for the future development of banking business. When the market environment into the mobile Internet, many technologies have played an irreplaceable role in Product-Side and customer management, we see the development trend of advanced industry also foresaw the revolutionary direction of development. For example, the introduction and use of large data to help banks solve the future in the elaborate development stage of banks to adopt precision marketing to further improve customer relationship management. Under the mobile Internet mode, 7*24 hours provide customers with convenient financial services. We have observed a sharp decline in the number of customers coming to stores in traditional banks under the impact of the development of mobile Internet finance. Before the bank customers need to queue up for a long time before they can do banking business. The retail customer manager of a bank only needs to wait for customers at the outlets to provide standardized products and services. In the design of financial products, banking products are not customized according to customer needs, all products and services are standardized. Banks have the power to franchise, and customers can only passively accept products and services that are not differentiated. However, with the opening up of Finance and the development of separate operation, the number of subjects entering banking business is increasing, and the number of institutions providing wealth management services is also increasing. The business of bank has been diverted by a large number of interbank and Internet platforms. Customers gradually choose other non-bank institutions besides banks as their main fund management channels. The symbolic event is the birth of yuebao in 2013. Its emergence diverted a large number of bank demand deposits, and a large number of long-tailed customers of banks gradually lost, which caused pressure on the bank's debt costs, and increased debt costs caused great pressure on its operation. The era of retail banking has rapidly entered the era of customer and complete competition from the era of product and monopoly. Under the new situation and new environment, this trend puts forward higher requirements for the management and operation of banks. The reform of retail banking is imminent, and the customers will win the world. Under the impact of mobile Internet finance, how to do a good job in the precise marketing of customers, to provide customers with personalized, diversified and accurate products and services; how to meet the potential financial services of customers through new media, and how to provide wealth management services for customers through mobile Internet is the thinking of every commercial bank. J bank as a microcosm of this batch of traditional banks, the financial impact of the Internet market-oriented interest rate reform, suffered a bottleneck of profitability growth. J bank is faced with problems such as customer churn, loss of deposits, slowly growth in revenue and so on. With the development of mobile Internet, J bank also vigorously develop the mobile phone bank, through the mobile Internet to make customer relationship management system, from the products, services and systems focus on the reconstruction of customer relationship management system architecture and try to organize. This paper will analyze the external operating environment of J Bank, through the analysis of the competition between the same industry and non-different industry, put forward the problems of the retail customer relationship management of J Bank, and put forward the corresponding customer relationship management strategy of J Bank by using the theory of customer relationship management. KEYWORDS: mobile Internet, retail banking, customer relationship management 目录 第1章 导论 ............................................................ 1 1.1 选题背景及意义 ..................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ....................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ....................................................... 1 1.2 文献综述 ........................................................... 2 1.3 研究内容与方法 ..................................................... 4 1.3.1 研究内容 ....................................................... 4 1.3.2 研究方法 ....................................................... 4 1.4 研究的难点和创新点 ................................................. 5 第2章 零售商业银行经营环境分析 ......................................... 6 2.1 人口环境分析 ....................................................... 6 2.2 技术环境分析 ....................................................... 9 2.3 政策环境分析 ...................................................... 10 第3章 客户关系管理理论概述 ............................................ 15 3.1 客户关系管理的概念和发展 .......................................... 16 3.1.1 客户关系管理的概念 ............................................ 16 3.1.2 客户关系管理的内容 ............................................ 16 3.1.3 客户关系管理理论思想 .......................................... 17 第4章 竞争环境分析 ................................................... 20 4.1 银行业竞争环境分析 .....