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I 中文摘要 人才是生产力发展的核心要素;是企业生存和发展的第一资源;是一种比资 金更重要的资本。然而,随着社会的变迁和时代的进步,人才短缺成为了各类企 业特别是国企的发展瓶颈,将为企业的市场竞争带来了严峻的挑战。国企,特别 是具有垄断特性的国企,因自身特殊属性原因以及特殊的社会地位和不可替代 性,使得企业各类管理创新性不足,同时,社会中的人才需求量不断增长,对国 企员工产生强烈的诱惑力,致使国企人才流失严重。近年来,铁路施工市场逐步 放开,各类建筑央企、省属建筑企业纷纷涌入铁路施工市场参与竞争,垄断管制 的经营模式已不复存在。特别是随着后高铁时代的到来,铁路基础建设规模持续 扩大,导致了该领域对人才的数量和质量提出了越来越高的要求,企业能否快速 发展,关键在人才。 根据上述情况,本文采用文献研究法对国内外已有的研究文献和取得的研究 成果进行梳理归纳,并实施了分析和总结,为本文的研究提供思路。结合当前铁 路施工企业发展的新形势、新任务,选取了中铁SJ电务公司作为研究案例,采 用调查问卷、访谈调查等方法,深入研究了人才流失情况的现状,有针对性的制 定了调查问卷,从公司内部临时抽取了10名员工对问卷的设计征求了意见和建 议。采用调查问卷法向72名在职人员和14名离职人员发放问卷86份,并采用 访谈调查法,从问卷调查的参与者中,随机的抽取了二十人实施一对一的访谈, 用访谈结果验证问卷调查结果,确保调查问卷真实性。 经分析认为,人才流失的主要因素薪酬福利制度不科学、员工激励机制不健 全、企业文化建设不到位、企业培训形式内容单一、工作环境及稳定性差。有针 对性的提出降低人才流失问题的对策:一是从保持薪酬具有行业竞争性、建立完 善员工休息和补偿机制、实施个性化的福利方案方面对薪酬福利体系优化改进, 二是从完善不同层级绩效考核体系、建立公平透明的选人用人机制、实施合理的 岗位培养计划方面对员工激励机制优化改进,三是从定期组织团队活动、让员工 参与决策、建立有效的沟通机制方面对企业文化建设优化改进,四是从丰富培训 内容和形式、培训与职业生涯规划有效结合方面对企业培训体系优化改进,五是 从提供生活及工作供给的良好保障、降低员工大跨度流动频率、实施偏远地区员 工远程施工补助方面对人性化关怀机制进行优化改进。同时,为了切实解决人才 中文摘要 II 流问题,制定了四个方面的保障措施。 本课题希望在理论层面为中国其他铁路施工企业应对人才流失问题理论借 鉴、实践基础,同时,希望能够引导铁路施工企业,转变管理思路,适应时代要 求,保持企业人才的稳定性。 关键词:中铁企业;人才流失;人才保留 Abstract III Abstract Talent is the core element of productivity development, the first resource of enterprise survival and development, and a more important capital than capital. However, with the change of society and the progress of the times, talent shortage has become the bottleneck of all kinds of enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises, which will bring severe challenges to the market competition of enterprises. State owned enterprises, especially the state-owned enterprises in monopoly industries, because of their special attributes, special social status and irreplaceable, there are some problems in the development process of enterprises, such as the lag of human resource management concepts and methods, and the aggravation of talent competition, which makes the problem of brain drain more serious. In recent years, with the gradual liberalization of the railway construction market, all kinds of construction central enterprises and provincial construction enterprises have poured into the railway construction market to participate in competition, and the business model of monopoly control no longer exists. Especially with the advent of the post high speed railway era, the scale of railway infrastructure continues to expand, which leads to higher and higher requirements for the quantity and quality of talents in this field. In order to achieve high-quality and rapid development, enterprises need to take countermeasures in attracting and retaining talents. Based on the above background, this paper adopts the methods of literature research, questionnaire and interview survey, and then systematically combs, summarizes, analyzes and summarizes the existing research literature and research results at home and abroad, and provides the thinking for the research of this paper. Combined with the new situation and task of the development of railway construction enterprises, the paper selects China Railway SJ electric power company as the research case, studies the status of talent drain, and makes a questionnaire with pertinence. 10 employees have been temporarily selected from the company to seek advice and suggestions on the design of the questionnaire. 86 questionnaires were sent to 72 employees and 14 resigned personnel by questionnaire method. By using interview survey method, twenty participants were randomly selected to conduct Abstract IV one-on-one interviews, so as to further test whether the questionnaire is true and reliable. Based on the statistics, analysis and research of the data collected from the survey, it is considered that the main influencing factors of brain drain in railway construction enterprises are salary and welfare, performance appraisal, cultural construction, enterprise training, working environment and development space. According to the above six factors, combined with the development plan of the enterprise and the current management practice, five implementation measures are put forward to reduce the problem of talent drain: first, the optimization and improvement of the compensation and welfare system from the aspects of maintaining the competitive salary, establishing and perfecting the rest and compensation mechanism of employees, and implementing personalized welfare scheme; secondly, improving the performance appraisal body at different levels The third is to optimize and improve the corporate culture construction from the aspects of organizing team activities regularly, involving employees in decision-making, and establishing effective communication mechanism; fourth, training enterprises from the aspects of enriching training content and form, effectively combining training with career planning The fifth is to optimize and improve the humanistic care mechanism from the aspects of providing good guarantee for life and work supply, reducing the flow frequency of long-span staff and implementing remote construction subsidies for employees in remote areas. At the same time, in order to solve the problem of talent flow, four aspects of security measures are formulated. This paper hopes to provide theoretical and practical basis for other railway construction enterprises in China to deal with the problem of brain drain, and also hope to remind railway construction enterprises to adapt to the new changes of talent management in the new era and maintain the stability of talents. Key words: China Railway Enterprises, brain drain, talent retention 目录 V 目录 第一章 绪论 ............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景和意义 .......................................... 1 一、 研究背景 ........................................................... 1 二、 研究意义 ........................................................... 1 第二节 人才流失相关文献综述 .................................... 2 一、 企业人才流失问题研究回顾 ........................................... 2 二、 建筑行业企业人才流失问题研究综述 ................................... 5 三、 文献评述 ........................................................... 6 第三节 研究内容和方法 .......................................... 7 一、 研究内容 ........................................................... 7 二、 研究方法 ........................................................... 7 第四节 研究技术路线和创新点 .................................... 8 一、 研究技术路线 ....................................................... 9 二、 研究创新点 ........................................................ 10 第二章 相关概念及理论基础 .............................. 11 第一节 人才流失的相关概念 ..................................... 11 一、 人才的界定 ........................................................ 11 二、 人才流失的涵义 .................................................... 11 第二节 人才流失的理论基础 ..................................... 12 一、 工作满意