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伴随着我国市场经济和居民消费水平持续的提升,人们对个性化消费的需 求愈发明显,已然成为一种新的消费趋势。在文本所研究的信用卡行业中,这 种趋势则更为明显。可以预见,多样化的市场需求、白热化的市场竞争、多变 复杂的市场环境,这些都给行业内的企业带来巨大的压力和挑战。传统的营销 手段显然已经无法满足市场的要求,相反这些营销手段不断上涨的营销成本却 往往无法带来与之匹配的成效增长。在这样的背景下,一对一营销受到了市场 营销部门的青睐。在当今信息化技术已越发成熟,而大数据技术也已经渗透商 业的各个角落,消费者的行为轨迹逐步明晰,商户已具备对客户精准的画像条 件,这就使得一对一营销具备从理论逐步变为现实基矗 本文选择信用卡行业的龙头企业ZS信用卡中心作为研究的对象,采集其相 关的营销数据对其挖掘、整理和分析,目的在于探索信用卡行业的一对一营销 的可行性和有效性。研究主要分为三步,首先是分析ZS银行信用卡的现状,找 到合适的一对一营销切入点,然后是明确一对一营销的目标,接着设计一对一 营销的策略。最后,是从有效性和实用性证明一对一营销的效果。 对于ZS银行这样的企业来说,可用于一对一营销的切入点非常的多,本文 则选取了线上的渠道作为此次研究的切入点,并明确定义了一对一营销理论在 此次实验中的应用范围和实验边界。在设计实验时充分关注数据完整、沟通便 捷、成效可统计等问题,以便在后续试验中最大程度的客观反映一对一营销的 效果。 在策略设计时,最大的难点在于对客户的细分,当前的一对一营销理论对 这一块的涉及多偏向理论,很难应用于实践。在此次分析时,作者引入了客户 关系管理中常用到的RFM模型中客户细分的方法,并结合信用卡行业的实际特 点对营销策略的进行了必要的调整和修改。总结出一套适用于与ZS银行信用卡 的、基于RFM模型的一对一营销策略。 在最后效果验证环节,分别运用了相关性分析和设立对照组的方法,对策 略中响应度预测的有效性和提升效果做了分析评估。证明一对一营销策略在信 用卡行业的可行性和实用性。 - 4 - 关键词:一对一营销、客户细分、RFM模型 - 5 - Research on the optimization strategy of precision marketing based on one-to-one marketing theory in credit card industry ——Take ZS Bank as an example ABSTRACT With the continuous boomingof market economy and consumption level in China, people's demand for personalized consumption becomes more and more obvious, which has already become a new consumption trend. this trend is becoming more obvious in the Credit Card industry. For the foreseeable future, diversified market demand, white-hot market competition, and complicated market environment will cause tremendous pressure and challenges to enterprises in this industry. However, traditional marketing methods can no longer meet the demand of current market. Moreover, continuous increase of marketing costs usually cannot bring expected profit. Under this situation, one-to-one marketing is thus more preferable. Nowadays matured information technology and omnipresent big data technology make consumers’ behavior more and more clear, which enables one-to- one marketing to become reality. This paper focuses on ZS Credit Card Center, the leading enterprise in the credit card industry, as the research object. By collecting relevant marketing data, collating and analyzing it, we explore the feasibility and effectiveness of one-to-one marketing in the credit card industry. The research is mainly divided into three steps. Firstly, it analyzes current situation of the ZS Credit Card - 6 - Center, finding the breakthrough point. Secondly, it clarifies the goal of the one-to-one marketing and builds the model. Finally, it proves the effect of the one-to-one marketing through its effectiveness and practicability. As for the enterprises like ZS Bank, there are many breakthrough points of one-to-one marketing. This paper chooses online one-to-one marketing channels as the research topic and clarifies the application scope and experimental boundary of 4R one-to-one marketing theory in this experiment. In order to obtain an objective perception of one-to-one marketing, via following experiments, more attention needs to be paid to data integrity, convenient communication and statistical results is required. When building the model, the most difficulty is to grouping consumers. Most of the current research focuses on the theory of one- to-one marketing rather than its implementation into reality. In this paper, the author introduces the RFM model, which is usually used in CRM, and makes necessary adjustments and modifications to the marketing strategy according to the actual characteristics of the credit card industry, and summarized a set of one-to-one marketing strategy based on RFM model which is suitable for ZS credit card. At the final step of effecacy verification, the effect and improvement of response prediction were analyzed and evaluated via correlation analysis and contrast group setting, which further illustrates the feasibility and practicability of one-to-one marketing strategy in credit card industry. KEYWORDS: “One-to-One Marketing”, “Customer Segmentation”, “RFM Model”, - 7 - 摘要 ................................................................................................................ 2 第一章 绪论 .............................................................................................. 10 第一节 研究背景及意义......................................... 10 一、研究背景 ............................................. 10 二、研究的意义 ........................................... 11 第二节 研究目标和内容......................................... 12 一、研究目标 ............................................. 12 二、研究内容 ............................................. 12 第三节 研究思路和方法......................................... 13 一、研究思路 ............................................. 13 二、研究方法 ............................................. 14 第四节 本章小节............................................... 15 第二章 相关理论综述 ............................................................................ 15 第一节 一对一营销理论......................................... 15 一、一对一营销的定义及特点 ............................... 15 二、一对一营销策略的实施步骤 ............................. 18 三、一对一营销研究现状 ................................... 19 第二节 营销管理相关的理论..................................... 21 一、精准营销4R理论 ...................................... 21 二、RFM营销模型 .......................................... 22 第三节 本章小节............................................... 23 目录 - 8 - 第三章 ZS信用卡概况及一对一营销策略优化动因 ..................... 23 第一节 信用卡行业分析及ZS信用卡发展特点...................... 23 一、信用卡行业分析 ....................................... 23 二、ZS信用卡中心简介及营销发展特点 ....................... 25 第二节 ZS信用卡PEST分析 ..................................... 26 一、政策环境分析 ......................................... 26 二、经济环境分析 ......................................... 27 三、社会文化环境分析 ..................................... 28 四、技术环境分析 ......................................... 29 第三节 ZS信用卡一对一营销策略优化的动因和思路 ................ 31 一、ZS银行信用一对一营销的动因 ........................... 31 二、本次ZS信用卡一对一营销优化项目的思路 ................. 34 第四节 本章小结............................................... 35 第四章 ZS信用卡一对一营销策略优化及效果 .............................. 36 第一节 一对一营销优化项目的设计路径........................... 36 第二节 以RFM为要素的的客户识别............................... 38 一、 客户识别的维度选择和原因 ........................... 38 二、 客户识别的样本数据 ................................. 39 三、客户分类的基本逻辑 ................................... 41 四、客户分类的结果 ....................................... 42 第三节 客户区分与标记......................................... 43 一、客户响应度区分的数据选择 ............................. 43 二、无效数据清理及覆盖度分析 ............................. 44 - 9 - 三、 客户响应度标识形成一对一营销策略 ..... 四、一对一营销策略的统计结果 ............................. 49 第四节 一对一营销优化项目的成效验证........................... 50 一、 一对一营销优化项目成效验证的方式 ..................