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:2018年11月,国务院通过了《关于学前教育深化改革规范发 展的若干意见》,意见指出,要提高幼儿园教师队伍质量、加强幼儿 园质量监管。另外,随着衡阳市亚竹幼儿园的不断发展,办学规模的 不断扩大,幼儿园教师的数量和结构也不断发生变化。为保证提高幼 儿保育和教学质量,促进幼儿教育的发展,笔者尝试以衡阳市亚竹幼 儿教师绩效考核作为研究方向。但是,学术界对于幼儿园教师绩效考 核的理论研究处于初期阶段,幼儿园对于绩效考核的实施方案还处于 探索阶段。因此,亟待更完善的幼儿园教师绩效考核理论去佐证其实 施的影响和效果。 本文借鉴以前教师绩效考核相关的研究成果,结合幼儿园的实际 情况,从绩效考核理论的阐释出发,运用KPI法对衡阳市亚竹幼儿园 的教师绩效考核现状进行了研究,并借此挖掘在考核中出现的问题以 及分析其产生的原因。阐明基于KPI方法的衡阳市亚竹幼儿园教师绩 效考核的必要性,明确了基于KPI法绩效考核设计的基本原则和思 路,通过确立幼儿园的战略发展目标,对幼儿园教师的岗位职责进行 分析,确定了幼儿园教师绩效考核的关键指标、指标标准及指标权重。 为了建立合理规范的教师绩效考核方案,本文从建立合理的绩效考核 组织架构、树立“以人为本”的绩效管理理念、构建合理的绩效考核制 度、建立完善的绩效考核监督机制四个方面对方案实施予以保障。 本文基于KPI法对幼儿园教师的绩效考核进行深入研究,可以发 II 现,KPI法能进一步帮助幼儿园提炼出有关于教师绩效考核关键因 子,进而提升幼儿园的管理水平,达到事半功倍的效果。同时,也为 幼儿园未来打造一支师德优、业务精、活力强、爱岗敬业的高素质教 师提供一定的建设性意见。最后,希望能给将来同领域的理论研究提 供一些参考价值和经验借鉴。 关键词:衡阳市亚竹幼儿园;教师;绩效考核;KPI IV Abstract: In November 2018,the state department approved About several suggestions on normative development of deep reform of infant school education, and suggestions pointed out that quality of kindergarten teachers group should be improved. Besides, With the continuous development of Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten as well as the continuous enlargement of school size, the number and structure of kindergarten teachers are also changing constantly to make sure and improve child care and teaching quality as well as promote the development of early childhood education, so the author attempts to take the Hengyang Yazhu kindergarten teachers' performance evaluation as the research direction. However, the theoretical study of kindergarten teachers' performance evaluation is in the initial stage in academic circle, and the implementation plan for kindergarten performance evaluation is still in the exploratory stage. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the kindergarten teachers' performance evaluation theory to prove its impact and effect. Learning lessons of previous research results relevant with teacher performance evaluation and combining the real situation of the kindergarten, the paper starts from the explanation of performance evaluation theory and makes the research on present situation of evaluation of teacher performance of Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten with the use of KPI method , and then excavates the problems in the appraisal and analyzes the causes. Explain the necessity of teacher performance Design and Application of Performance Assessment System for Teachers in Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten based on KPI He Shuai (Master of Business Administration) Directed by Professor Zhou Xiaodong V evaluation of Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten based on KPI method and make clear the basic principles and ideas based on the KPI performance evaluation design of Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten and analyse the position statement of the teachers in Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten by establishing strategic development goals of Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten to confirm key index and index weight of teacher performance evaluation of Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten; Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten guarantees the program implementation from four aspects of building a reasonable performance evaluation organizational structure, establishing the concept of performance management of “people oriented”, constructing a reasonable performance evaluation system and building a perfect supervision mechanism of performance evaluation and establishes a reasonable and normative teacher performance evaluation program. Based on the KPI method, this paper makes an in-depth study on the performance appraisal of kindergarten teachers. It can be found that the KPI method can further help the kindergarten extract the key factors of teacher performance appraisal. This can improve the management level of the kindergarten to achieve certain results. At the same time, it also provides some constructive suggestions for the kindergarten to build a high-quality teacher with excellent ethics, excellent business, strong energy and dedication in the future. Finally, the author also hopes to VI provide some reference value and experience for the theoretical research in the same field. Keywords: Hengyang Yazhu Kindergarten; teacher; performance evaluation; KPI VIII 目 录 摘要.....................................................I ABSTRACT................................................IV 第1章 绪论.............................................1 1.1 研究背景...........................................1 1.2 研究意义..........................................1 1.2.1 理论意义.......................................2 1.2.2 实践意义........................................2 1.3 国内外研究现状综述................................2 1.4 研究方法..........................................4 1.5 研究重难点........................................4 1.6 研究内容与框架....................................4 第2章 相关理论基础.....................................7 2.1 绩效考核的内涵....................................7 2.1.1 绩效考核的概念.................................7 2.1.2 绩效考核的内容.................................7 2.2 绩效考核体系的内涵................................8 2.3 绩效考核的流程....................................8 2.3.1 绩效计划.......................................8 2.3.2 绩效实施与管理.................................9 2.3.3 绩效评估.......................................9 IX 2.3.4 绩效反馈面谈...................................9 2.3.5 绩效结果应用...................................9 2.4 KPI的内涵........................................10 2.4.1 KPI的含义....................................10 2.4.2 KPI的衡量原则................................10 2.5 基于KPI教师绩效考核设计方法.....................11 第3章 衡阳市亚竹幼儿园概况及教师绩效考核现状分析.......15 3.1 幼儿园概况.......................................15 3.1.1 基本情况......................................15 3.1.2 组织机构设置..................................15 3.1.3 人力资源现状..................................16 3.2 教师绩效考核的现状分析............................17 3.2.1 问卷设计......................................17 3.2.3 教师绩效考核的内容和方法......................23 考核内容....................................23 考核方法....................................23 3.2.4 考核主体......................................23 3.2.5 考核结果应用..................................24 3.3 教师绩效考核存在的问题...........................24 3.3.1 绩效考核指导思想不清晰........................24 3.3.2 考核方法欠周全................................25 3.3.3 绩效实施与管理不到位..........................25 X 3.3.4 绩效考核制度不健全............................26 第4章 基于KPI的衡阳市亚竹幼儿园教师绩效考核体系设计..29 4.1 基于KPI亚竹幼儿园教师绩效考核体系的设计必要性..29 4.1.1 确定幼儿园战略发展目标........................29 4.1.2 完善绩效内容和绩效标准........................29 4.1.3 优化绩效周期和绩效反馈环节....................29 4.1.4 加强绩效结果应用和绩效改进....................30 4.2 基于KPI亚竹幼儿园教师绩效考核体系的设计思路.....30 4.2.1 遵循的原则....................................30 4.2.2 指导思想......................................31 4.3 基于KPI亚竹幼儿园教师绩效考核指标的设计.........32 4.3.1 基于KPI教师绩效考核设计的目标.................32 4.3.3 完善工作岗位说明书............................33 4.3.4 确定教师绩效考核指标的方案....................33 4.4 确定KPI标准的思路..............