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I 摘要 门诊业务流程是医院运营管理过程中极为重要的环节之一,其运转效率直接影 响着患者的就医体验。移动互联技术的迅速发展和智能终端技术创新性的应用,使 医院门诊服务方式发生了巨大变革,从新技术的整体运行来看,虽然支付方式和就 诊效率有所改善,但在应用过程中还存在着一定的问题。本研究以H医院为研究对 象,综合运用多种研究方法,基于移动在线技术对门诊业务流程进行优化,达到提 高患者就诊效率,提升医院管理水平的目的。 首先,回顾了国内外移动互联技术在门诊业务流程方面的应用成果,明确了移 动在线技术、业务流程优化和医院门诊业务流程优化的概念。梳理了业务重组理论、 精益管理理论,为论文的研究提供了理论基矗 其次,通过对H医院门诊业务流程的现状进行调查分析,发现存在移动服务平 台使用率低,业务分工不明确、流程顺序不科学、非增值环节反复出现等问题,并 分析了产生以上问题的原因。 再次,根据流程中出现的问题利用移动在线技术设计了优化方案。功能方面接 入医保系统,引入3D导航技术和电子就诊卡功能,推进无纸化诊疗;流程方面将预 约、信息采集等环节进行了重排;取药流程中部分环节进行了合并;取消了无效的 排队过程和打印纸质单据环节;退费审核简化至线上,并增加了离院后续服务。优 化方案和原业务流程相比,不仅流程步骤减少了42%,还使服务功能更加全面和人 性化。 最后,制定了相关配套措施以保障优化方案的顺利实施。各部门的协同配合、 资源的优化配置为方案的实施提供了保障。对员工进行全方位培训,夯实信息技术 的基础性作用,加强宣传和引导可以使新技术真正落到实处,让患者享受快捷便利 的诊疗服务。 关键词:移动在线技术;门诊服务流程;优化; H医院 燕山大学工商管理硕士学位论文 II Abstract Outpatient business process is one of the most important links in the process of hospital operation and management, and its operational efficiency directly influences the patient's medical experience. With the rapid development of mobile interconnection technology and the innovative application of intelligent terminal technology, great changes have taken place in the way of outpatient service. Although the payment method and medical treatment efficiency have been improved, there are still some problems in the application process, according to the point of view of the overall operation of the new technology. This study takes H hospital as the research object, which comprehensively uses a variety of research methods and based on mobile online technology to optimize the outpatient business process, in order to improve the efficiency of patients and improve the level of hospital management. Firstly, it is clarified that the concepts of mobile online technology, business process optimization and hospital outpatient business process optimization by reviewing the application results of mobile interconnection technology in outpatient business process at home and abroad. It is combed that the business reorganization theory and lean management theory, which provides the corresponding theoretical basis for this paper. Secondly, it is found that there are some problems, such as low utilization rate of mobile service platform, unclear business division of labor, unscientific process sequence, repeated emergence of non-value-added links by the investigation and analysis of the present situation of outpatient business process in H hospital, and their causes are analyzed. Thirdly, this study uses the mobile on-line technology to design the optimization scheme according to the problems in the process: (1) In terms of function, paperless diagnosis and treatment has been promoted by accessing to medical insurance system with the introduction of 3D navigation technology and electronic medical card function; (2) In terms of process, it has been rearranged that appointments, information collection and Abstract III other links; (3) Some links has been merged in the process of drug collection; (4) It has been canceled that the invalid queuing process and the link of printing paper document; (5) Refunding audit has been simplified to the line, and out-of-hospital follow-up services has been increased. Comparing with the original business process, the optimized scheme not only reduces the process steps by 42%, but also makes the service function more comprehensive and humanized. Finally, the relevant supporting measures have been set up in this study, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the optimization scheme. It is also provided that the significant guarantee for the implementation of this scheme by the coordination of various departments and the optimal allocation of resources. The basic role of information technology is enhanced by comprehensive training of employees. And the new technology can be truly implemented by strengthening promotion and guidance. At last, the patient can enjoy the rapid and convenient diagnosis and treatment service. Keywords: mobile online technology; outpatient service process; optimization; H hospital 目 录 V 目 录 摘要 ........................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. II 第1章 绪 论 ........................................................................................................ - 1 - 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 .................................................................................. - 1 - 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................................................................ - 1 - 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................................................................ - 2 - 1.2 国内外研究现状 .......................................................................................... - 2 - 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ........................................................................................ - 2 - 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ........................................................................................ - 4 - 1.2.3 国内外研究述评 .................................................................................... - 5 - 1.3 研究内容与研究方法 .................................................................................. - 6 - 1.3.1 研究内容 ................................................................................................ - 6 - 1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................................................................ - 7 - 第2章 相关概念和理论基础 ................................................................................ - 9 - 2.1 相关概念界定 .............................................................................................. - 9 - 2.1.1移动在线技术 ......................................................................................... - 9 - 2.1.2业务流程优化 ......................................................................................... - 9 - 2.1.3 医院门诊业务流程优化 ........................................................................ - 9 - 2.2 业务流程重组理论 .................................................................................... - 10 - 2.2.1 业务流程重组的原则 .......................................................................... - 10 - 2.2.2 业务流程优化的实施步骤 .................................................................. - 11 - 2.3 精益管理理论 ............................................................................................ - 12 - 2.4本章小结 ..................................................................................................... - 13 - 第3章 H医院门诊业务流程现状及问题 .......................................................... - 14 - 3.1 H医院简介 ................................................................................................. - 14 - 3.2 H医院门诊业务流程现状 ......................................................................... - 14 - 3.2.1 门诊量及就诊时间现状 ...................................................................... - 14 - 3.2.2 门诊业务流程现状 .............................................................................. - 16 - 3.2.3 门诊业务移动服务平台应用现状 .......................