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随着世界经济全球化的到来,我国对外贸易迅速发展,进出口贸易额不断攀 升,已然成为我国国民经济中重要组成部分、国民经济强大的推动动力。然而, 对外贸易的环境并非风平浪静的。在全球经济不断变化的格局下,市场竞争多元 化、支付方式多样化、产品贸易复杂化等多种因素导致对外贸易中的风险随处可 见,风险发生的概率也在不断增加,带来的影响也日益加剧。传统的风险预警系 统和风险防范机制已经无法顺应当下对外贸易发展中的复杂性和多样性,风险管 理已经成为我国外贸企业在市场经济大潮中保持稳定、持续经营必须重视和建立 的重要环节。外贸企业如何加强自身抵御风险和防范业务风险的能力,建立完善 的风险管理体系,做好风险管理已成为企业管理者们必须深思的问题。外贸企业 的风险管理研究也就具有了现实意义。 本文以江苏省内一家知名的大型国有外贸企业——S公司作为研究对象,通 过对我国目前对外贸易环境分析、S公司的内外部环境分析、自身经营情况分析, 针对其主营业务之一代理进口业务中的风险管理问题进行探讨和研究,发现S 公司目前的风险管理现状和存在的风险,包括客户资信风险、市场波动风险、政 策变化风险、货权丢失风险、虚假贸易风险、条款设置风险,针对这些可能影响 S公司战略目标和经营计划实施与执行的风险因素,进行风险识别、风险评估、 风险分析,在文章的最后提出了适用于S公司目前经营现状的风险管理措施和对 策建议,包括建立风险控制体系、加强生态平台建设、健全调查评审流程、强化 合同风险防范、坚持业务高质量发展、深化流程管控制度、提高团队风险意识等。 本文希望通过对S公司代理进口业务风险管理现状的研究和分析,提供S 公司以及我国从事同类代理进口业务的其他外贸企业风险管理方面的参考和借 鉴,使得我国的外贸企业能够更好、更稳、更安全的开展代理进口业务,在发展 中兼顾风险的预警和防范,不断优化企业的经营管理能力,提高企业市场竞争力, 避免因风险的发生给企业造成损失,在起起伏伏的国际贸易商海中乘风破浪,高 质量持续发展。 关键词:外贸企业;代理进口业务;风险管理 II Abstract With the advent of global economic integration, China’s foreign trade has developed rapidly. The import and export volume has been rising continuously. Foreign trade has become an important part of China's national economy and a powerful driving force for the national economy. However, the environment of foreign trade is not smooth. Under the changing pattern of global economy, risks in foreign trade can be seen everywhere due to diversified market competition, diversified payment methods, complicated product trade and other factors. The traditional risk warning system and risk prevention mechanism have been unable to adapt to the complexity and diversity in the current development of foreign trade. Risk management has become an important part that China's foreign trade enterprises must face. Foreign trade enterprises must consider how to strengthen their ability to resist and prevent business risks. The risk management research in foreign trade enterprises has the realistic significance. This paper takes S company, a well-known large state-owned foreign trade enterprise in Jiangsu province, as the research object. This paper discusses and studies the risk management in the agency import business, one of S company's main businesses, by analyzing China's current foreign trade environment and S company's internal and external environment. We found the current risk management status and existing risks of S company, including customer credit risk, market fluctuation risk, policy change risk, cargo right loss risk, false trade risk and clause setting risk. Then, this paper puts forward the risk management measures and countermeasures suitable for the current operating situation of S company, including the establishment of risk control system, strengthening the construction of ecological platform, improve the investigation and review process, strengthening contract risk prevention, adhere to high-quality business development, deepen the process control system, improve team risk awareness. This paper hopes to provide reference for S company and other foreign trade enterprises in risk management through the research and analysis of the current risk III management situation of S company's import agency business. So that Chinese foreign trade enterprises to reduce the risk of import agency business and constantly optimize the enterprise's management ability, improve the enterprise market competitiveness, high-quality development.